Wednesday, May 23, 2012

So what you gon' do?

Great morning!

This morning I was reading and it said, “We are not burdened by the big things in life. It’s the accumulation of the little things that have been building up that makes us unhappy”. I thought this was very interesting. I have often heard people say, “I’m not where I want to be in life because I don’t have this, this, and that”. They never realize that if they handle “This” then the other “this and that” will come. We must tackle the little problems then the burden will become lighter and lighter. Most of the time it’s that one issue and it’s just throwing shade on everything else going on in our lives. We must find the problem and correct it and everything else should start running smoothly. Let’s not let life gets us down. Be a technician and locate the root of the setback. It may only take a small correction in your life to allow everything else to get back on track. Only you can keep you from having an awesome life. I have an awesome life because I keep my emotions in check. When sadness attempts to creep in I IMMEDIATELY focus on my blessings because they always outweigh the not so great things. I basically charge myself up. Usually after that, I begin to smile because there is no reason to be sad. I’m in a good position to do what Erica wants and needs to do. Later things will change and I will be ready for that. We are human so we will have moments but that’s all they should be…..MOMENTS. Do not create a lifestyle of sadness and negativity. It’s not cute and people will not want to be around you. I have said before that we are created for greatness and we should act as such. The choice is ours. Don’t be surprised when negativity keeps you hostage. Let the sunshine of happiness rain down on your face.

Save yourself from despair by taking charge and making things happen!

And remember a positive mind finds a way to get it done; a negative mind looks for a way not to do it…..



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