Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Not Easily Broken........

Good afternoon,

Not too long ago I had a conversation with someone and they told me that they were "Broken". My first thought was, "Why would they say that?" The first thing out of my mouth was, “Never say that again because it's not true”. If you were broken you would not still be trying to achieve a wonderful life." Because I know some things about this person, I knew that they were still hurting from some experiences. So, you know the wheels in my mind started to turn. We all hurt from experiences but it's up to us to decide if we are going to let those things hold us back. I hurt for that person because I can see the pain they are going through and there is nothing I can do about it. They have to make their mind up to let go and then work on their goals. Let go of the past pain. Let go of the fear. Let go of the control. Every time we let go of something we free up space for something else awesome to enter our lives. We all have fears but we have to acknowledge them and move past them. Fear is just us trippin' on something that may or may not happen. There is no proof one way or another but because it's not happening in the time that we want we start geekin’. The older we get the more our fear grows. We feel we are running out of time and start make impulsive decisions. Then we start to become negative so just in case it doesn't happen we won't be hurt. Truth is we already setting ourselves up for failure when we do things like that. This is why I keep telling us that we have to focus on the blessings we already have. We have to speak positive things into existence. You never want to believe the negative because you put that negative vibe out in the universe and it manifests in your life. I hope that makes sense. Basically....what you put out you will receive….lol. We must believe that it will happen. I was listening to Bishop T.D. Jakes the other day and he said, "Believe ye received and ye shall have it". Meaning if you believe it in your spirit then you shall have it in the natural. It’s as if you know that you are going to get it. Heck, you can even know the confirmation number. You are just waiting for the delivery. We are human so there will be moments of doubt but you cannot live in that doubt. Have the moment and then move on...refocus and KNOW that it’s coming.

AND remember past hurts don’t mean that you are broken, it means that you were put to the test and didn’t fall apart.



Monday, April 29, 2013


Good afternoon,

I was thinking this morning about love. I have no regrets sharing my love. We are created to love and it even states that we should love others as GOD loves us. I know some people think about being hurt but you can hurt by a paper cut. I don’t see anyone saying that they are not dealing with paper anymore. I get it when someone does not return your love your feelings can be hurt. There are a lot of “Why” questions. This is when you should, “Lean not to your own understanding”. Do know try to understand why someone didn’t return your love because it could be anything. Don’t go down that road of crazy. You are a wonderful person and if you invest your love in someone and they are not able to appreciate it then that’s their bad. It doesn’t mean that something is wrong with you. It doesn’t mean that you will run out of love for the next person.  It doesn’t mean that you wasted your time. It simply means that they were not the one and you must move on. You can’t make someone accept your love or love you back. They just may not know how to do that. Take the lessons from every situation and know that you are being prepared for something better. You have to think…. you always put your best foot forward in your job but if it doesn’t work out you don’t half step on the next opportunity. It’s the same thing with love. Spread love and know that you are appreciated.  Focus on those who appreciate everything about you. It will be easier for you to detect people that don’t when you have so many that do cherish you. Do not put conditions on your love because you will be hurting your own feelings in the end. I always think about love in the way that GOD loves us. We are always falling short of what HE wants for us but HE still loves us anyway. GOD loves us the same no matter what…..So, if I love someone and they do not love me back it may hurt but I do not let those people dictate how I love. They will just be the ones missing out on something great. I wish them the best of luck and move on to people that can value being loved unconditionally.  I want you to be able to do the same. Love, Live, and Laugh hard…it makes for a wonderful life.

AND remember a part of having a loving heart is loving people more than they sometimes deserve.



Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What's your count?

Good morning,

My aunt always tells me to “Count it all JOY”. At times, this can be hard but then I just remind myself of all the blessings I have received. It helps me focus on the things that really matter in my life. Count your blessings and it will make what you are going through not seem as hard. It also helps you appreciate what you already have. Make your good outweigh your not so good. Adversity may be frustrating and scary but it’s also an opportunity to learn and grow. In anything you do there will be some obstacles but if you really want it then you will keep moving towards your goal. Now if you should fall short of this goal it’s ok. As long as GOD is waking you up to see another day then you can try again. We must stay focused on the good things that are happening in our lives so that we are better equipped to handle the not so great days. There is nothing wrong with having an emotional moment but it needs to be just that a “moment”. We are soldiers and we must continue the good fight. No one has ever said that life would be easy…..but it’s soooo worth it. So, today let’s count it all JOY. Be joyful that trouble does not last forever. Be joyful that you have people that care for you and have your back. Be joyful that with every negative situation you are still standing. Be joyful that you are still being blessed at this very moment. You were given this life to enjoy soooooo….ENJOY IT!

