Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The places you will go!

A friend sent me a text with some very inspiring words. Thanks DC!

It seems like every couple of days my phone has a new update that it wants me to install. One of the updates always seems to be for Google Maps. At first, I was thinking there must be something wrong with it if it always wants to change something. In certain parts of my life I am a creature of habit so all this wanting to update makes me give them the serious side eye. After much thought I realized that Google maps has to be updated. There are always new streets, neighborhoods, and highways that are being built. If there are no modifications to the programs then it will not be able to give me direction. There is a chance that it will tell me that where I want to go doesn’t exist. Google Maps has to be able to get me where I need to be and for that to happen sometimes changes need to be made.

Life is like Google Maps. Things are placed in your life and you react to them in a certain way. When things are not the way that you think they should be, you may need to update your navigation. Change something about the way you live. Adjust the way you think about things. There are always new ways to accomplish your goals. Do not sit in self-pity about how things are so wrong in your life. You are the writer of your book of life, not me. So, when you are attempting to force something that just won’t work just stop. Step back and update your system. Find a new way. Stop beating yourself up trying to force a square peg into a round hole.

Always update yourself with information about what you are trying to do. Ask other people if they know anything about what you are trying to accomplish. Update your Google Maps. You are useful and wonderful. You are helpful but sometimes you need to be updated. How can you be effective if everything that you put out is inadequate?

Write down your wants and desires. With each thing on your list write down at least 3 things that you think you have to do in order to reach that goal. Then go to the internet, library, or a person that is knowledgeable in that subject to give you more ideas. Then, once you have updated your system take the first step. Do not rush it. Just work through each step and if something stops you then update your system again to find out how to get around that. Before you know it, you have accomplished you goal.

AND be sure that when you do update make it user friendly. I love a beautiful app. When I open an application and it pops with color, my first thought is “This is going to be a good experience”. Now it may turn out that it doesn’t help me but if I heard there was an upgrade I would try it again. A positive attitude will get you a long way. You can update and be the smartest person in the world but if your attitude is not desirable, no one will care what you know.

You are created in the image of greatness so do not let life beat you up. Make yourself better. Be the person that you desire to be. Update your Navigation.

AND remember live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever!


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