Friday, August 31, 2012

Verbal expectations.........

Good afternoon,

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, but the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness.” Proverbs 15:1

It’s all about thinking before you speak. There have been times that I have popped off at the mouth before thinking it through. I have had to endure the consequences that come with that. I have been really working on that. I want to use my words to build and not to destroy. That is why I am so thankful that GOD works on us a piece at a time. HE never gives us more than we can handle. It may seem like it’s a lot but that ‘s due to the fact that we have doubt…GOD doesn’t. There will be people that are not allowing change to take place in their lives and will say things that will hurt you. You have a choice to ignore them or let them have control over your feelings. I know most of us will be quick to tell someone, “You can’t tell me what to do” but allow them to have control over their feelings…… We have to learn to ignore the negative. I’m sure there is someone in our lives that encourages or speak positive words to us. We should focus more on those blessings. People that destroy with their mouths are just lost souls that haven’t figured out how to find their own happy. They are not able to heal with their words because they are still looking for their own healing. So, until they have figured out we should NEVER meditate on their words. Take every kind word spoken to you as a form of glue. Let positive words heal and restore you to where you need to be. If you believe that things will get better let the positive spark more life into those thoughts until you are full. We can get through anything and with positive reinforcement; it makes the goal more tangible. If we choose the songs we listen to then we can choose the people we listen to in our lives. Do not invest into people that are lost. You will find that you end up lost also. You already know what to do. I just think that sometimes we wait for someone to co-sign on what we are thinking. What we have to do is instead of waiting speak over our own lives. The more positive you send out the more you get back. It’s like a magnet. When negativity comes your way, block it like Wonder Woman does with her bracelets and then smile knowing that you are stronger than hater.

Let’s focus on the positive and continue to build greatness!!!!!!!

AND remember words hurt when you believe them……



Thursday, August 30, 2012

Lie to me.............

Good afternoon,

This morning had me thinking about how no matter how positive I am I still have rough days. Today is not rough but I have so much on my mind that my whole body is reacting to it. I have so many thoughts and mini worries that I’m having a hard time concentrating. I was speaking with a co-worker yesterday and she was telling me how the tiny ecosystem she had at her desk helps her not focus on all of her worries. I thought that’s just like the notes taped to my desk. They are there to distract me from the poo poo platter of scattered thoughts and they remind me that everything is going to be ok. They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and that is the truth. Every experience good or bad is a lesson learned to make you stronger. In the meantime, during the rough times we must find a way to deal with the moment. For a long time I lied to myself. I told myself that I was happy and everything was already ok. Soon I actually began to believe it and my actions soon followed. It’s all about how you look at your life. How do you want your life to be? Then you have to keep that in mind during your everyday life.

It’s so funny that I was writing about this and someone just sent me this message a few minutes ago……

Perception is reality!

Regardless of what you heard…. What you think is what your life is...change your perception change your reality!

So, when you start telling yourself everything will work out you start to manifest those positive thoughts in your life. Pain comes but the length of time that you hurt is up to you. You have to fight through it and KNOW that soon the sunshine will return.

So get you an ecosystem, post notes, read your bible, sing, workout, or do whatever makes you keep your mind on the positive track.

AND remember positive encouragement helps you fight through the bad days to get to the best days of your life.



Tuesday, August 28, 2012

You did it this morning!

Good morning,

So yesterday, I spoke about the cycle of life. This morning I was thinking about Joseph in the bible and his life cycle. I mean he was betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery, lied on by a woman, and jailed. By holding on to his Faith, his suffering died and he was resurrected into greatness. We know that he was not happy with his conditions. We know that every time it seemed like he was getting ahead he stumbled again. We know that he struggled with his life. The thing I like about him is that even though he was in the midst of his storms he never lost his Faith. I keep this story close to my heart as verification that if I keep moving everything will be fine. We can get through anything if we believe we can. It may not be easy but there will come a time when it will get better. I remember a woman told me that after my mom passed. She told me, “You will never really get over it but it will get better with time”. She was right. I still have “Karen moments” but it’s not nearly as bad as it was. When I say, “You never get over it” I mean that you never forget. Everything that we go through we don’t forget but we do move past it. We just have to hold on. We must know that a better day is coming. There will be death to our suffering and we must be ready for it. You will not be able to enjoy your life if you are holding on to your suffering. When it’s over let go. Have empty hands to receive your blessings. That suffering was preparation for your blessings. In order for me to get to happy, I had to go through some not so great things but because of it, several things have happened. I am happy and I can share it with you. My happiness has also allowed me to encourage others in some of the same things I went through. How about that! I am more than happy to be the ambassador of happiness because I want everyone to feel like I do. Even on my bad days I can still find some happy. I know that if I keep holding on I can get back to where I want to be. If my example of life is not enough then let Joseph be your example…. I’m sure you can’t beat his story….lol

AND remember sometimes the greatest act of Faith is to just get up and face another day.



