Friday, February 10, 2012

I didn't know you could do that.......

Great morning!

I am sooooooo off task today. I mean I’m here and I’m working but I feel like I’m running behind. This is why GOD has chosen people that are allowed to talk to him (still reading Exodus). If he spoke to all of us, we would only work his last nerve. He has told Moses more than once that he will put the smack down on the people because they are rebellious.

ANYWHOOOOOO…… That’s not what I really wanted t talk about (see off task).

Have you ever been able to do something and you have never taken a class or read anything about that talent? You just know. I have a cousin that can take something apart, put it back together and it works the same and sometimes better than before. There were no classes. He didn’t purchase books to learn the trade it was just something inside of him that came naturally. Everyone has a talent that he or she has for no reason. While reading this morning the people were commanded by the God to do this and to do that. Certain people were given certain skills in order to get the tasks done. I believe that we are all given certain talents because they will be needed one day. It’s like you are being prepared without knowing that you are being prepared.

Most of the time you are given all of the things necessary to live a wonderful life. All that is required is that you put it into action. Get up and do something. Life will guide you. Those random talents will pop up and you will be able to cross that hurdle quickly. Those talents may even clear the path to what you really want to do. It’s all on you. I have said before that Faith without works is dead. You are given all of this raw talent and you desire to be successful but you have not leaped into action. What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for GOD to come and tell you to do such and such? I just told you that he doesn’t speak to everyone….lol.  You were chosen to do something else.  Don’t wait to use your talents. Get into the habit of practicing. You don’t want to be rusty when you are called.

Make today the first day of using your talents.  

AND remember talent is GOD’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to GOD.



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