Thursday, January 31, 2013

Complaining with a purpose?

Good morning,

I was speaking with a friend and they were venting about their recent troubles. When we were done talking I thought about being in the midst of it all. When in the midst of the storm all one seems to be able to think about is the problem. Most of the time there is no positive outlook. We are not able to see all that we have already come through. We don’t even try. I am not saying that their complaining bothered me. What I am saying is that we need to get into the habit of thinking how far GOD has brought us. Think about what HE did last week and the week before. Sooooooo, what makes you think HE won’t be there this week? Get your mind right! Focus on the victory ahead of you. When you vent do it with a fight. For every negative, chase it with a blessing. You have to remember whatever you are complaining about is insignificant to people that have less. Be glad that you have little problems and not big ones. Be JOYFUL that you have anthill problems and not mountains. Your problem is uncomfortable but you are strong……AND please remember the rain will not last forever. As hard as you meditate on all that could go wrong you should be able to focus on all that has already gone right! With all of this being said….. Pray about it OR worry about it but you shouldn’t do both. When you pray and then worry, you are asking but then closing the door on GOD’s help.

Practice, practice, practice getting your mind right……

AND remember you are in charge of your mind….it is not in charge of you.



Wednesday, January 30, 2013

You've just been Pep Talked!

Good morning!!!!!

So, last night I was relaxing at home and I received an e-mail from a friend. In the subject line it said, “Since you inspire everyone, this is for you”. Instantly I smiled.

Once inside the e-mail there was just a link. I clicked the link and the most powerful message was given to me. I was so happy that I cried. Everything that I tell you is what was being said to me. I loved it! I watched a few times and again this morning because it brings me so much JOY. How I feel right now is how I want you to feel when you read my messages. I write to encourage you (and me) to be better. We have the power. We have the choice. When you are negative….it’s you that does that. No one is holding a gun to your head. It’s up to you to change and be better. I know that you may say (or think) “Well sometimes it’s hard to do that”. You may even say, “It’s easier said than done”. This may be true but you should get into the practice of being positive NOW. Do not wait until you get in the midst of a storm to practice. Practice NOW! That way when the storm comes it’s easier for you to see the light….. It will be easier for you to focus on the reality and not the unknown. The reality may be that it seems as if you and Louise are in the car BUT you have not gone off the cliff so stop trippin’.

Think about it this way……

Do you think the Ravens and the 49ers are just chillin’ waiting on the Super bowl? No! They are practicing, watching film, and having team meetings to get ready. Well that is exactly what we should be doing in life. Practice being a positive person. Work on your Faith. Get into the practice of sharing and caring for one another. Be prepared to help not only yourself but also others when there is a storm. We have to be the “Better” we want to see in the world…….AND we can do it. We are made in the image of GREATNESS so that means that we are already great! Do not let the storms of life dictate how your life will be. Focus on all of your blessings and know that what you put out there will be what you receive.

I am sending out JOY and because of that, I received it back…… (Thanks Noah)

So now, I am sending it to you! Enjoy!

I want to be in the path that leads to awesome! – Kid President



Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Prepare for Rain!

Good morning,

Not too long ago I told you a story about to farmers. They both were praying for rain but only one prepared his field for the rain.

Today’s question: Are you preparing for rain?

Negative words and thoughts will hold you back from greatness. They do not encourage or strengthen you to keep moving forward. We must prepare for all good things to happen.  Open yourself to greatness. When you make yourself available, the very thing you are looking for will appear. To worry is to meditate in fear. To meditate in fear is to manifest those things in life. Then we get upset when things go wrong….. WELL you did think and say that it wouldn’t/couldn’t happen so why are you upset? Having an abundance of Faith and believing that everything will be fine is hard to do when you are in the midst of your storm. The thing is…..only a little is required. If you have the Faith the size of a mustard seed, you will be able to move mountains! (You know Jesus said this right?) No one expects you to be perfect or super strong at all times. What I do expect is for you to keep fighting. Do not give up! Every time a negative thought creeps into your mind replace it with an encouraging thought. GOD will order your steps so keep walking.  I also expect you to keep the negative out of your mouth. Unless your plan is to have negative things happen then only speak words that will encourage. Better things happen to those that believe better will happen. Rain doesn’t last forever and your storm will also come to an end. You need to prepare for the sunshine.   

AND remember stop thinking about what could go wrong and prepare for what will go right!



Thursday, January 24, 2013

STOP! Put your hands in the air!

Good afternoon,

One of the things that I think about often is, “Am I doing my part?”

I know that in all situations in my life GOD does HIS part and then I must do mine. So, the question is, “Am I doing my part? Or Am I trying to do both parts?”

