Friday, June 29, 2012


HAPPY Friday,

Why do we always look to others to figure out how we should be? I’m not able to think of any one person that I could look at and say, “That’s who I want to be”. There are characteristics that some people have that would be nice to have. Like, my circle is so real when it comes to that money. They are good with saving, making more of it, and spending it wisely. It blows me away. I want to be better and because of their influence, I am better. Do I think I will ever be on my money game like them? No. I’m not about that life but I know this. Then there are things about me that they can appreciate but they will never have. The point is that we are cool with who we are. Where we lack there is someone else that can provide insight. It’s those special talents that make us who we are. When I was little, I was my momma’s “Baby” and she wanted me to have a better life than she had. To my granny I was her “little piece of warm toast” (Miss E). My Grandpa believed I was gold and that’s how he treated me. I basically could do no wrong (I think it’s because I made him laugh). Growing up I always felt special. THEN, the big bad world came along and rip me a new one. I had no idea who I was outside my family unit. Then you are in college and you are a social security number. I wasn’t even Erica anymore…… Really? On the outside, I was the same person but internally I was half a person. The world will present certain things that it feels you need to have in order to be….. A person. Yes….a person. I felt as if that was going to be toooo much work to be someone else when I could just be me. Who I was, needed to be worked on but it seemed easier than being a completely new person. As I was finding my way, I had to learn to ignore society. I liked being me and most times that did not jive with my surroundings. Oh well. What I learned is that even if I do me I’m still well received. No matter what the look is, the current fad, or stream of thought I can still be me. There is something in you that makes you the person that you are supposed to be. I believe everyone has a purpose and once you find it a calm comes over you. Do I know what I’m will potentially be… What I do know is that right now part of my purpose is to speak positivity into our world. I’m cool with that and anything else that happens I’m sure that I am being prepared for that also. Let’s stop trying to be something we are not. The road to true freedom lies within self-realization. If you are being something that feels forced and not soul soothing then stop. It’s hard to explain but when I accept me for who I am, how I am and work on the things that could be better I feel an eternal relief. So, I guess let the things you do like about yourself outweigh the things that you may not like so much. The world is better because you are YOU and not some make believe person.

Embrace the wonderful person you are right now…..

AND remember why would you want to be a copy of the copy when you are the original? (RIP…. Jelani)



Thursday, June 28, 2012

I ain't afraid of no ghost!

Good morning,

Yesterday I was reading a blog that I subscribe to and the topic was “5 Things that Scare the Hell OUT of EVERY MAN…ever.” Now nothing that was said here was really new until I got to the last point. The last apprehension that men seem to have is the fear of “Relationship/Marriage. I know you are thinking, “Really? Really Erica? It wasn’t so much the actual fear that I found interesting it was the fear of failure in relationships/marriage that peaked my interest. I always thought if there were a fear, it would be not being able to give up all of the women.  This fear of failure was sort of a surprise. I began to think…. Why do we look at certain things and think about failing before we even start? Is it because we see others and think that it can happen to us? Well people get into car wrecks but that doesn’t stop us from hopping in to go where we want. People get hurt in ski accidents but there are people that go to Aspen every year. Houses burn down but people continuously feel a strong desire to buy them. Anything that is “bad” can happen but you are inviting that in by thinking/meditating on it before it even happens. Terri Cole makes an excellent point by saying, “Fear of failure has one thing in common with all of our other fears: It is a feeling and not a fact”. Honestly, fears are something that “COULD” happen. It hasn’t happened yet. Even if it has happened before it doesn’t mean it will happen again. Hopefully a lesson was learned and now you will be better prepared the second time around. Also, STOP looking at other people. They are not you. The situation will not play out the same so you really can’t use their situation as step-by-step guide.  Get out of your feelings, prepare best you can, pay attention, and go after what you want. Fear may keep you safe from “potential” hurt but it will never allow you to be completely happy.

I hope that we all take the initiative to step out and reach for the things that we truly desire.

