Monday, July 2, 2012


Happy Monday!!!!!!!

I was talking to someone this weekend and they were disturbed that someone was upsetting them.  I inquired about what was going on. There was no physical contact so there were no bruises or pain. Actually, there was not a lot of contact at all. I ask them why they were letting this other person steal their joy. They got quiet. I mean really, there will be people that upset or cause a disruption in our lives but it’s up to us on how long we will let this go on. I know that I can get hot under the collar when someone has stepped on my toes but I just remind myself that they do not run my life. I do. I decide how I am going to feel. There is a good chance that if you have burned a bridge with me I have built a shoe store and planted flowers around it. I have so many other positive things that happen in my life that I do not have the time to keep thinking about the negative. You have to make the decision…. Are you in charge of you or not? If yes, then act like it and make those haters a non…….factor in your life.

Today smile and enjoy the benefits of life.

AND remember when you let others dictate how you live there is no one to blame but yourself.



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