Tuesday, August 28, 2012

You did it this morning!

Good morning,

So yesterday, I spoke about the cycle of life. This morning I was thinking about Joseph in the bible and his life cycle. I mean he was betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery, lied on by a woman, and jailed. By holding on to his Faith, his suffering died and he was resurrected into greatness. We know that he was not happy with his conditions. We know that every time it seemed like he was getting ahead he stumbled again. We know that he struggled with his life. The thing I like about him is that even though he was in the midst of his storms he never lost his Faith. I keep this story close to my heart as verification that if I keep moving everything will be fine. We can get through anything if we believe we can. It may not be easy but there will come a time when it will get better. I remember a woman told me that after my mom passed. She told me, “You will never really get over it but it will get better with time”. She was right. I still have “Karen moments” but it’s not nearly as bad as it was. When I say, “You never get over it” I mean that you never forget. Everything that we go through we don’t forget but we do move past it. We just have to hold on. We must know that a better day is coming. There will be death to our suffering and we must be ready for it. You will not be able to enjoy your life if you are holding on to your suffering. When it’s over let go. Have empty hands to receive your blessings. That suffering was preparation for your blessings. In order for me to get to happy, I had to go through some not so great things but because of it, several things have happened. I am happy and I can share it with you. My happiness has also allowed me to encourage others in some of the same things I went through. How about that! I am more than happy to be the ambassador of happiness because I want everyone to feel like I do. Even on my bad days I can still find some happy. I know that if I keep holding on I can get back to where I want to be. If my example of life is not enough then let Joseph be your example…. I’m sure you can’t beat his story….lol

AND remember sometimes the greatest act of Faith is to just get up and face another day.



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