Monday, August 27, 2012


Good morning,

You know I was thinking this morning that the easiest part of my life is to be happy. I get it. I know how to get to and maintain my happy. It took some time to learn but once I figured it out it was very easy to keep in my grasp. The hardest part of my life is getting others to feel the same way. I mean I know that I have helped some people find their happy but I want to touch so many more people. I know the feeling of happiness and I believe that others could feel that happy they would never go back to any negative feelings. I honestly think that this is a part of my purpose in life. I am supposed to encourage and demonstrate what GOD wants for all of us. We are not created to live a life of sadness and despair. Those are our own doings to live that life. There will always be things we will need to learn and it may not always be the most comfortable to learn. Just know that the storm was created for you so, know that you are already prepared to handle it. It is only through fear and doubt that we are not able to get through any test. It’s just a storm and it will pass so do not give up. I have learned in Life Studies that there is a cycle that will continuously go through. The cycle is Resurrection, Sufferings, and Death. We have a resurrection every day. We wake up. We get a new job. We start new relationships. When we start any life change, it’s a resurrection. Since life is in constant change, we will always have new “Starts” in our lives. It’s not a bad thing just something we must realize. Anytime that we have conflict in our lives that is when we are “Suffering”. This is your trial, storm, or struggle in life. It is through these experiences that we must learn about life and ourselves. If we do not change then we do not grow. I am not saying become a new person. I am just saying that when there is growth it means that we have modified who we are. You are still the same person you just have grown in knowledge. Once we become adults, we tend to think that we know everything we need to know. That is not true. Like children, we must continue to grow. Once I was reading with Alicia and she said, “I’m never going to be a good reader because I do not know all of the words”. I told her, “I am an adult and I do not know every word. I am still learning just like you”. She smiled and we continued to read. I know that I will forever be in a process of learning something. I mean I have no children so people with children know more than I do. I have been married so I have more experience than single people do in that area. Heck people that have been married for long periods know more than I do about maintaining a marriage. We will always have something new to learn. That is why when we are going through a storm instead of thinking of the hurt we are experiencing we need to focus in on, “What is the lesson here”….. If we are easy and adjust as the storm moves through then the suffering will not be as bad. We have to stop making the storm bigger than what it is. There will be some small storms and we create the great imaginary flood and react to that instead of what is really happening. You suffer more planning for the end. Plan for the moment. The last stage of the cycle is “Death”. Now I know that the word death has a negative connotation to it but truth be told all things will come to an end. That life situation that you were struggling with will come to an end. Each goal that you complete is an indication that the preparation has ended because you have accomplished what you wanted. Each birthday you have is a death to the previous year. You will not be able to live it again. See the mind will lead us to believe that all deaths are bad. When you were unhappy about something and it changed for the better your unhappy died. When you get through that storm, it’s because it died. And guess what? You are resurrected again. This is why I strive for everyone to be happy. This is why I say, “I’m happy in the midst of it all”. I know that my storm is for the moment but my happiness is forever.

I hope that we all are able to achieve happy and pass it on to someone else.

AND remember when you are searching for happiness you will never find it because it’s already inside of you.



Friday, August 24, 2012

The truth about cats and dogs......

Good morning,

So, the other day I was talking with a friend and during the course of our conversation, the topic of relationships came up. We discussed the type of affection that makes us feel special. I called my affection “Drive by love”. I do not always need to be up under you but I need to be able to be next to you from time to time….lol. Well she told me that I am a “Cat”. I was like “huh?” and she said cats do not necessarily have to be near their owners to feel loved. They come and get affection when they want but they do not want to be touched all the time. I thought, “By gosh I think you are on to something”. I thought about how dogs require a lot more attention than cats do. Most of them are always following you around and will sit and stare at you until they have your attention.  We decided that she is a dog and I am a cat. She requires a lot more physical touch than I do. Not to the point that you feel smothered or anything but more touching. I know several people like this. The love to spoon all night long and hold hands when walking around. She is cool with a lot more PDA than I am. I never thought about it but I am cool with just being near you. I’ve always been this way. My love language is quality time. So, making time for me in your schedule doing something relaxing means so much more to me than you hanging all over me like a wet jacket.  One of my friends told me I feel that way because I do not really like the person. I thought that’s not true. I have been in love before and it wasn’t because he hugged me all the time. The more I thought about the more I realized that growing up my mother and spent a lot of time in the house. She had Lupus so going out in the weather was not always an option. We spent time playing games, coloring, watching t.v. and other inside activities. I thought she loved me because she always wanted to be with me. As I got older we would do things like sit next to each other on the couch while having Starbucks and watching cartoons. I may not seem like much but to me it meant the world. I mean my family now has these “Sunday Salons” where we sit around and get to know each other. I LOVE IT! Now don’t get me wrong I love affection. I just do not require an abundance of it. I told my friend that knowing your love language is important because where “Physical Touch” lands will determine if you are a cat or a dog. We always laugh because I usually attract the men that she should date and she meets men I should be entertaining. What I haven’t figured out is why very affectionate men seem to be attracted to me. I do not give any indications that I’m an extreme hugger….. I believe everyone should read the 5 Love Languages and apply that to whom they date. Most people treat others the way they want to be treated and tend to get upset when the desired reaction doesn’t happen. I feel that when people say that it really means if you want people to be nice to you then you should be nice to them. In order to get the desired reaction one must find out how the other person receives love. I have seen some “Cats” marry “Dogs” but there is so much effort that has to be put forth on both parts. I, on the other hand, desire another cat. I have no desire to keep pulling away from someone because they have used up their “invading Erica’s personal space time”…..loll. See this dating thing goes a lot deeper than the “I want 2 kids and so does he”… Pulling and pushing on me will not bring us closer nor will stopping by for 15 mins to research your next errand. If 15 mins is all you have make those 15 mins about us. To me it sounds so simple but again not everyone is the same.  Have you ever wondered about how you receive love? How do you share love with others?

