Super Morning!
Recently I have talk to people and they are in situations that have them in a place of constant unhappiness. Because I have been there before I feel for them. I want them to be happy so I listen and listen to them. I never turn them away or not want to hear them out or let them vent. I do not remember much about my unhappy times but sometimes when people speak about their unhappiness this feeling creeps over me and I can feel the despair that they are feeling. It hurts. I attempt to give them some encouraging words to help soothe the pain. What I want them to know is that it doesn’t have to be this way. Things can and will change. That’s life. Will life have a positive change? Well that’s completely up to that person. They have to make some decisions and plans. See someone (Nancy) to get some insight into the situation.
After a while, when no plans have been made and no steps have been taken I tend to feel like this is how you want to feel. I know despair. I know the feeling of “I don’t know what else to do”. Well let me tell you the internet is full of ideas. Try something. Move your feet. Nothing is going to get better by you just venting about it. Faith without works is dead so DO SOMETHING!!!!!!! I stepped out on FAITH and I have yet to fall…..
My friends know that they are not able to come to me too many times without some sort of plan or action that has taken place. They know that I will snap and say something like “Well, you must not be too unhappy because you haven’t made any changes”. I’m not trying to hurt their feelings I’m attempting to shake them up. I do not cosign on unproductive ideas and sad thoughts. Let’s fix it! The word "can’t" is not allowed in conversations with me. You took the steps to get in the situation so take some steps to make a change! I’ll give you some ideas today but it’s up to you to use them.
Step 1. Write (YES WRITE) out exactly how you feel. Do not attempt to make it look nice and organized. Write it down just the way it’s running across your mind. When you get things off your chest, you make room in your mind for new ideas. Your mind is like a flushing toilet. Your feelings, thoughts, and worries just swirl around and around with no rhyme or reason. Well flush that stuff out so that there is a clear mind.
Step 2. Write down how you want things to be. How do you want your life to be? What will make you happy? Do not think about any other person just how YOU want it to be. You will not be able to create success if you do now know what you want.
Step 3. What do you think it will take to make that happen? This is when you need to brainstorm. Think about ways that YOU can change to get a different reaction from your situation. Think of positive ways that you can implement into your situation to give it a new look. Now let’s not pretend as if you are Polly or Paul Perfect because you are not. Start the change with you and it will change others. If your positivity doesn’t change your situation you will find that, it may be time to make some moves. First, try to fix what you have. Remember do not let someone’s actions dictate your reactions. YOU ARE IN CONTROL NOW!
Step 4. Make some goals! My personal goal is to be happy all day, every day. This is not easy but I work on it because this is how I want to feel. So post your goals where you can see them every day. If it’s nothing but being on time every day for a week to show yourself that you can do it. You need to build up some happiness. Get in another frame of mind. When you take the time to change how you process situations you will be better equipped to handle them.
If you work on you first then you can work on the things around you. You are the strongest when you are at your weakest point. Right now, you are strong enough to hold on in your situation so, you will be strong enough to pull yourself up. Once you are up things will be easier to handle. Don’t be the hater in your life. You may not be able to change someone else but you can change you. Don’t talk about what is not happening, talk about the steps you are taking to make it happen.
You can do it!
Make today the first day of you new life!
AND remember fear will always rent the space it occupies, but FAITH will own the building and any room it steps in!
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