When something happens in our life we will jump and attempt to fix it when sometimes we just need to “Stop and put our hands in the air”……

If you are not kin to Dionne Warwick and her psychic friends then you just need to chill. Stop jumping the gun. Your plan may not be the plan that GOD has for you. Please believe his plan is better and easier than yours….lol. All we have to do is worry about the step in front of us and stop trying to predict the future. Plus, when we predict it’s usually always a prediction of more rain…. When you stop and put your hands in the air, you are doing two things. The first is you opening up and letting go. There is no need to worry yourself sick thinking about all that could happen. The second is that you are holding your hands high to receive GOD’s blessing. You are not able to see or grasp your blessing when you head is done and your hands are busy doing unnecessary work. When you are going through something, it is never easy but if you trust GOD then take some of the pressure off yourself. Don’t make any sudden moves out of fear. Take a moment and pray first. Then pay attention. When the storm begins to lift so will your feelings. Hang in there…..your blessing is right around the corner.

AND remember….. pray for the Lord to firmly order your steps, take it each one, and be happy that you are still standing……


Make it great!


Thursday, January 17, 2013

The "F" word........

Good morning,

I would like to begin by talking about my Faith. My Faith is so GANSTA! No matter how l low my feelings get my Faith always steps to fight for me. I am so grateful that I have this fight in me. There are so many negative things that you can feed into that you need to have some sort of fight in you. Lately I have not been at my usual 100% happy. I’m not far off I just like to be on super happy all the time. Well when things got out of hand, my Faith stood up and took over. Every time I got into my feelings, my Faith reminded me why it would be ok and what I need to do to keep my head above water. Then yesterday in Life Studies, the Pastor was explained how in the middle of a dessert there can be a patch of area that has green tress. The trees surround a small body of water. The trees are able to grow on the banks because they are able to get the nutrients needed. He went on to explain that just because the trees look good doesn’t mean that they do not endure any trials. There will still be extreme weather conditions that they will have to undergo BUT because they are held down but the nutrients of the water, they can get through it. Of course, the anchor was GOD and if we keep the word in our heart and on our mouths, we will be able to get through any storm. That’s how I feel about my Faith. I am not better than anyone else I just know that no matter what happens if I have Faith I can get through it. It doesn’t mean that I will not cry. It doesn’t mean that I will not feel heartbroken. It doesn’t mean that I do not have thoughts of giving up. Your feelings and your Faith are two different things. Your feelings are your initial reaction to something. Your Faith is your back-up generator when you need that boost to keep going. I know that when you are in the midst of a storm you are not always able to see the sunlight. I have no problem encouraging until you are able to encourage yourself. If you are in my close circle, you know that when you need me I am bringing my pom poms and my Faith. I am going to be a cheerleader for a happier day until you are able to see it. I know that things will be all good if you just believe. Even when you are in the middle of your storm, you have to know that your storm is a moment in your life. If will not rain everyday unless you do a special rain dance. Dance for a better day. I know that it’s hard to see past the pain. TRUST ME I KNOW…..but you have to know that you are on the banks so you are covered. You have all the nutrients you need so just hold on. If GOD has helped you make it this far WHY would you think that HE would let you fall now? Everyone has had some severe situations that you thought you would never be able to get through but you have! YOU ARE STILL STANDING! It may seem like you falling but you are not. You are just in the midst of your storm. Therefore, instead of saying “Man Up”, I’m telling you to “Faith Up”. Tell yourself that this is a moment not my life. I just need to hold and things will straighten themselves out. Do not lean on your own understanding. When you attempt to understand things that you do not have the answers to you end up feeling worse than when you started. Let things run their course. In the meantime, you need to stay prayed up. I know when I began my relationship with GOD I was not praying….I was begging. I thought I had Thelma and Louise’d off a cliff and I didn’t know what was going to happen. It was only after I was able to “believe” that I began to pray. I believed that I could not let my situations dictate how I was going to live my life. I was tired of being sad. I was tired of crying. I was tired of thinking about what anyone would say. So, I decided that I was going to be happy and I started praying for that. I told GOD, If YOU keep laying the path I will keep walking”……AND I haven’t looked back since. That is why I feel that I can tell you to hold on. You are on the banks anchored down by the greatest. Let your Faith wild out and be the gansta in your life. Tell your fears, worries, doubts, and storms that you are more than a conqueror!

AND remember anyone can cheer for you but you have to fight for yourself.



Monday, January 14, 2013

Ain't no way..................

Good morning,

You know how you hear a song and it just feeds your soul…….

