Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Head Games

Good morning,

So this morning I was thinking about why we worry. It comes down to the fear of uncertainty. What will happen? How will things change? Can I handle it? These fears will control our lives if we allow it. Worry puts the body in a fight or flight mode. This is good when there is a situation that calls for it (i.e. if you are being physically attacked) but when it’s an everyday situation the body will be worn down. The reason why I am always saying to write things out is because thoughts will swish around in your head until something happens. Well why wait. Write those thoughts out and free yourself from their control. Attempt to write down several scenarios of what could happen. Then when those thoughts creep back in to wreak havoc you can turn to your paper and read what you wrote. Now granted it will not change the situation but it will keep you from driving yourself crazy. Waiting for an answer is the worst. During that wait, we must keep busy and not lean towards the negative. When negative thoughts pop up challenge them with questions. What are the positives? Will worrying about what “could” happen help me with the now? What am I doing in the meantime if it does/doesn’t happen? We also have to REMIND ourselves about all of the trials we have already been through in life. Keep telling yourself that you are strong and always make a way out of no way. Life can be difficult but when we put our minds on the positive track, nothing can stop us.

I hope that today you are able to put some of your worries to rest and focus on the blessings.

AND remember worry is interest paid on trouble before it falls due



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