AND remember fear ends where Faith begins……



Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Good morning,

The promise of a better life will only go to those step out and seek better for themselves. There really is no more to this. If you want it then you have to go get it. Letting go of negativity can be difficult but when you begin to focus on you happy it makes it easier to let go. I remember Nancy telling me that I needed to let go. I wanted to know how and she said, “Just do it”. I was like, “Really? Really Nancy?” I was waiting for step one and there wasn’t one. I realized (later) that I had to focus on what I wanted and go get that. When you have a plan, it will need your attention and holding on to negativity makes reaching that goal more difficult. Submerge yourself into creating the life that you desire to live. I think this sounds so easy to me because I have been doing it for so long now. If I want shoes then I research, save money, go try them on, and then buy them. That is how your life should be. You want to be happy? Well research the type of happy you want (positive people, house, car, job, relationship), save the money or information, talk to people that share similar views, and keep moving towards the goal. With every step you take, it moves you closer to where you want to be. Keep your desire strong. Let it outweigh any obstacle that will get in your way and you will be fine. Don’t be afraid. You are so much stronger than you know. Look at all of the healing that has happened in your life thus far. I was thinking this morning about the things that I desire and with a few of them, I heard myself saying aloud my fears about that particular goal. Then I immediately say to myself,

“Why are you afraid? Have you not been healed from other not so great situations?
I reply, “Yes I have”.  
“Then why are you afraid”
“I don’t know”
“Then don’t be. You will always be ok”
“You are right. Let’s make these desires a reality”
“Let’s go get it!”

I know it sounds crazy but this is how I keep my head on straight. This is how I can move from unhappy to happy and beyond. This is how I can write to you every day with the hopes that I sprinkle sunshine on your day. I do these things because when I want something I make it happen. That’s what I want for you. So, go get it!

Make a “Happy plan” today. Live life the way you want and not how anyone else wants you to live it. Buy your own shoes….lol

AND remember believe in your dreams and they may come true. Believe in yourself and they will come true.



Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Good afternoon,

Thinking, Thinking, and more thinking…..So many conversations today.

I was speaking with someone last week and I briefly wrote about what we talked about in an e-mail. I agree that what we put out is what we get back. When we hold on to our negative past, we are basically putting out there that we like negativity in our lives. I’m sure that you are saying that Erica has gone too far but when you really think about if you do not like negativity then why are you still holding on to it? Ah Ha! Are you afraid? If so, ask yourself what are you afraid of? If you let the negative go, you will be lost? Well that’s when you start searching for what makes you happy. See letting go can be hard but once you have put your focus into something positive it doesn’t leave much room for anything negative. Make up your mind today how you want to leave then go make it happen!

We are all destined for greatness so get out of your own way!

AND remember every time you allow yourself to hold on to the negativity you are really saying, “I don’t like me”……



Monday, June 25, 2012

I'm lovin' it...........

Good morning,

I had a wonderful weekend. Despite all of the anxiety and worry, it all came together. Once I was talked off the ledge, it made everything better. I even got a chance to continue my work on “How to shut up”….lol. There is nothing like family. I love them unconditionally and they feel the same way about me. I am sooooooo blessed. Then when I got home my Houston family shows me love. I am sooooo lucky and I take time to appreciate all of the love I have. Their love makes me stronger. I feel like I can Thelma and Louise off any cliff and that I will never hit the ground. I think we should all submerge ourselves in the love that is around us. Let the love surround you like a warm blanket. Then when you are feeling all warm and fuzzy share that feeling with others. Love is stronger than any negative experience and can heal any pain that we can ever have. It’s like a boomerang. The more you put out the more you get back! Let your love shine today!!!!!!

AND remember love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in that recognition.



Friday, June 22, 2012


Good morning,

So, this morning I found myself frustrated and slightly defeated. I think I’m mostly frustrated because I do not know what to do next. I immediately went into fix mode but it just got worse as the minutes passed by. I had to step away. I know in order to get the task done I have to take my hurt feelings out of it. I have put on some Maxwell to soothe my soul and I will tackle the obstacle in a few. How I am feeling at this moment does not line up with how I desire to be every day. I have started some meditation and I know that in a few I will be calm and able to finish what I started this morning. I am telling you this because with any obstacle or trial there are times that you must step away. Take a moment to collect yourself so that you will be able to make the best decisions for you. What we shouldn’t do is make decisions with hurt feelings. Negative feelings create negative thoughts, which in turn have you making not so great decisions. Stepping away doesn’t mean that you have failed. It’s just knowing that in order to accomplish the desired goal you have to get your mind right first. Things always have a way of working themselves out we just have to make sure that we are in the right mindset to receive the new information.

