Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Love the way you love me.............

Good afternoon,

Have you read the 5 Love Languages?

I have written about this before and I now I feel the need to talk about it again…… because……I can….lol…

ANYWHOO………. Everyone has a main love language. It’s the way that person receives love. Most people show love in the way that they receive love. Now this is great when the other persons’ love language is the same. When it’s not the same, there is a great chance that you will not receive the reaction that you hoped. It doesn’t mean that what you are doing is not appreciated; it’s just not that person’s primary love language.

The 5 Love Languages are (in no particular order)

1.)   Words of Affirmation
2.)  Acts of Service
3.)   Receiving Gifts
4.)  Quality Time
5.)   Physical Touch

Your love language is developed from the environment that you were raised. We all have a little of all of these inside of us but there is one that will stand out from the rest. For me my main love language is “Quality Time”. Growing up my mom was always sick. We didn’t do what other families did. There were not a lot of outside activities because the depending on the weather we could end up in the emergency room. Therefore, we spent time together doing things in the house. We watched cartoons together (the saying in my family is that my mother only had a child so that no one would talk about her for loving cartoons….lol), we played board games, art and crafts, cooking, and anything else we wanted to do. We didn’t have much money but we still had a great time anyway. Now as an adult, I require that a man will create “Quality Time” for us. With me, you never want to squeeze me in too many times because after a while I will feel that you are not interested and I will move around. I believe in the saying, “You make time for the things you want to make time for” and if it’s not me, I will leave. No hard feelings…… The love language that comes in second is “Physical touch”. Now this one can be a little tricky. I do not like a man to drape his body over me at all times or to be pulled and tugged on…. I do enjoy cuddling and light touches. I come from a family of huggers. I like to be near someone but there are times that I like to sit by myself. I am a cat….I will snuggle, move away, only to return shortly for a little more affection. I feel loved when I am hugged or kissed……randomly….lol. I wrote about this in “The truth about cats and dogs”. As for the other three languages, they are important but just not at the top. I get pleasure from someone giving me compliments. Couple that with a hug and kiss on the forehead and I feel like gold…. I probably shouldn’t be telling you guys this but how can you make me happy if you don’t know…. I like “Gifts” but some level it makes me slightly uncomfortable. If I had a choice between gifts and quality time, the quality time will win every time. Don’t get me wrong I am so appreciative when someone makes the decision to spend their money on me. It’s a very thoughtful gesture. The last one is “Acts of Service is really hard unless it’s the trash. I hate taking out the trash so anyone that does that for me has just made my day. Other than that, I have this “I can do it myself” attitude. It’s bad and I need to work on that. When people inform me that they know how to do something my first instinct is to say that I can do it also. I do not catch the clue that someone is volunteering their services. It’s best if they just come straight out and say, “Hey I can do that for you”. I know that this reaction comes from certain people telling me what I “can’t” do in the past because I am a female. It also has to do with feeling like a charity case as a child but I have gotten over that because I understand that family takes care of family. I can do anything I put my mind to but I do need to work on allowing others to help me.

The point of all of this is that when showing love be sure that you are doing it in way that person will best accept it. Using the correct love language will end up as a win, win because they will love it and you will receive the appreciation that you deserve.  If both people are fulfilled it can make for a wonderful relationship. We are not all the same so we should take the time to figure what makes that person feel loved.

If you do not know your love language, click the link below and take the test. It is free!

If you would like to learn more about the love languages you can also but one of the many books.

The books are easy reads and will enlighten you on how to love the love of your life!

AND remember one of the most important things in life is how to show love and how to let it come in……




  1. i was just told about these love languages for the first time last week, and will look deeper into them now that I've read this. I always thought that stress came into relationships when the two parties only know how to express love the way they want to receive it. Them's groundz for resentment, which is fertilizer for breaking up. Going deeper...

    1. Good morning Noah!

      I have one of the books if you would like to read it. You are partly right. People get their feelings hurt when they express their love language and the response they receive is not the one they hoped it would be. The other major factor is communication. With communication comes understanding and that will create a better foundation for the relationship......
