Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's ok....... got you covered.

Cheerful Morning!!!!!!

Now playing Stephanie Mills’ “I Feel Good All Over”………………..

I am in a much happier place today and for that, I’m grateful.

I read something this morning that really expresses how I feel this morning. “Faith is not believing that GOD will do what you want, but believing that GOD will do what is right”.  I have requests but I am open to better ways of doing things. Go ahead and push the easy button on my life. Last night I had to detox. I disconnected myself from the world and watched some Disney (Tangled is the bomb). Did some breathing exercises and told myself to get it together. In life, I have stumble and fall but as long I keep getting up the road has always been there for me to continue the journey. Failure is when one decides not to get back up. Not only will I continue to get up but also all negative vibes will be shaken off. My not so great moments show me how strong I really am and that just makes me come out swinging. I ONLY WANT HAPPY and I have been known to get what I want. My unhappy is a moment and not my lifestyle. It’s ok to have moments but we have to make sure they are just moments. Seriously, emotions are not rational. They are reactions to something that has happened. I have to keep in mind that I need to stay in alignment with my GOD and I will fine. For I Walk By Faith and Not By Sight because you can’t always believe what you see. Yesterday I only saw not so great things and my emotions reacted off of those thoughts. Yes, some things have happened that look unfavorable. I had to look deeper and think about what was happening and the outcome is really not that bad. We are losing someone in our family. It hurts because you never want to see someone go but in the reality of it is that they are in pain. So, it’s like we are being selfish to want them to stay when they are in pain. What I am doing is staying prayed up, sending love to my family, and thanking GOD for allowing that person to be a part of my life. I filled my mind with the times we shared and the good things about my family. I thought about all of the love and how in times like this the love blossoms to cover all of us. That thought alone makes it all better. This is why it is so important to see the bigger picture.

Today I want you to know that your best interests are being taken into consideration at all times. Stop getting in the way of your happy.

AND remember happiness is a part of who we are…… JOY is the feeling.



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