Thursday, February 23, 2012

I ain't never scared...................

Grand Morning!!!!

I’m so tired this morning. I had a cake order last night and I finally laid down at almost 2am. It’s days like this that I wish I made t-shirts…

This morning I was thinking about how most of the time after I finish a cake this instant fear comes over me and I live in this state until I no longer have to see the cake. That made me think about living in fear. Fear can sometimes be like a low-grade fever. You are uncomfortable but you are not sick to the point where you can’t go on. Is there something that you know you can do but fear keeps you from developing your talent? For me it’s a couple of things. I love to bake. It makes me happy and makes my house smell good. When I think about expanding this talent into a business my fear comes and snuggles up next to me. I have cried, cussed, and even had anxiety attacks behind cakes. So I take a step back. The last two weeks I have been baking like nobody’s business and it felt good. No one wanted anything I just felt like baking and I already had all of the materials to get it done. Then there was the one that was due today. I can fear that low-grade fever…..but I have to say that I don’t think I will ever stop baking. I love it too much. I have made some changes like one cake a month and saying “NO” instead of stressing myself out trying to fit cakes in.

The point of all of this is that I can’t let my fear control my life. God has given me talents and I need to use them. I believe that by not using my talents not only am I doing a disservice to GOD but also to myself. You never know where your talents may take you if you keep them locked up.  I have to be the one that controls how and when I use my talent. It’s not the cakes stressing me out. It’s me! I allow my fear to put all of these negative thoughts in my mind. No matter that people are constantly praising and encouraging me, it never speaks louder than my fear. The more I think about it, I not only do this for cakes. I am working on some writing projects. I get apprehensive and all the research I have done is so negative. I just keep writing. I know that I’m strong enough to conquer any fear. I just have to stay focused and when those negative thoughts creep in I have to say, “You are not real! I am awesome!” I know my fear and doubt hate me because I fight them tooth and nail because I know that they are haters and never want to see me succeed. Oh well, I know that I was created for greatness so just keeping that in mind keeps me moving forward.

As you are finding out Erica is not perfect (I know you thought I was….sorry). I work VERY hard to fight against the norms of stupidity. I want to be AWESOME at everything I do. I want to think outside of the box. I desire to be the best communicator. I will always love with all of my heart. I will put effort in anything my hands and mind touch. There will times that I may stumble and fall but I will just keep getting up.

The fact is you can live your life or live in fear which is not really living at all……..

And remember when you cheat on your fear with happy, you marry your dreams.



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