Well this weekend I heard Aretha Franklin’s “Ain’t No way”. Although this song is not new to me, it is still able to move me……

I am often saying that some things have to be released in order for you to receive better. This especially holds true for relationships. You can try and try to love someone but if they won’t let you then you need to let them go. You shouldn’t be spending your time trying to prove that you are right for that person. If they really felt that way then they would have stepped forward and made some sort of commitment to you. No one person can carry the weight of two by themselves. There are a few people I know that feel that if they let go they will end up being alone forever. It’s as if that person is their last opportunity for love. Breaking News: There is an abundance of people on this earth. Stop selling yourself short. If someone will not allow you to love them fully then let them go. If someone is not appreciating, who you are and what you are bringing to the table then let them go. Now I expect you to put in the work first. Find out how that person receives love. Don’t keep doing what you THINK they should like…..put in the time to find out what makes them tick. Make sure that the lines of communication are open. If you have done all of this and they are still keeping you at arm’s length then let them be. It’s just not meant to be. It’s not that they are bad people, they are not ready and who knows when they will be. There is nothing that you can do to change their mind……so let them go. If they want to be in your life then they will come back and make the effort. If they don’t come back…..then you need to move on as well.  It’s ok to let go….the pain will not last forever. Truth be told the longer you hold on the more pain YOU are inflicting on yourself. As the song says, “Ain’t no way for me to love you, If you won’t let me….”

So, open your hands, let go of the old and be prepared to catch the new…….

AND remember there times that you must be willing to let go of the life that you have planned, to be able to accept the life waiting for you.



Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Next Blessing 1 mile......

Good morning,

This morning I was thinking about the trials of life and the first thing that popped into my head was the story of Joseph. He was betrayed by the people that loved him, lied on, and then thought to be forgotten to rot in jail. There were times that he felt like things would never change. He didn’t understand why he deserved all of this bad luck. He did what he was told and tried to make the best of the life he was given but negative things kept happening. Well He was told that he was to be a very important man long before all of these bad things started. I am sure he thought, “How am I to be a great man if I am in jail?”….I know I would. The thing is…..just because you are destined to be great doesn’t mean that you will not have some really rough times. Sometimes you have to get through the thorns in order to reach the rose. I have said before storms in your life happen for a reason. It should always be a character building experience. I am not saying that it will be easy. Nor am I saying that you shouldn’t have hurt feelings. Your feelings are valid. What I am saying is that you should not live your life through your feelings. Bad things will happen…..No one is immune from it. Sorry to be the bearer of that bad news….. All we can do is remind ourselves that it will not always be this way. We are destined for greatness so we have to keep moving forward. Take it one day at time. Don’t think too far ahead just work on being great today.

I have always told you to “Walk by Faith and Not By Sight”. You can’t always believe what you see in front of you. Like the weather, everyone was talking about how bad it was going to be today. People were looking forward to the negative. Well, this morning was clear. I mean it’s not even as cloudy as it was yesterday. Now it could still rain but we will not know until it happens. Right now, it’s still a forecast (a.k.a. educated guess). If you believe in the negative that you think you see, you will walk towards it. You expect it so it will happen. You have to be the change that you want to see. You have to hold on to the belief that it will get better when it hurts the most. You are strong enough to do it. You may not feel that way because your feelings (a.k.a. heart) have been hurt and doubt has taken this opportunity to come in to attack. You have to realize that anything beyond what you KNOW (meaning it is already a fact) is circumstantial.  Do not make mountains out of anthills because right now you are too weak to climb any imaginary mountains. Just hold tight to today and BELIEVE that this is just a moment…..NOT YOUR LIFE. You are destined for GREATNESS so prepare yourself. Fill up on Faith and if you come home empty know that you can fill up again for tomorrow.

When things are looking bad just think, “I AM NOT IN A DARK PLACE……I AM JUST INBETWEEN MY BLESSINGS”

AND remember the moment you doubt you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.



Tuesday, January 8, 2013

For the Brokenhearted........

Good morning,

Over the weekend, someone asked me, “How do you get over heartbreak?”

The only advice I had to give was, “Pray and keep moving forward”

I know for me when my heart has been damaged I fill it with as much positivity as possible. I pray, spend time with family, meditate, and hang with my friends. NOW, during this time you have to be careful of the company that you keep. As the old saying goes, “Misery loves company” so spending time with negative people will only take you to a new low. I have been blessed to be surrounded by people that love me unconditionally and encourage instead of bashing when I bring the trials of my life. I can appreciate this because it’s not about the other person it’s about my healing and they understand this. There are times that I just need to be around the people I know will be careful with my heart. I don’t want to talk I just want to be close to the positive vibes. There are times that you need to be somewhere you feel safe in order to relax enough to begin to heal. It is during these times that you begin to realize how strong you are….. It hurts but you keep trying to figure things out. That means that you are a fighter. It may not seem like it but you are. You just have to stay focused….and remember when you feel like you are not able to bear the pain GOD has your back. If you don’t believe me think about all of the times you were in pain and someone was checking on you. Someone was encouraging you. Someone had your back. Just when you felt like you couldn’t go any further, something happened and you kept moving forward. You are favored so just hang in there. Life is full of ups and downs and when it’s good, you should appreciate every minute. When life is not so great, you fight to get back to the top! I am looking outside at this storm in Houston and I’m thinking, “It’s going to get worse before it gets better but it will get better. I just have to hang in there and the sun will be out again”. That is life….it will get hard but the sun will always return. Will you hang in there? Will you prepare yourself to be healed?

