Monday, January 14, 2013

Ain't no way..................

Good morning,

You know how you hear a song and it just feeds your soul…….

Well this weekend I heard Aretha Franklin’s “Ain’t No way”. Although this song is not new to me, it is still able to move me……

I am often saying that some things have to be released in order for you to receive better. This especially holds true for relationships. You can try and try to love someone but if they won’t let you then you need to let them go. You shouldn’t be spending your time trying to prove that you are right for that person. If they really felt that way then they would have stepped forward and made some sort of commitment to you. No one person can carry the weight of two by themselves. There are a few people I know that feel that if they let go they will end up being alone forever. It’s as if that person is their last opportunity for love. Breaking News: There is an abundance of people on this earth. Stop selling yourself short. If someone will not allow you to love them fully then let them go. If someone is not appreciating, who you are and what you are bringing to the table then let them go. Now I expect you to put in the work first. Find out how that person receives love. Don’t keep doing what you THINK they should like…..put in the time to find out what makes them tick. Make sure that the lines of communication are open. If you have done all of this and they are still keeping you at arm’s length then let them be. It’s just not meant to be. It’s not that they are bad people, they are not ready and who knows when they will be. There is nothing that you can do to change their mind……so let them go. If they want to be in your life then they will come back and make the effort. If they don’t come back…..then you need to move on as well.  It’s ok to let go….the pain will not last forever. Truth be told the longer you hold on the more pain YOU are inflicting on yourself. As the song says, “Ain’t no way for me to love you, If you won’t let me….”

So, open your hands, let go of the old and be prepared to catch the new…….

AND remember there times that you must be willing to let go of the life that you have planned, to be able to accept the life waiting for you.



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