I hope that you are able to look straight into any storms and count it all joy because you know that you will be coming out on the other side much happier!

AND remember one joy shatters a thousand griefs….



Tuesday, April 9, 2013

If you ask me, I'm ready....

Good morning,

I was speaking with a co-worker this morning and we stumbled upon the topic of fear and love. She said someone told her, “You can meet what you feel is the perfect person and still end up getting hurt so don’t let fear stop you from love”. I totally agree with her. I have been in love and gotten hurt. Does that mean I won’t fall in love again? No. I was raised that love conquers all. I may not like some of your actions. I may get frustrated and upset at times but it’s love that keeps me there. It’s love that makes me want to work it out. I mean even with family and friends. I love them ….no I’m in love with them but it doesn’t mean that they haven’t hurt me before. We talk and work through it because we love each other…..AND that right there is what makes the difference. When you love, you will put in the work to make it better. We should never allow fear to keep us from loving someone. There is no need to wait for eventually…. LOVE right now. Waiting to show love or to love someone is only hurting you. You are missing out on something great!

I felt that I needed to talk about this because in one hour the topic of fear and love was presented to me three times. You know how I am about 3’s. The first was in my devotional. It talked about how GOD doesn’t want you to fear love because he has your back. The second time was my co-worker and not allowing fear to keep you from loving someone. The final time was Youtube suggesting that I listen to Alicia Keys “Un-thinkable” which is about not allowing fear dictate who you love. I needed to share…..

Love is a wonderful thing. It’s like eating your favorite food, buying your favorite watch or shoe, or listening to your favorite song. Now there will be times that your favorite food is not exactly same each time but that doesn’t stop you from ordering it. You favorite watch may not have the correct time or favorite shoe pinched your foot… you will adjust them and still wear them. Then your favorite song is playing but Pandora cuts it short…Do you even remember that the next time you hear it? NO, you enjoy all of these things because you love them and they make you happy. That is how love is…. It has its ups and downs but overall it feels great. We are supposed to love just as GOD loves us. That Agape Love..... Do not be afraid. You are built to handle love and all that comes with it. If you happen to find yourself in love, enjoy every moment.

I hope that you experience all the love your heart handle and more!

AND remember being in love can cost a lot but never allowing love in can cost more, those who fear to love often find that want of love is an emptiness that robs the joy from life….

Open your heart.



Thursday, April 4, 2013


Good morning

Do you know how GREAT you are? Yes, you!

A long, long, long time ago, I wrote a something titled, “If I were you I would leave you” and it was about how you treat yourself. I was going to use some quotes from it but I can’t find it…..smh. Anyway, I was reading this morning and the subject of failure was the topic. It made me think about how we treat ourselves when it comes to failure. There are many of us that feel that when we fail at something or some things we are failures and that’s just not true. We should always view ourselves as GREAT or even AWESOME! When you fall, just pick yourself back up. You were created in the image of greatness and if GOD doesn’t view you as a failure then you shouldn’t either. No matter what the circumstances have Faith and keep pushing. If you fail at something, then create a better plan and go at it again. Anything worth having is worth fighting for. You are wonderful and you should treat yourself as such. No one will ever be as good to you as you are.  When you treat yourself poorly then no matter what anyone else does for you….you will not be able to appreciate it. If you are not fulfilled from the inside then you become a black hole to everything else. You take and take but can’t find the JOY in it because you are not living a JOYFUL life. So, be good to you. Encourage yourself. Support yourself. Pat yourself on the back. Love yourself.

AND remember no matter what age you are, or what your circumstances might be, you are special, and you still have something unique to offer. Your life, because of who you are, has meaning.