Let’s not let life situations push us off the happy train. We are so much stronger than any obstacle.

AND remember positive thinking invites the right opportunities……



Thursday, June 21, 2012

To whom it may concern....

Awesome morning to you…..

So yesterday, I had a couple of people ask me if I was ok because of yesterday’s message. I am good…. Actually super. When I send these messages, it’s not always about me. There are times that things happen to other people and I am just privy to what happened. Yesterday’s message actually came about because several situations were presented to me and they all were about the same subject. If you know me when the same thing happens 3 times, I am on high alert. The situation has my full attention. I decided to speak about it because there is no telling how many other people may have needed to hear that message. So, I thought I would share how I felt about the situation. That’s why at the end I said this might not be for you. I know there are times that my messages are sent to other people. That is my desire for this blog. I want people to be able to get/share a positive word. There are some people that feel like they are alone. What they do not understand is that you are not the only person that is going through that situation. You are not the only person that has gone through it. You don’t know how many people reach out to me to ask me about divorce. They know that I have been through it and they want to know how to find their happy or just want talk about it without it turning into a “Let’s bash him fest”. In turn after these conversations, I want to share the positive message to you because I honestly do not know what everyone is going through. I never know whom I may encourage with my words but I at least want to put the positive message out in the universe to be obtained. I also understand that my trials/storms are not always just for me. I have been trusted with the ability to go through things and come out on the other end stronger. Someone has to be able to give a testimony and it seems that I am that person. I appreciate the people reaching out to me to make sure I am doing well. It makes feel really loved. If I was going through something just knowing that you care allows me to get through the storm easier than I would if I was alone. Thank you.

I believe life is supposed to be about Happiness and Joy. I am not able to be completely happy when others are not in a happy state of mind. Life is always better when we can all share our happy. I am not afraid to share my happy. As a matter of fact, I often find myself sending happy to random people on random days. It makes me feel good to make other people smile.  I can only hope that you do the same……. J

Have a super awesome day and know that someone is always looking out for you.

AND remember sharing happy doesn’t mean that you are giving it up….. it’s like a boomerang, it comes right back to you!



Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Good morning,

I’m in serious thinking mode right now. I have sooooo many thoughts swirling around in my head it’s starting to make me dizzy….lol. One of the things that I want to express is that when there is heartbreak it’s a process to get back to you. It doesn’t happen overnight. Please know that even when it feels like you are not moving you really are. As long as you have the mindset to move you will move. There will be thoughts of why but you have to keep pressing forward. This is why I always say make a plan. If you have something to do, it keeps you from sitting around in a pool of pity. We are not able to change people but we can be better to ourselves. When you are good to you then you can see how things really are around you. In any relationship how the other person treats you should just be icing on the cake. Their love, affection, interaction should always be “extra”. We should never live solely on someone else’s love. This is a sure way to deplete their love and when it’s gone, we are left with the memories of how it use to be. We become thirsty for it. This allows people to treat you any way they want and you stick around because you are living on a memory of what USE to be. Let’s be good to ourselves so that we can fully appreciate the blessings that are ahead. For now, continue to push forward. Stay focused on your happy.

I know this message will not be for everyone but you still may be able to use it to help someone else.

Lots of LOVE!

AND remember winning is not just in the finish….. You are winner when you take that first step.



Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Good morning,

I have been so deep in thought this morning……..

How do I want my life to be? What will make me happy? What keeps me in a calm state of mind?

