Good morning all,
Last night I fell asleep on the couch (not uncommon) while watching Ghostbusters. I woke up to this movie called “Facing the Giants”. Normally I just get up and go to bed but I couldn’t move because of what one of the actors was saying. This older gentleman walked in to this coach’s office, read him a scripture from the Bible, and then walked out. Well the coach followed him and asked him if he really thought that GOD was not through with him. The man said yes. The coach said he had been praying but wasn’t sure if he was being heard. The man then said, “There were two farmers that prayed for rain but only one went out and prepared his field for rain….who do you think got the rain?”……
That was so powerful to me. GOD does things on his own time. If we are not prepared then we shouldn’t blame him. If you pray then you shouldn’t worry you should get ready. Why pray if you do not believe that GOD will make it happen? It’s because doubt creeps in and tells you that “it” may not happen….and you believe it. I have doubts but as soon as they creep in, I instantly start speaking all of the positive words I can think of. I also tell my doubt why I don’t believe it. It slowly slinks away….
When you have doubt, it will keep you from moving towards any goal that you desire. One of the players (a captain) on the team kept verbalizing his doubts about the team being able to win. So, the coach told him to the “Death Crawl”. For those who do not know what the “Death Crawl” is (I know I didn’t) it’s when two players are back to back but one of them is on all fours and the other player is holding on to the shoulder pads with his legs bent in the air. The player has to crawl on his hands and feet while carrying the other player…..OUCH! The coach told him to crawl from the end zone to the 50-yard line and then he put a blind fold on the player. The player said that he could not do it and coach told him he could. So, he started and after a while, the player started to complain about how it hurt and his arms are burning. The coach kept telling him that he could do it and to give him a little more. The player asked if he had made it to the 20-yard line but the coach kept yelling at him to keep going. The player kept saying that he wasn’t going to make it and the coach kept saying not to give up on him. Towards the end, the coach told him to give him a few more steps and then he started counting down the last steps and encouraging him. When the player made it to the last step he collapsed. The coach took of the blind fold and showed him that he had made it into the other end zone. The coach told him that he just carried a 140-pound man across a field. The player that had been carried corrected the coach by saying that he was 160 lbs. The coach just looked at the collapsed player and asked him if he was with him and the player said yes.
The point of all of this is that life is going to be heavy but we have to keep pushing. There will be times of pain and burning but if, you have blind Faith you can do anything! Nothing can hold you back but yourself. You never really know how strong you are until you are put into an uncomfortable position. You have to keep pushing through. That is why We Walk By Faith and not by Sight. You can’t always believe what the world is showing you because it can all change in the blink of an eye. When we allow people and society to place labels on us we are holding ourselves back from greatness. A label puts you in a box and that’s not how life works. You have to live the life that was provided for you. You will not always be able to fit into a box. When you are attempting to fit into something that is not for you it becomes uncomfortable. It’s like ill-fitting clothes. Find what works for you and keep moving! You can do more with Faith than you will ever be able to do with doubt.
Tell me what is impossible if you have GOD on your side?
Today tell your doubt that you are done. You are more than a conqueror and you are going to keep moving forward no matter what. If you keep going, GOD will keep providing a path. Stay strong and stay focused. I believe in you and I know you can do it!
AND remember if you don’t give up on GOD he won’t give up on you!
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