Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Are you ready for that train?

Good afternoon,
You are not what you feel.... don't let your lying eyes tell you that you've been defeated because times have gotten rough.  GOD is always on the job. Even when your faith is shaky GOD's still in charge. Keep preparing for better even through your tears. This is not the time to give up. Crying is just weakness leaving the body. You are so much strong than you even realize. There is nowhere in the Bible that it says that life would be is easy and you would always be happy but you have been built to endure all of your life storms. You are just in the hole. (Refer to “What you know about Joe”) I promise it won’t always be this way. In one of my favorite movies the lead actress says, “They say they built the train tracks over the alps between Vienna and Venice before there was a train that could make the trip... they built it anyway. They know one day the train would come.” A better time will come….Just keep building. GOD works in HIS time and HIS time is always perfect. HE came in human flesh too see the trials and tribulations that we would have to endure. Soooooo, HE knows that times will be rough.....but HE gave you the gift of choice to come to him. Think about it this way....if your sister, brother, child, cousin, older parent or friend has a problem you would want them to come to you for help and support right? Well that's what GOD wants. Come to HIM and find rest. Meditate and get closer to HIM. Let your mind be cleared so you will be able to see the solution to your problem. The answer most times is already there but you are not able to see it because you are too wrapped up in your negative feelings.  Work on positive thinking and forward movement. KEEP BUILDING AND TRUST GOD!
AND remember Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and do not lean to your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge HIM, and he will make straight your paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6