I have a strong desire to be happy all the time. I am human so I understand that I will have moments that will not be so great. It’s cool because I also understand that it’s just a moment and knowing that allows my happiness to stay intact. I know that the more that I worry and focus on the negative that will manifest itself in my life. I have the choice on how I want to live my life. I choose happy, good Juju, and manifesting all positivity into my life. I am not able to change you. I can spread my joy and what works for me but it’s up to you how you will feel and how you will live. I am going to live a peaceful life. I will continue to work on constantly creating my own form of happiness. I was talking to someone last night and the discussion reaffirmed everything I feel about how I want to live my life. You put out negative thoughts, vibes, actions then you will receive negativity in your life. When you exude positivity, you become like a magnet for all things positive. Appreciate every little thing that happens. Over time, the positivity will change you. I have been changed. The things you use to do will no longer feed your soul. My need to cuss someone out if they cross me is not as important as it once was. It was difficult to let go because there has always been a need to set someone straight when it comes to Erica. Now I’m finding out that instead of words my actions are more powerful. I’m finally learning how to shut up (sorta…lol). Anywhooooo, this conversation also made me realize that those times that I have that “Full” feeling it’s just my body radiating my positivity out onto my world. I see it as a call that says, "I’m open for all positivity to come my way". I am open to the understanding that it is MY VIEW on life that makes it what it. No one else. Anything can happen but it’s up to me to change the situation. This is not easy and will require constant work but the prize of happy/calm at the end is worth the battle.

I can only hope that at the beginning of every day we all make the choice to live happier and be better.

AND remember it’s hard to see the good, when you are only looking for the bad…..



Monday, June 18, 2012

Decision Time!

Great Morning!

It’s Monday again and it’s a wonderful morning! I hope that we are up and appreciating the fact that we have life. Close your eyes take a deep breath and release all negative feelings and energy. Negative is not how we want to start the day. Every morning when your eyes open, you should decide what type of day that you are going to have. I woke up late (for me anyway) this morning but before my feet hit the floor my thoughts were, “It’s ok the day is still going to be great”. My goal everyday is to have a great day. I mean really your attitude and the way that you approach things will determine how your life will be. I know people who have a pretty good life but they are not able to appreciate it because their negativity lives in front of every blessing. They receive a blessing and they are still, “Yeah that’s cool but……” But what? You are blessed! Live in it. Appreciate it! Wrap the feel good of that blessing around you. Allow that blessing to make you happy so that other blessings see you and want to be around. Everyone and everything wants to be appreciated and it if it’s not it will go away. It’s up to us to make our days great. When you are already having a great day and people see it a majority of the time they want to contribute. Let’s not waste our wonderful lives on the not so great side of life. It will ALWAYS be there. If you want to be happy then be happy. Manifest awesome things in your life. You have control over you!

Today take some time to appreciate your life. Bring a smile to your own face with the realization of how blessed your are!

AND remember sometimes life has to be turned upside down so that we can live right side up! Stay positive!



Friday, June 15, 2012

Release yourself

Good morning,

I was thinking this morning. Why is it that we will hold on to what someone used to do and not take into account that they are no longer doing it? I mean we will give someone all the potential in the world but it is up to that other person to actually do it. Then we find ourselves saying, “Well he/she use to do such and such and that’s why I like them”. Well we should notice what is being said….. “I like them because of what they use to do”. That is what that first sentence said. The relationship is surviving off memories. Really? Is that all we desire to have is memories? Why is it not our naturally reaction to say, “Hey things are not the same let’s re-evaluate what we have here”?  If things do not change or continue to go downhill, why don’t we make plans to move? Do we not want better? Do we not feel that we deserve better? I will tell you what it is…. It’s HOPE. We hope that the other person will change. We hope that they will go back to how it was in the beginning. We hope that they will be able to see how much we love them. Well sometimes, they are just not able to see it. There are times that you will not be able to see how good you really have it until it’s gone. We all know that you can’t change people but you can change you. We have to figure out what we want and how we want to be treated. If that is not happening then a discussion needs to happen. It shouldn’t be hostile and should be more of a “let’s check-in to see what’s going on” type of situation. When people have internal things going on it reflects itself in their daily patterns. First thought should always be to repair. If we are beyond the point of repair then it’s time to move on and repair ourselves. We can be single and hold on to the wonderful memories. It’s pretty much the same thing anyway. We were not getting what we need in that relationship and now as a single person we are not getting it either. The difference is that as a single person there are new opportunities to get what’s desired and more! I will always be a hopeful romantic. I enjoy LOVE and how it makes me feel. The more love I receive the more I want to give back. I love to see love in others and when I am the person that makes them feel that way it makes me feel SUPER!!!! With that being said, I know I will not live with anything less than I deserve. I don’t think anyone should. Let’s not hold on to things that do not exist anymore. This also goes for negative memories. You are not in those circumstances anymore so it’s ok to let it go. You are free to experience better!

