Tuesday, January 8, 2013

For the Brokenhearted........

Good morning,

Over the weekend, someone asked me, “How do you get over heartbreak?”

The only advice I had to give was, “Pray and keep moving forward”

I know for me when my heart has been damaged I fill it with as much positivity as possible. I pray, spend time with family, meditate, and hang with my friends. NOW, during this time you have to be careful of the company that you keep. As the old saying goes, “Misery loves company” so spending time with negative people will only take you to a new low. I have been blessed to be surrounded by people that love me unconditionally and encourage instead of bashing when I bring the trials of my life. I can appreciate this because it’s not about the other person it’s about my healing and they understand this. There are times that I just need to be around the people I know will be careful with my heart. I don’t want to talk I just want to be close to the positive vibes. There are times that you need to be somewhere you feel safe in order to relax enough to begin to heal. It is during these times that you begin to realize how strong you are….. It hurts but you keep trying to figure things out. That means that you are a fighter. It may not seem like it but you are. You just have to stay focused….and remember when you feel like you are not able to bear the pain GOD has your back. If you don’t believe me think about all of the times you were in pain and someone was checking on you. Someone was encouraging you. Someone had your back. Just when you felt like you couldn’t go any further, something happened and you kept moving forward. You are favored so just hang in there. Life is full of ups and downs and when it’s good, you should appreciate every minute. When life is not so great, you fight to get back to the top! I am looking outside at this storm in Houston and I’m thinking, “It’s going to get worse before it gets better but it will get better. I just have to hang in there and the sun will be out again”. That is life….it will get hard but the sun will always return. Will you hang in there? Will you prepare yourself to be healed?

I am.

Join me.

AND remember once you change your attitude about life then your life will change.




  1. your words give hope

  2. Thanks! Your words give me encouragement to keep writing. :-)
