Fabulous Morning!
Have you ever called someone and they told you that you have the wrong number? When you ended the call, did you recheck the number you dialed? Then maybe you called someone else to get the right number or maybe you sent an e-mail to the person to get the right number. You do all of this so you will not make the mistake of calling that number again.
Well that’s life. You will make MISTAKES. There is a lesson to be learned so that you will not make that mistake again. The problem with us is that when we make a mistake we not only hold on to it we beat ourselves up over it. I mean we really can give it to ourselves when it comes to dishing out the blame. When you make a mistake, you are not supposed to debase yourself. Just don’t do it again. It’s as simple as that.
Ok so I know this person (We will call them “T”) and they were in this horrible relationship (With “Q”). T attempted to do everything to make Q happy. T was giving all that they had to Q. Q left and they broke up. T didn’t understand how Q didn’t appreciate all that they did for them. How could they just hurt them and move on. Well T fell into a deep depression and felt like they were nothing. T felt they gave it all up and Q took it and left.
T made a mistake. They gave all they had without verifying if it was the correct thing to do. IT WAS A MISTAKE! YOU ARE STILL ALIVE (unless you are reading this in heaven)! It doesn’t mean that you are nothing. It means that they have to let go and get up again. Even in the best relationships, you have to take a step back to make sure that you are doing the right thing. When you feel like you have given all that you got replenish your self-love. Be a little selfish to make sure that you are ok.
The thing is that when your self-worth is high no matter what happens you know that you will be ok. There is something in you that’s says “Don’t worry, It was a mistake. I got you.” You didn’t see that the person that you are giving you all to is not able to do the same for you and that is something that they are going to have to work on. That is not for you to worry about. Make sure that you are good! How can you take care of someone else when you are not ok? How can you be a foundation for kids, husbands, boyfriends, wives, girlfriends or even your job when there is a crack? This crack can be past hurts, disappointments, even how you grew up. Do not let your past dictate your future. I told you yesterday that you have the control now so there is no need to hold on to the past. Keep the lessons and keep it moving.
Yes this not just for relationships. If you are not good then your job will suffer also. Mistakes happen when you are not focused. You apologize and work hard so that you will not make the same mistake again. We are human so there is no need to beat yourself up. Just make sure that you don’t do it again. You are smarter now. Paying attention to what’s going on around you is very important. That is what mistakes are supposed to do. You figure out what happened and then change it. If a situation has you feeling depleted then you have stayed for too long! You are not nothing you were just mistaken….
This morning I read, “Only scarred lives can really save….”. WHAT????? OMG if that didn’t hit the nail on the head. There is no better way for you to learn than through your own mistakes. It is not guaranteed that you will get it right the first time every time. I have told you the battle that Fondant and I had. Well I will say it again. Fondant won the fight but I won the war! You can save you and others because you made the mistake and learned from it. Fill yourself up with the lessons of your mistakes. Create a better you. Find the beauty in every scar. Here, let me help you. You are alive and get the chance to be better. The pain will fade and you need to build a better you! If you have children look at the beauty in them. They love you unconditionally. Your love tank may be on empty but they are not able see that and actually are able to fill you back up. How about you still have the ability to love? How? You love your kids, family, and friends right? Well submerge yourself in that love. It’s easy and available. You will be able to give your all to them and like a boomerang it will come back to you.
Do not spend too much time dwelling over your mistakes. Just discover where you went wrong and then go right!
Make today the day that you realize it was just a mistake and it will be fixed!
AND remember don’t ever think you’re nothing because somewhere along the line, there’s going to be someone who thinks you’re everything!
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