Today smile more, love harder, and laugh louder….LIFE IS GREAT!

AND remember don’t expect to find the right person if you are not willing to let the wrong one go……..



Thursday, June 14, 2012


Good afternoon,

So, I was reading my daily devotional and the first sentence said, “It is not circumstances that need altering first, but yourselves, and then the conditions will naturally alter.” DING, DING, DING!!!!!!! When I changed me, my situation changed. Really, your outlook life will determine how your life will be. If you see everything in a negative light then guess what? You will view life as not being great and it will not be great. Now this seems so easy but there are so many people that can’t seem to get past some negative situation that happened and they keep reliving it over and over. Eventually that seeps into the other parts of your life and before you know it, everything is viewed as bad. Every negative in my life I know is just a temporary thing. I just have to keep pushing and smiling in the midst of it all and I will get through. Heck I have gotten through. Really, that’s the whole point of these e-mails. I speak to reinforce to you (and me) that you can get through anything. Stay focused and the sky is the limit. The only thing that holds you back from a great life is you. It’s not the circumstances, people, or bad luck. It’s you. I like to think of negativity like that alien that came down and wrapped itself around Spiderman. After a while, it begins to change him into this evil person. That is what negativity does when we hold on to it. It gets into our skin and changes us into unhappy people. When something unsavory happens in our lives, it’s natural to have negative feelings. The part than contaminates is when we HOLD ON to the situation. Make up your mind what you want and then work on that. For every negative thought we must say 2 positive things that we have going on in our lives. We have them. Saying these things aloud helps us get back on track. Happy is always waiting…….


AND remember in order to get ahead always focus on where you are going and not where you have been….



Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Great morning!

So, last night I was watching the game and this commercial came on and said, "You win from within". I was thinking that went right along with what I was saying yesterday. When you encourage yourself you build a confidence from within. Once that confidence is built the "know" manifests itself. I know I can do it. Do what? I don't know but I know I can do it. I was telling someone today that I have never used a sewing machine before but yet I keep talking about how I'm going to create all of these things. The funny part is that everyone co-signs what I'm saying knowing that I have never used a sewing machine. What these people know is that I believe I can do it and so therefore, we all know that there will be creations by Erica to come. It doesn't matter what you do if you don't believe in you no one else will believe in you. It's as simple as that. I’m already a winner because I said so. My first dress can look like crap but you know what…That will not stop me from trying again. I AM A WINNER! I was telling someone this morning that one of my first cakes almost choked someone it was so dry. I just did more research and tried different things and POW now I'm winning. I do not know anyone that wakes up and are the best at whatever they want to do. The work has to be put in so that the desire goal can be achieved. The hardest part is convincing yourself that you are a winner before you even start. If you go in with a winning attitude then you will put forth your best work.

Today let’s begin telling ourselves that we are already winners then let’s go get it!

AND remember the difference between winners and losers is simple… believe they have already won.



Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Encourage yourself!

Good morning!!!!!!!

Yesterday my cousin sent me a song, “Encourage Yourself” by Donald Lawrence and the Tri-City Singers. While listening to it I was encouraged to write to you. I can send you an e-mail every day with the most powerful words but until you apply or speak them over yourself, they don’t really mean anything. We have to encourage ourselves. I am just a back-up support for you. I should only be REINFORCING what you are already telling yourself. Life and death lies in the power of your tongue so you have the power to speak positivity into your own life. Stop second-guessing yourself thinking that you don’t know what to do. You have an instinct. Follow-up on that instinct and then believe in you! Don’t get upset if you spoke negativity into your hopes and dreams. YOU put them down for the count. Even if you are afraid just encourage yourself to work on a piece of the goal. When you are finished with that piece move on to the next and before you know it, you will have accomplished the entire goal. Also, please stop worrying what other people think. They will think what you put out. If you seem fragile and unsure, that is what they will think. I put out happy so…… people think I’m happy all of the time. Some believe that I don’t even have not so great days. This is not true. I have bad days but I KNOW that it shall pass I just have to encourage Erica to stay strong and it will be ok. Just because I know that it will be ok, it doesn’t mean that there is no pain. It doesn’t mean that I won’t cry. It just means that I need to hang on because that hurt is just GOD burning off the old so that I can shine new. Let self-encouragement fill you up and push through anything! It may seem hard at first but practice makes perfect. Don’t wait for someone to co-sign you…… You just show up and show out and people will believe. The worst thing you can do to me is to tell me what I can’t do. I know Erica. I have taken the time to get to know the good and bad about this woman. Therefore, I will waste no time showing you that not only will I do it I will put some stank on it! I have already encouraged myself in doing the task. My family and friends are co-signing a finished and notarized encouragement.

