Good morning,
One of my favorite quotes is “Sometimes your life has to be turned upside down so that you can live right side up”.
I feel like we all have to endure some hardships in order to get to where we are supposed to be in life. It’s through these experiences that we will find that we are more prepared to handle future situations. People that desire relationships do not understand that if you don’t know anything about them then how do you know that you will be good in one? Most people just assume that since they are good in their personal lives they will be good in relationships. What they miss is that not everyone is you. Just because you like things a certain way does not mean that your partner will feel the same. Then there are the ones that have watched others and feel like they have learned what to do and what not to do so they will be better than most. This is cool but again those couples are not you. There trials may not be yours. The point is that sometimes you will have to go through a couple of storms before you get the hang of how something works. I am constantly telling people that I’m going to have an awesome second marriage. I have learned so much about relationships and myself that I think I can knock the next one out of the park! This is all dandy and a great way to encourage myself BUT if the person that I end up with doesn’t understand relationships or who they are then I may be in trouble…. (again). Am I worried? No. Why you may ask? Well first, I trust that when the person that is for me is presented it will be easier to mesh. It will not be perfect but it easier. Teamwork makes the dream work! I also believe that if for some reason it doesn’t work out it is not the end of the world. I’ll still be alive and still able to love so I’m good. I cannot allow myself to be stressed out about what “May” happen. I will enjoy the ride. J That is the point of a relationship right? Is the point not the enjoyment of having someone that you can share your life with? Let’s not worry about the technical and enjoy the moment of happiness that you two are sharing.
Anywhoo…. (I’m off track) Experience is the best teacher. Instead of being upset and all in our feelings, we have to be able to see the bigger picture. From that bigger picture, we must learn and apply the lesson to our lives. It’s only then will when we will be able to continue on the journey. We do not have time to look at every stone, misstep, stumble, or fall because there is an ultimate goal that each of us desire to reach. That is why the above quote is so important. When it feels like things are so messed up it’s just a stumble along the road of life. It’s all to make you better in the future. I know that at the time it may not see like it because we are in the midst of the storm. Yesterday in life studies the instructor was making a point that the eye works by the light coming in upside down but when we are looking out it’s right side up….. And it was as if an alarm went off in my head. The light (storms) comes in upside down disrupting our lives but since GOD lives in us by Faith, we see things right side up. (MESSAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!) So, we must not give in to negativity. Things will eventually get back on track. The more we trust the more positive we can be and that accelerates the time that things will get back on track. I’m telling you that if you send out positive energy you will get it back two-fold. I am not telling you this because it sounds good. I’m telling you this because I experience it all the time. I’m no different from you. So, when you feel like everything is upside down take comfort in knowing that it will not always be like this. This storm is meant to wash away some things that are not supposed to be at this time. Have Faith and know that you are covered. You maybe shook but you are not easily broken.
AND remember it’s only the situation that’s upside down…. You are still living right side up.
MAKE IT GREAT!!!!!!!!!
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