Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Flying above your fears!

Good morning,

Last night I was relaxing and a friend of mine sent me an e-mail. The subject was, “Fly above your Fears”. I click the link and it was Tyler Perry expressing how he overcame his fear of flying by showing himself flying a plane. It was cool. The thing that stood out to me was the message that appeared at the bottom of the screen explaining how he overcame his fear. The one line that stood out the most was:

“Seek to understand what you are afraid of and you will find that it never really frightened you.”

We are quick to say that we are afraid of things and not investigating why we are afraid. I am afraid of butterflies. Yes, I said it. When I was small, I learned about this killer butterfly but I am not able to remember the butterfly, the color, or where it lives. So, to me that means that they are all murderers. O_O! I know that’s not right and may seem silly but that’s how I feel. The point is I haven’t even bothered to go and check to see if this butterfly even still exists. I’ve just been a hater. We hate, don’t trust, and will speak ill of the things that we do not understand. We have to take the time to see if the things that we afraid of are worth being afraid of. I know that I am currently working through my fear of writing this book. I know that it is me that’s holding me back. Fear has no desire to help you advance your talents. It has no desire to see you succeed. We have to stand up to our fears and let them know that we are in control. Let’s take the beginning steps toward greatness!

AND remember you are put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, live out your purpose, and to do it fearlessly!



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