You want to know what I say to myself?

During my trials, I say…. “I know you are hurt and things are not looking good but it’s ok…. You still have your current blessings and this is just a rough patch….not the end. You have been through bigger storms and you are still standing tall. Has GOD ever let you fall? No….so, why would he now? MAN UP! GOD has your back and so do your family and friends. You can get through this as you have gotten through everything else. You are more than a conqueror. Crying is not bad it’s just weakness leaving the body so when you are done let’s get prepared for this upcoming blessing. I love you and with Faith we will always be good.”

What do you say to you?

Let’s get into positive speaking. Let’s speak crazy positivity into every portion of our lives.

AND remember whom better to speak encouragement to you than the person that knows you the best….. YOU!




Monday, June 11, 2012

Inner peace

Good morning,

How often do you find yourself in a peaceful space? I mean is there a time where you are just calm and relaxed. With all of the perceived negative things that surround us in the world I can see how there is the option stay tense. We place these goals and expectations on ourselves and we stress ourselves out attempting to reach them. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t have goals. I’m saying that we shouldn’t run ourselves into the ground before we can enjoy the fruits of our labor. I just want to be in a peaceful place in order for things to run smoothly. I honestly have a hard time focusing when I am stressed out. I have too many thoughts swirling around in my head and it makes it difficult to catch just one. This is why I attempt to use every technique to keep myself in a peaceful state of mind. I have found that the more at peace I am the easier it is to get through the trials in my life. I believe peace comes from Faith. The more Faith that you have the more at peace you will be. I say this because with Faith brings a “knowing” that everything will be fine. Even though we are human and we will have human reactions we must quickly turn to our Faith, which will place us in a peaceful state of mind. In this peaceful state, we will be able to see the options we have and it will enable us to create a plan.  Faith will create peace and will allow us to enjoy the journey of life.

Let’s build on Faith to create more peace in our lives…….

AND remember if you do not desire fear, worries, or restlessness, then stop inviting them into your mind.



Friday, June 8, 2012


It’s Friday!!!!!!!!!!!

We made it through another week. I hope we all feel good about this. No matter what is going on in our lives we have pushed through. It should be enough motivation for us to feel like we can do it all over again next week. Happy in the midst of it all is the motto. We should print the words that encourage us and hang them where we can see them on a daily basis. I believe we need daily reminders so that we can stay the course. I hope that this Friday is super easy and you are able to enjoy the day.

AND remember when you calm your insides things on the outside will follow…...



Thursday, June 7, 2012

*Singing* I Got Muscle..............

Good morning,

I was driving to work and while waiting for the light to change I saw a bug that looks very similar to a ladybug sitting on the hood of my car. It was orange with spots. It was crawling around and I thought, “Poor bug…. It’s going to catch a fade when this car starts moving again”. When I begin to pull off the bug stopped crawling and as I sped up it sorta crouched down. I mean I’m on the highway and this little bug is holding on. I thought if this bug could hold on during this rough ride then why can’t we? I know that we are human and that panic is a natural first reaction but why isn’t the second reaction to crouch down and hold on while going through the storm of life. We have to learn that a storm will be here for a moment and we can get through it if we focus on staying strong. Let’s look forward to the breakthrough that is to come. Yesterday I was like that little bug…… I wasn’t feeling too good so I was excited about going home. It took extra long for me to get home. I swear that EVERYBODY went to work yesterday…lol. It was almost an hour for me to get home. Ummmmm, did I say it was hot? I get home just to find out that the bar to my back door has fallen and the deadbolt is on the front door. I get to the office before they close and they call maintenance. It took another hour for him to get there. During this time I feel like I’m about to cry. It’s hot and I just want to get in the house and lay down. He finally comes and lets me in. I get in shower and have a BIG glass of water. The first thing I think to myself is, “Thank you GOD”. I had to endure the waiting and the heat but I made it and now I am so happy. Thank you. I knew that eventually I would get to where I wanted to be I just had to be patient, which was hard. Like that little bug, I just held on because I knew that it would be ok and that’s what we should do with every trial/storm in our lives.

