Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"King Kong ain't got nothing on me!

Super morning,

I was talking to a friend who was feeling sad and they were telling me how much they admired the strength that I have. To which I promptly said, “I was not always like this”. What I have learned is that I’m stronger now because of those weak times. We have to go through things to make us wiser in the future. Now, some people do not view their not so great days as a lesson to be learned. They see it as their way of life. That is the way they feel will always be so they might as well be sad and complain about it. We must encourage ourselves and believe that when something not so great happens it’s just a moment and not a lifestyle. The strength is inside of us. Most of us just don’t recognize it. I find myself saying look at all we have already been through in life thus far. If we didn’t have inner strength, we wouldn’t have made it. How many times do we have to be shown that we can get through anything? Stop letting our lying eyes show us things that are not really happening. Perception is everything. If we perceive things as not so great then our actions will follow that negative curve. We have to get our minds on the right track. Our faith will drive our perception and that in turn will drive our actions. “For We Walk by Faith and Not by Sight” is not just a quote it should be the standard of living. No one that is successful has ever been perfect. They have stumbled. They have made some mistakes but there is something inside of them that tells them to continue on their journey. I guess I will call them “Gangsta Believers”. They don’t care what anyone says they are going to believe that it will happen and it does. Not everyone will understand this thought process but they don’t have to believe because this is your life not theirs. My happy definitely outweighs my not so great days. When I began this journey, people were giving me the serious side eye but I didn’t care. “Who can be this happy all the time?” I didn’t know but I wanted to be happy and after all, that I had been through I was like there is no reason that I can’t be. Here I am almost 4 years later still happy. The people that didn’t believe now believe. They don’t have a choice. My record of accomplishment shows that I’m happy a majority of the time. Even my bad days don’t last that long. I don’t have much room for that anymore. Any fall that may happen will only make me stronger the next time. We have to be the change that we want in our lives.

Look back on your past to view the lessons that you have learned and smile knowing that you are so much stronger now!

AND remember being in tune with your weaknesses puts you in greater tune with your strengths.

MAKE IT GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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