Tuesday, November 1, 2011

If you build it..... It will come!

True happiness should start from within. You should be grooming the type of person that knows all external happiness is just extras. When you build a good foundation of happiness in your heart, the pains of life are not so devastating. It may hurt but you understand that it’s a moment and that it won’t always feel like this. This is where you will have to walk by FAITH and not by sight. You can’t believe that the pain the you see and feel is how it will always be. We get wrapped up in the feeling at that moment that it seems like the pain will never go away. It will but you have to believe it. You have to redirect your actions. You have to move on and plan something else. Get into something else. Spend time doing things that will bring you JOY. They more you submerge yourself in happiness you will begin to feel less pain. You have to move. Life is not going to change without your help. If you put forth the effort things will change. If you don’t believe me just try it? What do you have to lose? Unhappiness? Well you didn’t want that anyway. Right?

Spend the rest of your life saying positive things to yourself. Nobody can uplift you like you can. Spend more time with your loved ones. People that love you no matter what. Their positive vibes will add to the work that you are already putting in. You are so much more than the negative things that occur during a lifetime so there is no time to sit and reflect on negative things that are not worth your time. Be Strong. Smile more. Get that boomerang effect going. Put out positive and get positive things back.

Hope that your day is filled with positive self-encouragement.

AND remember you are in control of your happiness therefore; you have the power to change anything about your life that you want to change. So, what are you waiting for?     



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