I hope that today you have a wonderful day.

AND remember GOD gives the toughest battles to HIS strongest soldiers……  



Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Shake 'em!

Super morning,

Ya know…….. Just when things are running semi smoothly, something always changes. It is at this point that you have a decision to make. Are you going to adjust or let it take you down? I decided to adjust. It wasn’t that big of a deal but it was not expected. That’s life. Can you adjust quickly to the change? It’s like playing football. You run a play but depending on the other team’s reaction, you will have to adjust quickly. That’s how you achieve any goal. You just have to keep pushing to get there. Until the clock runs out, we have to keep trying plays and adjusting to whatever comes our way. (Btw, I can’t wait until Football season) We are built to be conquerors not failures….. Please understand that as long as we keep trying we will never fail.

Let’s look every storm/trial in the eye and tell it that you are coming…… Be calm, be flexible, and adjust to anything that comes your way. Victory is ahead!

AND remember a setback is just a setup for your comeback!



Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Good morning!!!!

Have you ever needed to go to the bathroom but there was not one around? When you finally do get to a bathroom, the relief you feel when you are done is super awesome…… That relief you feel is how I am feeling today. I’m just so calm. I am taking deep breathes because it feels so good. The message that I shared with you yesterday has really placed me in a different mindset. I am so happy to be back focused on my happy. Now I’m not saying that everything is peaches and cream but I am happy in the midst of it all. Life will always be a work in progress so we need to be happy during the journey. We have to keep reminding ourselves that storms have to happen. They are there to wash away things we don’t need. Just keep reminding yourself that this storm is temporary and not life will always be. There are bigger and better things ahead and we need to stay the course to get them.  Let’s not let our fears outweigh our Faith. Only a little Faith is needed to make a change so believe and it will happen.

I hope we all are able to find the happy through any situation.

AND remember happy is as happy does!!!!!! So, let’s get to it!



Monday, June 4, 2012

Let it burn.....

Good morning!

This weekend I attended a life studies class and it was just what I needed. The title of the lesson was “Transformation: The role that trials play in the process”. This lesson just reinforced what I have been saying all along but it was said so much better. There is a cycle that we go through. The cycle goes as follows: Resurrection, Sufferings, and Death. Resurrection is to start anew. Sufferings are when we battle with our lives. Death is the letting go of something so that we can start a new life.  We will all have seasons of suffering but that’s not the time to throw in the towel. We should rejoice during our trials because it is during that time that GOD is shining his light on our darkness. The life studies instructor explained how the Spirit presented itself as fire and that it is that fire that burns internally. He said that’s why we hurt when we are going through a storm. It is burning away the old so that we can live in the new. We start anew in a situation and no matter the situation, there will be some sort of suffering. The great thing is that whatever that suffering is will have a death so that you can start anew again. It doesn’t mean that we have to leave the situation it just means that trial will be burned away. SO, during our trials we should rejoice in the blessings we still have and in knowing that whatever we are going through will eventually have a death. GOD only wants what’s best for us but that’s doesn’t mean that we will not have any trials. The AWESOME thing is that HE loves us enough to not let us stay that way. J

So today, look at your trials and smile because you know that the burn you feel is a sign that your resurrection is near!

AND remember just because a day is terrible it doesn’t mean that tomorrow won’t be the best day of your life….. You just have to stay strong and get there…….



Friday, June 1, 2012

That's it?

Good morning,

You know when you are a positive person you never know how that positivity will affect someone else’s life. What you need may not necessarily be what someone else needs. What you have to offer may not seem like anything to you but could mean the world to someone else. Giving does not always have to be something big. The desire that one has to want to help is the first step in making a difference in someone’s life. The next step is knowing the needs of that other person. Again what you are able to provide may not mean much to you but could mean so much more to the person that you are helping. Never think that what you are doing is not enough. Every effort is movement towards better. Let’s continue to have hearts that want to see better for everyone.

Sharing is caring…. So help where you can.

AND remember a leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way……..