Monday, December 31, 2012

Great Expectations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good morning,


I have been thinking about this past year and for me it’s been pretty good. I have spent time with the people that love me. I am blessed just to have them in my life. I have been able to do things that I never thought I would be able to do. I have accomplished several things that I wanted to do. My highs have outweighed my lows so what more could a girl ask for? I do not have much to complain about in my life. The things that do bother me I meditate on to stay focused because I know that it will all change. It always does. Anywhoo…. I was thinking about New Year’s resolutions. For the last couple of years my resolution has been to be happy. Now that may not seem like a big deal but think about all of the mini storms that you go through and have to fight to get back to happy. This year my resolution will be to continue to be happy all the time AND to spread more JOY.  Lately, I have been talking about how we have to be the change we want to see in the world. I know that may seem like a lot because the world is big. I know I always think, “How can I change the whole world?” and I never have an answer. Well, back to my movie of the week….. In Facing the Giants the coach tells his team, “Nehemiah had the task of building a stone wall around his city for protection but he didn’t have enough people, resources, or time…. but because each person worked on the stone wall that was in front of their house they got it done in record time.” That is what we have to do. We can be better if we work on everything around us. From your home to your job I need you to spread joy and encouragement so that no one ever feels alone or unworthy. Everything that is happening to this world is a cry for help and it’s up to us to listen. There are many flags that we ignore and then we pop off when something happens. Well….. What do you expect????? We need to focus on the stones right in front of us and then make it mandatory that whomever we are helping pass it on to the next. There will be no point in just taking care of you and your family because the pain is coming from outside sources. We should expect better and then take the time to influence others to be the same. So…… in 2013 let's make an effort to be happier and spread JOY. I have learned that if you see people that never speak just keep saying “Good morning” and eventually they will say it back. I expect you to be happy and you should always expect me to smile and speak to you. Let’s be great this year!

I hope that every one of you have an awesome 2012 close and a super awesome 2013 beginning!!!!!!



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