Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Get down to the rooter tooter.......

Good morning,

“You can’t fix what you will not confront.”

We can change everything about us but if we do not address the issues we have in life, we are not really changing anything. Everything that we do is a result of something that has happened previously. Whether it’s good or not so great it all stems from our past. Life is forever changing and we must change with it. If we do not change, life will begin to feel like trying to put on clothes that you wore in the 3rd grade. It just won’t fit. Be flexible and communicate to keep things clear. Let us work on being better than we were yesterday. Take time to find out exactly what the issue is (we all have them) and begin to work on it. We want to be able to go into any situation with the least amount of baggage possible. No one is perfect but we can always be better. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You can lose focus of what’s important and never be able to move forward. Relax. Recognize what in your life needs to be fixed and then make a plan. Once the plan has been hatched, think only about that first step. Then move on to the next step. Before you know it, you will have accomplished your goal and then you can move on to the next issue. It’s not about being perfect, it’s the fact that you keep trying to be better.

Write out the issues that way you can have clear mind for the day. Enjoy a morning beverage and smile. Life is sweet and we must enjoy it.

AND remember we learn, grow, and are transformed not so much by what we do but why and how we do it.  Pay attention!



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