Friday, October 3, 2014

Blanket Blues........

Good afternoon,
Soooooo I have been in a state of grief for a hot minute now. It got so intense that I thought, “I need to see someone for some help” I attempted to call a professional few times never being able to get through. *Sign* All along every message that was sent to me was saying, “Hold on, Hang in there, Trust the process”. Apparently I am just supposed to be still and let it happen. It’s a process. I have been told to let go and focus on GOD. The problem was that I didn’t want to let go because the fear of the unknown. Not that the things I was holding onto were positive. Actually holding on was adding to the pain but letting go would leave me vulnerable. I had been trying to work on that focus but the fear and hurt was weighing heavy on my heart. Fear that I was losing and would be without. Hurt from all of the things that had happened this year. Finally I let go of everything and just sat there in my pain. Oh how it hurt. Thankfully GOD has set me up with an awesome team, daily email reminders, and even a Secret Sister to encourage me during this process. All I have to do is let go and focus on HIM. Why is it so hard to do that? That’s all that HE is asking of me. I pray for comfort and I receive it why am I still getting in my own way? Yesterday was one of those “Getting in my own way” type of days. All of the comforts just couldn’t get close enough because I was wrapped in my hurt. This year I have learned that I have to be vulnerable and open if I want to feel and be loved during my storm (and not in a storm)…… lately being vulnerable has me feeling like I’m standing in the middle of I-10 naked during 5:00 rush hour traffic. O_O The crazy thing is that the more I let go (or talk) the less pressure (hurt) I feel. Yesterday I was open and vulnerable and received nothing but love. That was very comforting. This morning I woke up happy and open. I prayed for clarity and guidance. I get to work and all my messages from GOD were to “TRUST HIM”. The first email I read was Proverbs 3:5-6, which btw is my favorite scripture. Don’t go by what you think. Trust GOD and he will guide you. The next thing I read is my second favorite scripture “For We Walk By Faith and Not by Sight”. Again…..don’t go by what you see. Trust HIM. While I’m reading I receive a text that say to be patient. HE always is on time….just not my time. Trust HIM. The last thing I read this morning tells me to be calm and assured. When that happens I will be able to endure the rest of this process. Trust HIM. Now this doesn’t say that I will not have another not so great day it just means that GOD is there and I need to trust HIM. Just hold on…it’s ok. I say all of this to you because I want you to know that we can’t get all tangled up in our feelings to the point where we miss all of the comforts sent to aid us in the process. The journey may be hard at times but we are built for it. There is a promise of a great life but we have to trust GOD. We will have what’s planned for us but we have to be open in order to receive. Grief happens and there is nothing we can do about it. There is a process in place to handle that. Let go of what doesn’t support you. Take comfort in the messages and people that are sent to assist you through the process. Be still, be open, be comforted, and be restored.
Wishing you all the happiness your heart can hold.
AND remember an uncluttered mind is a happy mind. Free yourself.


  1. Learning to let go is hard very hard should I say..I've been there having that feeling of just taking off walking down I-35 and jumping just to escape all of the pain disappointment in myself the let downs that I feel I have brought on to my children. Then I stop and said a heartfelt deep prayer that made me feel that everything was going to be ok. Being patient they say, let go and let God they say, hold on your blessings are coming they say, you can talk to me they say, anything you need Im here they say, your brake thru is just around the corner they say..Well I had to get out my Bible read some scriptures to REMIND myself that HE SAY WHAT HE MEANS HE SAYs so BE PATIENT MY CHILD and I must do just that. Staying prayerful and reading my Bible and other literature I have is helping me get thru this storm. I see the light and you will too. Just HOLD ON Hes Plate is Full but TRUST God Jehovah Hears Us All.
