Monday, June 4, 2012

Let it burn.....

Good morning!

This weekend I attended a life studies class and it was just what I needed. The title of the lesson was “Transformation: The role that trials play in the process”. This lesson just reinforced what I have been saying all along but it was said so much better. There is a cycle that we go through. The cycle goes as follows: Resurrection, Sufferings, and Death. Resurrection is to start anew. Sufferings are when we battle with our lives. Death is the letting go of something so that we can start a new life.  We will all have seasons of suffering but that’s not the time to throw in the towel. We should rejoice during our trials because it is during that time that GOD is shining his light on our darkness. The life studies instructor explained how the Spirit presented itself as fire and that it is that fire that burns internally. He said that’s why we hurt when we are going through a storm. It is burning away the old so that we can live in the new. We start anew in a situation and no matter the situation, there will be some sort of suffering. The great thing is that whatever that suffering is will have a death so that you can start anew again. It doesn’t mean that we have to leave the situation it just means that trial will be burned away. SO, during our trials we should rejoice in the blessings we still have and in knowing that whatever we are going through will eventually have a death. GOD only wants what’s best for us but that’s doesn’t mean that we will not have any trials. The AWESOME thing is that HE loves us enough to not let us stay that way. J

So today, look at your trials and smile because you know that the burn you feel is a sign that your resurrection is near!

AND remember just because a day is terrible it doesn’t mean that tomorrow won’t be the best day of your life….. You just have to stay strong and get there…….



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