Are you a cat or a dog?

AND remember love is great but it becomes AWESOME when used properly…..  



Thursday, August 23, 2012


Good morning,

One of my favorite quotes is “Sometimes your life has to be turned upside down so that you can live right side up”.

I feel like we all have to endure some hardships in order to get to where we are supposed to be in life. It’s through these experiences that we will find that we are more prepared to handle future situations. People that desire relationships do not understand that if you don’t know anything about them then how do you know that you will be good in one? Most people just assume that since they are good in their personal lives they will be good in relationships. What they miss is that not everyone is you. Just because you like things a certain way does not mean that your partner will feel the same. Then there are the ones that have watched others and feel like they have learned what to do and what not to do so they will be better than most. This is cool but again those couples are not you. There trials may not be yours. The point is that sometimes you will have to go through a couple of storms before you get the hang of how something works. I am constantly telling people that I’m going to have an awesome second marriage. I have learned so much about relationships and myself that I think I can knock the next one out of the park! This is all dandy and a great way to encourage myself BUT if the person that I end up with doesn’t understand relationships or who they are then I may be in trouble…. (again). Am I worried? No. Why you may ask? Well first, I trust that when the person that is for me is presented it will be easier to mesh. It will not be perfect but it easier. Teamwork makes the dream work! I also believe that if for some reason it doesn’t work out it is not the end of the world. I’ll still be alive and still able to love so I’m good. I cannot allow myself to be stressed out about what “May” happen. I will enjoy the ride. J That is the point of a relationship right? Is the point not the enjoyment of having someone that you can share your life with? Let’s not worry about the technical and enjoy the moment of happiness that you two are sharing.

Anywhoo…. (I’m off track) Experience is the best teacher. Instead of being upset and all in our feelings, we have to be able to see the bigger picture. From that bigger picture, we must learn and apply the lesson to our lives. It’s only then will when we will be able to continue on the journey. We do not have time to look at every stone, misstep, stumble, or fall because there is an ultimate goal that each of us desire to reach. That is why the above quote is so important. When it feels like things are so messed up it’s just a stumble along the road of life. It’s all to make you better in the future. I know that at the time it may not see like it because we are in the midst of the storm. Yesterday in life studies the instructor was making a point that the eye works by the light coming in upside down but when we are looking out it’s right side up….. And it was as if an alarm went off in my head. The light (storms) comes in upside down disrupting our lives but since GOD lives in us by Faith, we see things right side up. (MESSAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!) So, we must not give in to negativity. Things will eventually get back on track. The more we trust the more positive we can be and that accelerates the time that things will get back on track. I’m telling you that if you send out positive energy you will get it back two-fold. I am not telling you this because it sounds good. I’m telling you this because I experience it all the time. I’m no different from you. So, when you feel like everything is upside down take comfort in knowing that it will not always be like this. This storm is meant to wash away some things that are not supposed to be at this time. Have Faith and know that you are covered. You maybe shook but you are not easily broken.

AND remember it’s only the situation that’s upside down…. You are still living right side up.

MAKE IT GREAT!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A mind is a terrible thing to waste

Good morning,

I was just telling someone yesterday that if we do not monitor our thoughts our minds would run free causing all sorts of havoc in our lives. It’s like give a young child $100 and dropping them off at the mall alone. Nothing good can from that. Well this is what happens when the mind runs free. Without guidance, you can find yourself in an uncomfortable position. We all do it. It’s called “assuming”. To assume is to “create” a scenario of what you “think” will happen.  You take bits of random information and construct an outcome. One would think that after an outcome has been created that the mind would chill……oh but nooooo it would not because the outcome has not been confirmed. That should be a clear indication that you are doing too much.  Usually people drive themselves crazy because they have either “assumed” or are not accepting the answer they have gotten. There are people that have received the answer but something in their mind says, “That can’t be true…..keep trying”. It’s like walking up to a wall, talking to it, and expecting it to say something back to you. It just doesn’t make sense. In that situation, it is what it is….. You will have to move on. When music artist are told no, they do not keep trying to get with that same person that told them no. They move on to the next. Their dream is still the same but how they go about making it come true is altered. Check yourself. Keep your hopes and dreams alive but do not confine them to one situation. The dream is fine but the circumstances that you are attempting to apply it to make not be right.  It’s your decision on how you want to monitor your mind. If you decide you want to let it run free and create a river of “maybe’s” then so be it. Just do not be surprised when you find yourself living a life that doesn’t make you happy. Be mindful of the things that are going on around you. Accept the positive support that others want to share with you. You will get to where you want to be faster if you are the manager over your own thoughts. You run the thought process, don’t let it run you!

