Thursday, July 26, 2012

Raison d'être

Good morning,

It all comes full circle……….

There is a reason that you are going through the things that you are going through. All of the pains and uncomfortable moments happen for a reason. I’m always saying that I had to go through what I went through to get to where I need to be. My journey happened the way it happened because it was designed for me. GOD knows what I can handle. That’s one of the reasons I am not bitter about my life. At the time, it hurt but not as much as I thought it would. It had to happen or you wouldn’t be getting this message. There will be times that your storm will not necessarily be for you. That storm needs to happen so that you will be able to help others later. At the time, you will not understand why it’s happening but you just have to hang in there. In my life studies class we were talking about Joseph and how he was in and out of storms for about 23 years (may have been a little more). It seemed as every time things looked good something bad would happen. He was beat up and thrown into a pit by his brothers. Then they sold him into slavery. As a slave, he worked hard and became an important person to his Master until accused of rape by his Master’s wife. He was thrown in jail for two years until he interpreted a dream for the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh appointed him the highest rank right under him to help save all of Egypt. Now I ask, could Egypt be saved if Joseph didn’t go through those storms? I mean he could have been discourage and given up. It’s hard to stay positive when you have been beat up, thrown into a pit, and jailed. Joseph never gave up because he knew that there was a reason. He wasn’t super positive. He wanted out of his storms. He hurt but he never gave up.  When you give up you are changing the healing for yourself and for others. Because of your experiences, you will be able to console others and encourage them to keep moving forward. In that same time, you are also healing yourself because you were able to help someone else through his or her storm. I am a natural helper. It warms my heart when I can help someone through something. If I can encourage one person to be better or bring happy to just one person it brightens my day. There are people that I do not know or never really talk to that ask me how am I so happy being that the things that I have gone through usually does not leave one in the state of happiness. I understand several things. First, everything happens for a reason. GOD has a plan and I just need to be open to the lessons. I know that with every storm there is still love. The love of my family and friends is like having a raincoat on to protect me. I may get a little wet but a majority of me is covered. I know that every storm will come to an end. I will dry from the rain and be Erica again. There is no need to hold on because once it’s over …… it’s over. There is no need for me to look back. That moment is gone. You continue to build a better you. That person/situation was there for a reason and now it’s time to move on. If something/someone is meant to stay then they will. It’s not something that you will have to fight. If you are not happy at the present time in your life just hold on. Start looking around. There is a reason that you are where you are right now. Take comfort in knowing that it will not always be this way. Depression comes from the thought that every unfavorable situation will always be the way it is at that moment. I thought I would hurt forever when my mom went to live with GOD. I mean I felt relieved that she wasn’t in pain. I felt relieved that she was in GOD’s hands. The part that hurt was that physically I would never be able to hug, kiss, or talk to her again. You know what? My family and friends stepped right in. they didn’t need to be called or asked. They just moved in closer. They helped me heal my heart. Through that experience, I was able to be there for others that lost loved ones. I knew the feelings. I know there is nothing that you can say in the beginning. I know that later you can give words of encouragement. I know that there are things that you should think about instead of the fact that they are no longer with us. I had to have that experience to know these things. I am a helper. That’s why I can write to you about how to find happy. I was created to help, encourage, and be an example. I am not perfect. I make mistakes but it’s through those mistakes that I can be better the next time. I am still learning so that I can continue to be the person that I was created to be. The next time that you are in a situation or unhappy place just keep moving forward. Do not let your thoughts continue towards the negative. You are being prepared and it requires that you stay as positive as you can. You are where you need to be at this time. When it’s time to move you will. Trust me. When GOD wants you to move HE will make it so uncomfortable that you will have no choice. You never know what greatness GOD has in store for you so don’t miss out because you are not able to tell the future.

AND remember that there has to be a dark so that stars can shine bright……



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