Friday, January 27, 2012

I wonder..........

Top of the morning to you!!!!!!!!

Do you ever wonder what your purpose is in life? This use to be the question that topped my “I wonder…” list. I tried many things and nothing ever felt like it fit. I think I finally figured it out. FOR ME purpose is to be happy. Surprised? Probably not. When I am happy, I am able to do the most positive things ever. I give better advice when I’m happy. I create more when I’m happy. My morning e-mails are off the chain when I’m happy. I’m so productive. Also, when I’m happy opportunities pop up from out of nowhere!

Life is pleasing when I am happy. I always have enough when I’m happy. I feel so free when I’m happy. I can think back to not being internally happy. There were situations and things that brought me moments of happiness but my foundation was not in a state of happiness. I can honestly say that I stand on a solid foundation of positivity. Instead of moments of happiness, I have moments of sadness. There will always be something not so great that happens but it’s just a moment. That is life but it’s not allowed to stay and make a home in my life. I enjoy the feeling of peace and calm. I am strong and I will get through it. I am a constant work in progress but I am sooooo much better than I was before. My happy is like a beautiful day in Texas with a nice breeze. That is how I feel almost every day.

I want you to feel the same way. Know that you are great. Release the negative and allow the positivity to rain down on you. Free yourself of worry. Breathe and know that you will find a way. I know that some people are not able to let go and let it flow. Start with something small. You don’t have to Thelma and Louise off the cliff like me but you can find a step and jump off of it….lol

I noticed that when I’m in church that when people raise their hands to praise the Lord they always raise their hands so that when you look at them it looks like a “Y” and I think it’s because if you hold your hands in front you are blocking the blessings being poured on you.

I hope that you are able to find some foundational happy today.

AND remember don’t be the hater in your life keeping you from achieving greatness!



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