AND remember an idle mind is the devil’s playground.



Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Don't let your mouth get you in trouble.....

Great morning,

Why do we always say, “Well I know that this (something negative) will happen because…….” But we continue with the situation? Why are we always killing the situation before it even starts? How do we ever expect to be happy when we are always speaking our worst fears? I use to do this all the time but now I understand that I cannot expect great things when I do not really believe that it will be great. The thing that kills me is that most of the time we do not even have any evidence that it fall apart. Crazy huh? Things could be fine but yet because of fear we “prepare” for failure. It makes no sense to me. You do not want to be hurt so you prepare for the worse so that you will not be hurt…… O_O. I’m here to tell you that you can “prepare” all you want but there is still a chance that you will be hurt. Actually, speaking and manifesting negativity you will end up hurt. You want the situation to be a success but you meditate failure. How many times have you been hurt before? Have you not healed from those situations? If not it’s most likely that you haven’t let go. You wear that hurt like a pretty coat and any time a situation comes up you look at that coat and project those feelings onto that new situation. Please stop. Let go. Take off the coat. You are not protecting yourself from hurt you are blocking yourself from “happy”. Words hold power. I have been expressing my happiness through words and people now associate me with happiness. I have been hurt by words spoken. I have been encouraged by words. We have all laughed because of words. If words hold all of this power then why would we use that power to destroy the potential happy in our lives? Sometimes I want to say….wait, who am I kidding I usually say, “If you are going to speak so negative about the situation then you might as well stop now”. It’s like throwing your phone against the wall and still expecting it to function properly. Just throw it away and be done with it. I usually get the response that’s not what they want. Well that’s what’s going to happening. If you want something to work out then you must have a positive outlook about it. You never know what life has in store for you so with ever step we take we must be positive. While you are working on something, positivity may bring something better along. Once you begin to be positive you may even see that what you have been struggling about you don’t even want. You just thought you did. Speak happiness into your life. Encourage positivity to come your way. Be the boomerang of positivity. What you put out will be what you get back.

AND remember life is like a mirror….. If you smile at it, it will smile back at you.



Thursday, August 16, 2012

Real Talk

Good morning,

Sooooooo yesterday in Life Studies we discussed Exodus. There were so many things that were running through my mind during this lesson. One thing that was pointed out is that when GOD wants you to move he will make it difficult for you to stay. For me that was a “Ding, Ding” moment. I've said this very thing many times myself. If the plan is for us to have the best life but we will not move out of a situation there will be times that you must be pushed. I know that I have been a “pusher” for some people. I am not always able to “woo, woo, woo” people when what they need is a “Thelma and Louise” moment. We have all had that feeling that it may be time to move on but for some reason we don’t move. All of the signs are there. GOD has shown us that it’s time to go but we won’t budge. Is it because we are comfortable in an uncomfortable situation? Maybe it’s the fear of not knowing what will happen if we leave. Whatever it is we stay. Well now that we have made the decision to continue to be disobedient and stupid I can only assume that GOD is like, “Real Talk, you are going to make me put the smack down”….O_O. So the uncomfortable conditions that we continue to live in become more unbearable. We are miserable all because we won’t move. It’s not the people. It’s not the circumstances. It’s us! We say we trust HIM but take no action. We say that we have Faith but are scared. We say that we have been blessed but we never remember those blessings in times of trials. Real talk we want to be blessed and have a great life but we will not do what we have been asked to do. GOD literally has to destroy the things around us to get us to move. It’s crazy. We are not the first…… Pharaoh didn’t move until GOD took all of the first born. I mean there were other things that happened but it wasn’t until it got really ugly that he moved. You know my mom always said, “A hard head makes for a soft behind”….(well she used some curse words…lol) but it’s not until we fall on our behinds that will we learn. If you scared say, you scared. Ask for guidance and be open to receive it. Don’t wait until it crumbs all around you for you to make moves. Pay attention to your surroundings. The answers are there……..

AND remember if you keep chasing yesterday’s questions you will miss tomorrow’s answers……. #RealTalk



Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Excuse me.........

Good morning!

