Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I was here....................

Great morning!

I am listening to Beyonce’s “I Was Here” and I started thinking how will you leave your mark? How will people remember you? Will they remember you? You do not have to be a Beyonce to leave your mark. You can leave your mark in smallest big ways. I recently was told about this man name Timmie. I was under the assumption that Timmie had goals that he was not able to reach because his life was cut short. I do not know Timmie so I was feeling extra about the message which was that you do not have time to lollygag get started on your dreams now. I already feel that way but that just reinforced the message that you shouldn’t wait. Well another e-mail came through informing me that Timmie was already working on his goals and in fact had helped people already. He was not able to accomplish all of his goals but he left his mark and several people will always remember that he was here. I know I will.

What are you doing to leave your mark? Are you building healthy relationships, raising well-adjusted children, or building an empire? Maybe you are volunteering or helping family members? Maybe you sing or DJ? Are you and accountant or lawyer? You can give so many things.  The opportunities to make a difference are limitless.  The world doesn’t have to know all that you do but for the people that you are helping it can make a major impact. If you do nothing but encourage people to be, better you should take time to make that mark.

You never know that impact you can make on someone’s life. Someone asked me why I am so open about my life. I told them it’s because these are things we all go through and I want people to know that they are strong enough to get through it. Self-worth is very important to me. I believe that is your self-worth is high then all of the other things will fall into place. It allows you to be your first supporter. If you believe then everyone else will also.  Therefore, if I can be an example of happiness then I will do that. It can be like a domino effect where I start it and the person that I encourage can pass it on to the next. This is how you can make a mark on the world. I know that I give my all this will be my mark on the world.

Do not think for one minute that what you give is minor. You will move someone to be better. Don’t be afraid to give that healthy encouraging advice. Don’t give up on that person that wants to change but are afraid to take that step. Keep helping the world to be a better place.

I hope today you take out that pen and begin to make your mark on the world.

AND remember making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it's not. It takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty of failure along the way. The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won't. It's whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere. – Barack Obama



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