Friday, May 4, 2012

Rise and Shine!

Great morning!!!!!!!!!

How do you start your day? Do you wake up with sunny disposition?

I personally think that if the day is not started on a positive note then it’s really going to be hard to find that happy. I start my day with a smile. I WOKE UP. Since life is not promised waking up is like Christmas to me. It was especially good this morning because I saw “Hunger Games” last night so I was trying to save this girl from going to the Hunger Games….O_O So, when I woke up I was happy to see that it was just an infomercial about make-up J …. I then got up and did my morning Zumba. There is something about a shower after Zumba…… *smile* On the way to work had my morning discussion with GOD. Our discussions always leave me smiling. By the time that I get to work, I’m in the best mood. I have coffee, read my daily devotions, and then turn on my music. As I dance, I begin writing to you. It’s during this time that people stop by to say good morning. I’m in a great mood so they stop to get some happy….lol. I’m sure the rest of my day will go pretty smooth because I started on a high.

I suggest that you find the things that make you happy and begin your day with them. There is no need to hold on to yesterday because it’s gone. Have a plan for today and it will end up being a gift to you.

AND remember positive thinking is often mistaken for luck. The right attitude invites the right opportunities!



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