Wednesday, April 3, 2013

You have just been *SPRINKLED*

Good afternoon,

Why do people question their happy? Asking if maybe there is something behind it or maybe they are missing something. The only thing you are missing is the joy that life is bringing you.  Happy is all around you but yet you keep looking for the negative. Really???? If you feel happy then enjoy it. If you feel like smiling, then smile. If you feel a boogie coming on then get to dancing! Stop looking for the bad. Not everyone or everything is out to get you. Do you not think that you deserve some joy? There are so many things to be negative about so when you receive some kindness then live in it. Make sure that you return the favor and then pass it on to the next. When happy comes my way and I am acting as if my life is ending…I check myself and get my mind right. I turn right to GOD and say THANK YOU! Then I thank the person that gifted me with some happy. Next, I pass that happy on to you. Why you ask?....lol…. Well because if I have it then I want you to have it. I am constantly saying thank you to random people throughout my day. I have been so blessed to have people be kind to me. I feel like I can’t say Thank you enough.  I put happy out there because I believe in sharing but sometimes when it comes back to me it’s hard to handle. I am grateful and I will make sure to live in every moment that I am given. I want you do the same. I want you good to outweigh your bad every day. We are created to be happy. GOD has given us the earth, each other, and most important freedom of choice. So, if you are not happy then choose to do something about it. Ask for help or just reach out to someone who is already happy. I’m sure they will share. If you don’t know anyone then go ahead and slap yourself because you have ME!!!!! I will share my happy free of charge. There is so much happiness on this earth that there is no excuse for you to live in the negative. So if you are not in a great place think about all the things you do have and be happy. Live in your “Ah Ha” moment.

AND remember happiness is a gift because it literally brings out the best in you!

I love you all!


Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Good morning,

I was listening to T.D. Jakes and he said, “Once you have had so many bad experiences, anything that moves near you…..you are so apprehensive you already have a predisposed idea of what’s going to happen next. If you have been abused, and abused, and abused when I raise my hand you jerk and I could be trying to give you a piece of bread.”

I love this because it demonstrates how when holding on to the negative you subconsciously expect every person to come at you in a negative way. As I said yesterday, when you erect all of these walls you are preparing for failure and blocking your blessings. Once you begin to trust yourself, you will be able to see when someone’s juju is off. It will feel like tight underwear. There is no need to push someone away from the beginning. GOD always places people and situations in your life for you to learn a lesson. It is supposed to build a better you. Then when negativity does come your way, you are prepared. Trust HIM. One of my favorite scriptures is “Trust in the LORD with all of your heart and do not lean towards your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will make straight your path”. The parts that I meditate on are “Trust” and “do not lean to my own understanding”. Trust….hmmmm…. it’s like when you allow someone to drive your car. You trust them enough to take care of it or you wouldn’t let them use it. I know that may seem simple but that’s how simple it is. You have to let go and know that you are covered. The other part about not leaning on my own understanding is harder. When something is wrong, we will think of all things we could have or should have done. Then we think of all the ways it can or should turn out. All the questions of “why” float around until you are dizzy. When those thoughts pop in your head, just keep telling yourself to not lean towards your own understanding. Repeat it until you can think of something else to think about. I mean because truth be told if you understood why you wouldn’t be driving yourself crazy in the first place. That rang so true to me this weekend. I was at the movies with friends and one of my friends kept asking “why”. Why did she do that? What does that mean? Where are they going? I don’t think they realized they were even asking the questions. I thought well if you wait a few minutes, it will tell you and that’s what we have to do in life. Stop with the questions and attempting to solve it ourselves and give it a little time. All will come into the light.

So today put your hands out palms up and let go of all worries. Whenever they pop in your head just put your palms up reminding yourself that you are letting go. Then trust….. Hand over the keys. GOD hasn’t failed you yet…whether you have a relationship with him or not. Finally do not dive yourself crazy trying to figure it out on your own. Give it a little time and the answers will appear and it will be easier to see them when your mind is clear.

I hope that you have a super awesome and encouraging day!

AND remember forget what use to hurt, appreciate what’s happening today, and make room in your heart for what’s coming next……



Monday, April 1, 2013


Good afternoon,

I had some very interesting discussions this weekend…… so you know that my mind is spinning.

I have noticed that there are some people that have things happen to them as children and they use that pain as a shield for all future experiences. I understand that they do not want to have those experiences again but what they fail to realize is that they are adults now. They make the decisions not their parents. As a child, you are at the mercy of the people raising you. Once you have flown the coop, it’s all on you now. When you carry that pain along you are poisoning every relationship you have because you are defending yourself from something that is not even happening. You make all of these rules and set all of these boundaries that no one can get through. In the end, you are only hurting yourself. You are blocking blessings and love. Keep your eyes and ears open so that you can recognize red flags but do not instantly put up a guard when no one has done anything.  Have enough Faith in yourself that you will not put yourself in harm’s way. When you are defensive and well guarded, you are telling yourself that you do not trust you. Why would you do that? Do you think that you are helping yourself by pushing others away? You say that you have a desire for a relationship but you will not give anyone a chance. In the game of love there will always be a chance that you will get hurt but if you are so focused on the hurt you will never be able to feel the love.

Maybe I’m trippin’ and you are just waiting on that cat you special ordered……..O_O

AND remember no matter how tough the past was, the future holds the key to true happiness, our bruises and scars just makes us realize how strong we really are……..