I often speak about "letting go". When one holds on to something unnecessarily, it becomes an impediment in the journey in life. It can be difficult to move on when one feels as if there is no relief from their current situation. When one is not able to find a solution or is not able to create the solution that they desire frustration will set in. The trial is all that one can think about. What we must realize is not everything we want is what we need. Sometimes we have to let go. Now how do we do it? I've said, "Make a plan", focus on the journey, and "encourage yourself" to help you get through any situation. I do not think that I've been descriptive enough in my examples. I mean seriously people are still asking me, “How”. I’m going to give you an example of what works for me. Then it’s up to you to figure out what will work out for you. So, yesterday I was frustrated. I was frustrated to the point that my whole mood was sour. I had a straight up boot in my mouth. When I got home, I had some dinner and then I sat quietly going through my bible. I even went so far as to go to the internet to search for specific passages that addressed my current feelings. Once I found them, I wrote them on note cards so that I could place them where I can see them at all times. I then put my focus on the relationship between GOD and me. I begin to think about all that we have been through and how I am so much stronger than I have been in the past. I thought about how the word has been applied to my life. During all of this thinking, I found that I wasn’t frustrated anymore. Two things had occurred. One GOD’s word always makes me feel better AND because I was so focused on my current project that I wasn’t thinking about what frustrated me in the first place.  DISTRACTION people….. We have to find a way to distract ourselves with something that will solve the problem that we are currently having. Having a problem at your job? Well focus on how you can make your contribution better and in the process you are no longer thinking about what happened. Also, when you go back to work you are strapped with a plan for better. This goes for relationships (friends and lovers) also. The point is that whatever you are going through you first have to check yourself and then come up with a plan. You will not be able to change others but you can ADJUST who you are to receive better results. After all of the research, writing, and meditating I felt so much better. I know that I am in control and when I feel that I’m not I will do it all over again. That’s what having control is…being able to rein it back in when things seems to be slipping.

So figure out what will work for you. What will be your “productive distraction”?

AND remember productive distraction opens certain doors. You have to allow yourself to be distracted when you are unable to concentrate.



Monday, August 13, 2012

Too stressed to be blessed

Good afternoon,

You know sometimes we stress about things so much that we are not able to see the blessings that are raining down on us. We allow things and people take our focus off the wonderful things that are happening in our lives. We are not able to sleep or when we do, we have horrible dreams because we are not able to turn our minds off. This is the time that we need to separate ourselves from the situation. The bigger picture must be examined. Look at the goal and work on what you have to do to get to it. Dismiss all of the unnecessary obstacles because they are just a distraction to get you off track. Seriously, when you think about it the journey does not include the drama that happened along the way. Do not so stressed that you are not about to appreciate the blessings. Think about the positive things that are going on and ignore the negative. One way or another negative will fade. Negative thrives off attention and if you are not giving it what it requires it will die. Pump your energy into the positive things that are going on so that the journey towards the goal will be much more pleasant. Don’t be too stressed to be blessed. Be too blessed to be stressed!

Today write down all of the positives in your current situation and put them where you can see them. Remind yourself of how great you have it!

AND remember some things must fall apart so that they can fall together. Stay focused.



Friday, August 10, 2012

Save the drama for your momma.......

Good afternoon,

I was speaking with a co-worker this morning about being drama free. It is something we both have no desire for in our lives. I like when my life and the people in it are easy and just flow. I was telling her that when someone brings the drama I usually ignore them. When we pay any attention to drama queens/kings we are really encouraging them to continue with their foolishness. So, really you shouldn’t be mad when they continue because you are allowing it. Allowing drama is like creating a thunderstorm and getting mad when it rains. Really? Really? Stop. I learned a long time ago that you will never be able to change people. You can offer advice. You can instruct people on how to do things. You can assist them in any transition. You can do all of these things ONLY if they person is willing to accept the help. I attempt to encourage friends and family to do things differently but it totally up to them to take the first step. I feel that the best way to handle someone bringing the drama is to just ignore them and continue with what you were doing. They will either leave or stop what they are doing because it’s not working. I do not really have any drama in my life because it’s not allowed. I do not respond to it so it just goes away….. All negativity in my life is also disappearing for that same reason. I will not allow it to get me unfocused. It’s just not worth it. Drama doesn’t bring any solutions to the problem. They make little problem bigger. Things will always be placed in your life to distract you. If it’s not a part of any of your plans then let it go.

Keep yourself in a positive place. The less drama you allow the better you will feel about life.

AND remember Drama stands for “Dysfunctional Ratchets Asking for More Attention…….



Thursday, August 9, 2012

Open your hands

Good morning,

Life Studies Thursday

If GOD asked to give up everything you owned today would you do it?

