Friday, June 22, 2012


Good morning,

So, this morning I found myself frustrated and slightly defeated. I think I’m mostly frustrated because I do not know what to do next. I immediately went into fix mode but it just got worse as the minutes passed by. I had to step away. I know in order to get the task done I have to take my hurt feelings out of it. I have put on some Maxwell to soothe my soul and I will tackle the obstacle in a few. How I am feeling at this moment does not line up with how I desire to be every day. I have started some meditation and I know that in a few I will be calm and able to finish what I started this morning. I am telling you this because with any obstacle or trial there are times that you must step away. Take a moment to collect yourself so that you will be able to make the best decisions for you. What we shouldn’t do is make decisions with hurt feelings. Negative feelings create negative thoughts, which in turn have you making not so great decisions. Stepping away doesn’t mean that you have failed. It’s just knowing that in order to accomplish the desired goal you have to get your mind right first. Things always have a way of working themselves out we just have to make sure that we are in the right mindset to receive the new information.

Let’s not let life situations push us off the happy train. We are so much stronger than any obstacle.

AND remember positive thinking invites the right opportunities……



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