Monday, November 13, 2017

What about me?????

What I have realized about most women is that with a man and/or kids they will deplete themselves to make sure that everyone else is ok and then get mad because no one is thinking about their wellbeing. Now in a perfect world your man would say, “Baby you are amazing and you need to get out and do something for you” and you do it. In this world the man either doesn’t say it or you don’t do it when he says it. In my mind you can’t get mad because you have to do things for you! If you are always waiting on someone else to supply your need that need will never be met. It’s ok to be a little selfish. I’m sure your man and/or the kids think about themselves and what they want. Why can’t you do it? Is it because you will feel guilty? Now that’s just silly. Pull out paper and pen and write down all of the things that you do and all of the things that you love ones do for themselves. All of the extracurricular activities. All of the boys nights. All of the play dates, birthday parties, dance practice, and troop meetings that you make time for. All of fantasy football and NFL Sundays at the sports bar that your loved one attends. Now tell me why you feel guilty for ANYTHING! Make a spa appointment, go to the movies ALONE, have lunch or dinner with girlfriends, painting with a twist, or even just sitting at Starbuck’s to people watch. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having some me time. Actually having “Me” time will make you a better wife and/or Mommy. It’s like you have recharged yourself and ready to go back into being Super again. You are wonderful but if you don’t take care of you….. you will break. Be good to you so that you can be good to others.

And remember Karma also comes back to you for the way that you treat yourself.

Have a great day!


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