If your answer is yes, that’s good to know. What I want to know is why will we not give up all of the doubts and fears we have right now? We can sit and talk about what would do for GOD but he is asking us now to give up the negativity. HE is asking us to let go of the past. HE is asking us to let go of the pain.  HE is asking us to let go so that he can make it better. If you trust HIM like you say you do then why not let go? I feel like I am constantly talking about this. Maybe I feel the need to drill it in. You want happy….then you have to let go of the negative. We can no longer think about what such and such did to you yesterday. That was yesterday. Stop trying to understand why Pookie Ray hurt your feelings. Who cares? Apparently if Pookie (or whomever) is treating you poorly then that’s not what’s for you. The real question should be why are you allowing people to treat you that way? Give it up.  Focus on what is going on in your life right now. Concentrate on the talents that you have been blessed with at this moment and begin to develop them. Work on the journey that has been laid out for you. GOD has given all of talents because at some point HE is going to call on us to use them so we need to be prepared. We will not be able to do that if we are stuck on something that doesn’t even matter anymore. Let’s not be hard headed. The real problem is that we do not trust. If it doesn’t happen when we think it should we start to make moves when we shouldn’t. We do anything to try to figure out how to make it work. Well I’m here to tell you that it won’t work because it’s not a part of HIS plan. Give it up. Trust. Do your part and then let go of the rest. Do what you can do right now. Work on the things that you have going on right now. Give those things the attention that they require. You never know what doors may open when you work on what you have right now. You can keep beating yourself in the head if you desire but there is no use in complaining about it when you are standing there holding the weapon. No more complaining. If you are going to pray about to then don’t worry. If you are going to worry then don’t pray. It’s as simple a that. When you are working through something then you shouldn’t have time to complain…. You are too busy. The more time you make to complain means the less time that you are making to work through the situation. We have been given life to live in the most fabulous manner. Let’s not ruin it by meditating on what we think we are missing.

Today give it all up!

AND remember letting go is making much needed space for better.



Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I got you.......

Good morning,

I was reading my daily devotional this morning and I promise that every day it reaffirms how I feel about life. We will always be provided for. God keeps us where he needs us to be. It’s up to us to realize this. So many times, we get in our own way because we do not have the patience to wait until it’s time to make moves. There are also the times where we get too comfortable in the place that we are and not want to move when it’s time. So what do we do? Well for one, we must stay focused. Pay attention to the world around you. Not all of us have the luxury of GOD speaking directly to them so it is necessary that when things in your life start to shift we take notice. There is no need to be fearful because if you make a mistake GOD always U-turns… What HE wants for us HE will make sure that we receive. It’s YOU and I that can get in the way of it happening. Another thing that is required is that we keep a pure heart. Let’s not fill our hearts with doubt, fear, Jealousy, or hate. These things will keep you from receiving the blessings with your name on them. Don’t be concerned with someone else’s blessings. They must be paying attention and trusting that everything happens in GOD’s time not theirs. Cheer them on and then focus on yourself. The one thing that I have learned from my Life Studies class is that it doesn’t matter who you are or what you have done when GOD wants to bless you, you have to strip yourself of everything and pay attention to what is going on. The blessings will come when you are open to receive them. That’s why we have to let go. Let go of anger, past hurts, and any other negative things that are filling needed space within us. Open yourself to all of the wonderful things that are waiting for you. Trust that you will be taken care of…… I mean you have been thus far so why would GOD let you fall now.

Today be easy and enjoy the moment. It’s just a pit stop on the way to greatness.

AND remember you can catch more blessing with empty hands…..let go.




Good morning,

Do you know how important love is?

People sing about it, write about it, and complain about it. We are constantly in search of love.  We look, look, and look then when we think we’ve found it we run from it. My view is that love requires all of you and if you are not willing to give your all then you will never experience love. I know most people have the fear of being hurt but it doesn’t keep you from searching for it. What we must realize is that you can potentially get hurt doing anything. You can get hurt in your car but yet you still drive every day. You can get hurt in your kitchen but yet you still cook and clean. This is the same thing. You do not have totally control over anything sooooooo you can potentially get hurt do anything. Love is no different. The body is an amazing thing. Anytime it gets hurt, if it’s not too bad, it can heal itself. Your feelings have been hurt before and you are still alive. If your heart or feelings still hurt because you keep peeling the scab. Every time a situation even hints to the past, you rip that scab off and show everyone the fresh blood. It’s not others that hurt you it’s you. You won’t let go of the past and you are not paying attention to the present. Not every person is the same and you have to pay attention to what’s happening now. Don’t get to wrapped up in the past that you cannot see what the current person is doing. What you have may be good for you but you are not able to see it because of what Pookie did in the past. On the other hand, what you have may not be good for you but you won’t let go because you think you can change it. If that was the case then why have things not changed? Let go. Move on. Does that mean that you shouldn’t try love? No. It just means don’t be silly about love. Love is a wonderful thing when is shared and returned. My example of how to love comes from my family. I have been blessed to learn that no matter what you have done you are still loved. We are not perfect but I cannot say that I’ve ever felt unloved. That is what I expect in my relationship. If I’m unloved then that’s a deal breaker. I will not hang around for that. I love hard and expect to be loved just as hard. That doesn’t mean they have to love the same way. They just have to put forth as much effort. I am not afraid to jump into the pool of love. I know how it feels so I will submerge myself if that is what loves requires but he will have to do the same. I want you to know that love is a not a personal special thing just for you. It’s a one-size fits all type of thing. Do not be afraid of love. It’s like silly puddy. You and your love one must mold it to fit what you have. When you do that, you will never feel unloved. If you do not have anyone to mold love with then just continue to mold it with the people that already love you. It’s good practice. J

Today think about love and then share it. There are people that already love you. Don’t hold on to it waiting for Mr./Mrs. Right. Love never runs out. You will have enough for later. I promise.