I am.

Join me.

AND remember once you change your attitude about life then your life will change.



Thursday, January 3, 2013

Wailing at the wall.......

Good morning,

Yesterday was Life Studies and as always, it was very thought inspiring………

We talked about how we can be so closed-minded that we do not realize that the very thing we are praying for has already happened. Just because it didn’t come the way that we thought it should look, we ignored it. There are times that the things you want will not have all the bells and whistles you desire but it’s exactly what you need. I have a perfect example. Everyone that knows me knows that I live and die for a good blanket. I do not know why I love them as I do but they just bring me JOY. My best friend bought me a snuggie. I have been talking about wanting one since I put my Aunt Judy’s on (backwards) and walked around her house like the queen that I am. Well…..I got the snuggie but it didn’t look like the one that my aunt had. It’s not hideous or anything it just didn’t look like what I wanted. I appreciated the fact that she even got me what I asked for so I put it on. It does everything a snuggie should do. By the end of the day, I was in love. I was sooooo warm AND I was still able to use my hands without exposing my body to the cold. I think I have spent time with this blanket every day since Christmas. I call it, “My not so hot looking boyfriend with a great personality”… I love him so much…  ANYWHOO………The point of this is that I could have missed out on the love that blanket brings me all because it didn’t look exactly how I wanted it to look. We should never be wrapped in the way things look because in the end if it doesn’t have the core things you are looking for then the beauty doesn’t matter.

Be open to the things that come your way. You can’t say that you don’t like it if you never try it…….if it’s not meant to be then just move on. There is a lesson in every situation. Sometimes the lesson is for you and sometimes the lesson is for the other person. This is all in preparation of making you better for future blessings. If you stay closed and stuck in one idea you will never grow. Life is constantly changing and you must do the same. I am not saying completely change but you have to upgrade yourself. The way things happened for our Grandparents and parents is different for us. It will be different for our children so we must always adjust and adapt to new ideas. Pastor Jim said that GOD never intended for us to stay stuck in one way of thinking. If that were the case then we wouldn’t have all of the technology that we have today. There is nothing wrong with keeping your core beliefs just do not be so rigid in the presentation……

Be open and willing to adjust and you will find that what you have been praying, hoping, and wishing for is right in front of you.

AND remember if you change the way you look at the things, the things you look at change……



Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Stop gettin' Punk'd!

Good morning,

I was speaking with someone that stated that their ego (fear) wouldn’t allow them to let go. This had me thinking about how ego and fear worked together. Your ego is a sense of self. Fear plays the role of charging your ego up. It makes you think that you will be perceived a certain way if certain things do or do not happen. Fear leads you to believe things that haven’t actually happened. In some cases, it gives you the impression that things are going to move in a certain direction that you may not make you happy so it causes you to worry.  In this case, the fear of letting go and potentially having nothing is too much to bear. The thing is that you don’t know that you will have nothing. There is no proof that says you be alone. Do you know how many people there are on the Earth….and you honestly think you will not be able to find one….Really? When it comes down to it, you are just trippin’….. You are willing to hold on to something that doesn’t make you happy because you do not want to end up alone. That makes no sense. You don’t realize how happy you can be if you are alone and open to accept happiness. We have all been happy at some point in our lives so we know how it feels. Why hold on to something that doesn’t make you feel that way? What you don’t realize is that you can be just as lonely in a bad situation as you can be when you are actually alone. At least when you are single and lonely you have the option to spend time with someone of your choosing….. We are so much better than we give ourselves credit. We are smart. We are strong. We take chances in other areas of our lives but when it comes to love, we allow fear to charge us up. We have to learn to trust ourselves. Use your Spidey senses. Don’t sit and hope. Do not give potential to anyone. They are either working towards it or they are not. A monkey has potential but I do not see massive amounts of people running out to get one. The universe knows your wants…. Don’t be thirsty. Enjoy life. Don’t put yourself on a time clock. Your wants and needs will come when they are supposed to come. They say that if you build it, it will come. So, work on being a better and stronger you. You need to be prepared to be happy. It can be overwhelming at times. LET GO AND LET GOD! HE hasn’t failed you thus far so what makes you think he is not with you right now….. When fear charges you up, stand up and let it know that you got this! Unless fear can show you PROOF then just ignore and keep moving. Do not be afraid of moving forward. Expect greatness and it will come to you.

Let’s make this year SUPER AWESOME! I am here to help you get there. We can do this!!!!!

AND remember ego is a false pride that arises when challenged by the unknown….