Thursday, August 8, 2013

The game of love......

Good afternoon,

Some days I think the gerbil that keeps my mind running is going to Shawshank Redemption me……

Today I know I’ve had about a hundred thoughts on love alone. How do I love? Do I pay attention to how other people receive love? Do my friends and family feel love from me? Is there a difference between choosing to love and being in love? These are just a few of the questions that I have been pondering today. I personally feel that you can love someone and choose not to open yourself to a deeper love. Someone once told me that Love is a choice. I somewhat agree. I believe that you can have feelings for someone and you choose to open yourself and allow those feelings to grow. I feel that the problem with love is that most people do not take the time out to understand it. Love is like the NFL. The entire league is called “National Football League. Then it’s broken down into two conferences (NFC and AFC). Under those conferences are sixteen teams. These teams have their own names, colors and players. Love is the umbrella. I’ve read there are 4 types of love (Storge, Philia, Eros, and Agape). Then under each of those four types, each person will receive love a different way.  Love like football, is not for the faint of heart. The both require dedication, talent, and know how. Therefore, if you are not willing to put the time in and work on it you will lose every time.  Doing nothing or being scared has never has never won the Superbowl. Take a chance and do the proper research. If you don’t win the first time around there is always next season. I’ll never give up on love. I’m a winner!

AND remember winners find a way…..losers find an excuse.



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