AND remember love is about growing, learning, and never giving up.



Friday, August 3, 2012

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Great morning,

I think I’m going to start entitling this “Life Study Thursday’s” because after I attend Life Studies on Wednesday I always want to share what I learned with you…

Anywhooooo, one of the lessons that we discussed was that when we make life changes for the better that’s when the enemy will attempt to tear you down. It made sense. The instructor said when you begin something new that is when you are at your weakest. When you start that new job, you don’t know the job, atmosphere, or people well enough to know what to do when the enemy attacks. In that new relationship you do not know enough about a persons' past to not react when something happens. It’s one thing for someone to inform you and it’s another when it really happens. It’s during these times that you must keep a cool booty and continue to move forward. Negativity has no desire for you to want or be better. It never wants you to be able to fulfill the promise that was made to you. It’s actually working out of fear. The enemy fears that you are about to change and it can’t have that. There is no proof but since negativity is lead by fear and doubt it attacks just to see where you are in your life. There are times that we will feed into the lies negativity tells us. That is why I have a sign posted at my desk that says “For We Walk By Faith and Not By Sight”. I cannot afford to always believe what my eyes are showing me. I cannot always believe what my feelings are showing me. I cannot always believe what people tell me. I have to just hold on and allow every situation to unfold itself so I know what to do. It’s not easy. There are times that negativity will pour over me and I feel it. It doesn’t really have a situation to attach to so it will throw anything at me. I don’t have my mom. I am alone so I must be lonely. I am single so it must be something wrong with me. Negativity will find anything that you are missing and throw in your face so that you will hang out with them a little longer. For me I tell negativity to suck it (sorry). I miss my mom like crazy but I have so many people that love me that the hole in my heart is not as big as it could be (blessed). I am alone because I’m single with not children or pets. If I get lonely, I go visit someone. I’m an only child so I’m use to it just being me. I’m single because that is what I’m supposed to be. It will change and I just have to wait. I’m not going to lie and say that I do not want to be in a relationship but I want to be with someone that's equally yoked with me. I want someone that wants me and I he. I do not desire anyone that just wants a relationship in general. I know that negativity hates my guts saying, “This heffa has an answer for everything…grrrr”….lol. I refuse to let the enemy control any part of my life. It all lies. It only becomes true when WE manifest it in our lives. Positivity is waiting. It never has to prove itself. It’s waiting on you. When I open myself to positivity, it embraces me and my energy is positive. With that positive energy, it attracts people and things to me. Then the blessings begin to fall on me. I can fully appreciate every blessing because I’m already in a good place. Negativity will have me happy about the blessing one minute and then criticizing the next minute. One person I know said, “Man I got this BS bonus and I need to look for another job”. Really? Really? Ok the bonus is clearly not what you wanted but take some time to be glad that you have a job where you get a bonus. Then look at the bigger picture. How is the company doing over all? Did everyone get a bonus? Why did you not receive the bonus that you desired? What more could you have done? I’m not saying that you are not worth more but jumping straight to the negative is not going to help you get that bonus. Anyway, I just want us all to be very aware that negativity is out there and it will attempt to destroy any happy that comes your way. Embrace the positive. Do not wait for something big to happen to be thankful. Recognize the value in all aspects of your life. When you do embrace it all, it will make the journey to your greatness that much easier to bear.

Tell negativity that there is no vacancy in your life.

AND remember the enemy is your greatest teacher. They test you on forgiveness, strength, compassion, and faith in yourself.



Thursday, August 2, 2012

How great thou are................

Good morning,

Why is it so hard for some people to see how wonderful they are? I mean we are created from something so great but yet some are not able to see it. Then they allow other people’s rejection to reinforce the negative thoughts. It hurts my heart because there was a time that I felt I didn’t have a place in this world. I just didn’t fit into what was available. After a while, I figured out that I didn’t have to fit. I can make my own way and fit into my own space. I do not have to be like everyone else. That’s what I want for everyone else. I want you to be happy like me. Even on my bad days, I still find a way to be happy because that’s what I want to be. I do not need anyone’s validation to tell me who I am. Actually, the more true I am to myself people validate it. Go figure….. That’s why I’m always telling you to let go. That’s why I’m always saying to make a plan. That’s why I’m always saying to encourage yourself. No one can live your life better than you so stop waiting on someone else to co-sign your life. They may not agree but they will just have to deal or keep moving. Stand strong and co-sign yourself! I am Erica’s #1 fan. I will cheerlead for myself and when I need help, there are people that can support me. When you don’t know you, it’s hard for others to help. You have to realize when you are in a dark place you are like a black hole. Friends and family pour support into you but it never fills you up because you are a bottomless hole. Create a foundation for yourself. Sure life will change but that doesn’t change who you are at the core.  With a secure foundation, it will be easy to sort out the people who care and the people who may have a hole themselves. The thing about foundations is that they are already inside of you. Most times, we put them to the side because we lack in trust. If you do not trust you then who will? Seriously, if you don’t like you then no one else will either. Things like “I’m not good enough”, “not pretty enough”, “not smart enough”, or “not thin enough” are all things you project out to others. Oh, and if you think for one minute that people are not able to see it you are sadly mistaken. That is why some people use other people. They see their weakness and use it to get what they want. WELL, you have to build you up to make sure, that you can avoid these people. Stick with the people that can fill your love tank. Surround yourself with people that only want the positive things for you. Create a border of people that will be there when you may stumble. Don’t worry yourself with that are not able to see the BEAUTY that you are. There is nothing that you can do to get them to change. Their time will come. I had someone out the blue apologize to me because what they are able to see now they couldn’t see then.  It’s cool because I know how great I am. Someone will appreciate me for me. I’ll wait….lol. I deserve the best so I will not be shortchanging myself. You deserve the same. I can tell you this all day but you have to KNOW it on your own. How long are you going to cheat yourself out of what you deserve? How long will you keep your greatness locked away? You are the jailer of your value…..No one else. Stand up for your worth. You will find that there are more like you. We are waiting on you… what are you going to do?

AND remember don’t worry about being accepted by other if you are not acceptable to yourself……



Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Great morning,

So, this past weekend I was attending my family’s “Sunday Salon” (LOVE!) and one of my cousins asked my younger cousin what was that on her chest. She said it’s the word “Let”. She asked her what that meant and the younger cousin said it means, “Let God, Let Go, Let, Love in. Everyone said, “oh ok I get it”. That is the one thing about our family we are always thinking. Not that other people do not it’s just nice to have family that will get deep on you in a minute. After that I gave my profile, I use the word let, and everyone said, “Oh yeah Let go!” and we all looked toward the younger cousin. She put that word over her heart there as a reminder for herself and others that we must “Let”. We should “Let” go of the negative and “Let” in the positive. “Let” in love so that it can fill you up to the point that it pours over into someone else’s life. “Let in the people that love you because they will always handle your heart with care. “Let” GOD do His part and you do yours. “Let’s” not dwell in the past because it is behind us. “Let’s” focus on the future because that is where the blessings are. I mean I could go on and on about “Let”. She has obviously made up her mind how she wants to live. I love it! There will always be bumps in the road but when you know how you want to live, it makes it easier to get over them. They are not mountains, they are just bumps in the road. I have said before that in order to live in greatness we must remind ourselves that’s why we were created.

I want to encourage you today. Decide what you want out of your life and then “let” it in!

And remember “Let’s” not waste time on things that do not matter……greatness is waiting to “Let” you in.




Great morning,

This morning I was not really in a good place. Ever since I was hit from behind I have been shifty eyed. Every person to close behind me is attempting to hit me again. There is so much tension in my body that I felt like a balled up piece of paper. After I cursed and wagged my finger (like my momma used to do) at the woman behind me I stopped. I took a deep breath and told myself that I was trippin’. I am making more out of this than there is. Now the woman was driving too close but I have to remind myself that she does not want to damage her car. I said aloud that I have to trust that she knows what she is doing. When there is an opportunity just move. About that time she moved. There was relief but I was still all balled up. I did some meditating and told myself that anger is not going to make the situation better. When she passed me, she looked like she didn’t have a care in the world. It’s me that is upset. Obviously she hasn’t been hit lately….lol. The point of me telling you this is that at some point you will need to check yourself. In order to keep happy and calm we will have to stop, let go, and start over. We can’t let what we assume may happen dictate how we live our lives. If I continue to drive with this feeling, I’m sure that another wreck will happen. I’m too scattered. I was good when I started. I just have to keep this feeling the entire way. I must also remind myself that my faith is stronger than any fear. I mean really we can be fearful without any concrete evidence but yet we can’t have Faith without having some proof. Really? Really? That doesn’t even make sense. Just as I am going to continue to check myself, you should do the same. Trust me in the end you will feel better. It’s an accomplishment for me to be able to turn every negative in a positive. That means that I have a foundation of happy and anything other happy that comes my way will be extra. I can fully appreciate happy that others want to share with me. Now that’s a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Today check yourself. You are in control of your feelings. You do not have to be unhappy if you don’t want to be. (Check’em!)

AND remember there is no need to search for happy….. it’s already inside of you.