Thursday, May 31, 2012

I see you

Good morning,

Ok so my friends (Female and Males) are always asking the question, “Where does one go to meet new people?” I honestly have no idea because if I did I would be there….O_O. I was reading this and I thought I would share (Sharing is caring…lol)

Modern Day Matchmaker: 9 Proven Ways to Meet Someone New

Everyday I schedule an hour to respond to questions on Twitter and Facebook. It's a very interesting part of my day because I never know what I'll be asked. The questions range from what you would imagine is typical: "Do all men cheat?" While some are more outrageous and crazy: "Paul, what do you do with your clipped toe nails?" (Answers: 1) the most extensive studies on infidelity and marriage suggest the majority of men do not cheat. 2) I collect my nails in a silk satchel and put them under my pillow at night... just kidding!)

This past week, something stood out in the questions. Several people asked, "How can I meet someone new?" I found this interesting because normally I get the question of "Where can I meet someone new?” Typically it’s not "how." For the record, I like "how" much better because there's not one spot where you can absolutely find a partner.

The key to meeting "the one" is in the expansion of your social circle. It's important to remember that the number one way, over the last 100 years, that women and men meet for marriage has been through family and friends. And, while you can't expand your family, you can expand your friendship circles.

Here are nice well-researched ways to expand your social circle and therefore give yourself the highest likelihood of finding the one. Get ready to jot these down, ladies.

Join A Sports Team

I’m not asking you to tryout for Jay Z’s Brooklyn Nets. I’m simply suggesting you get active in an organized way. Tip: don’t join a team in your city — participate in a neighboring town so you can network with people you don’t know.

Make Eye Contact and Smile

If you walk around with a frown or distant eyes, people are less likely to approach you and be receptive to your friendship. No mean muggin’!

The Harvard Business Approach

There’s an interesting article in Harvard Business Review called “How to Build Your Network.” It describes a very innovative process I currently use: After you identify your key contacts, think about how you first met them. In the center column of the work sheet, write the name of the person who introduced you to your contact (if you met the person yourself, write “me”). This column will reveal the brokers in your network and help you see the networking practices you used to connect with them. These are the people you already know who are clearly able and willing to help you branch out. They should be the first people you call and where you invest a disproportionate amount of your time and energy.

Introduce Two People Who Do Not Know Each Other But Ought To

You strengthen your position within your own network when you become what is called a “superconnector.”


This is one of the best ways to meet people of all backgrounds and ages. The more challenging the project, typically the stronger the bond you will build with your fellow volunteers.

Create An "Interesting People Fund"

I learned this through a very interesting book called The Start-Up of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career." The authors suggest we create an “interesting people fund” to which you automatically funnel a certain percentage of your paycheck. Use it to pay for coffees and the occasional plane ticket to meet new people and shore up existing relationships.


I believe this is the single best social media platform to platonically expand your social circles. Test out my theory and go try it.

Talk to People

You can join a sports team, volunteer, or go to church but you still won’t make new friends if you don’t actually talk to them. Don’t be shy, people don’t bite…well, some of us do but unless you’re talking to Mike Tyson, you’re probably safe. Don’t be too picky. Most conversations will be a dead-end of sorts, when you may never talk to that person again, or you just remain acquaintances—but once in a while you’ll actually make a friend.

Reconnect With Old Friends

Now, I’m not talking about your girl that double-crossed you and stole your boyfriend four years ago. I’m talking about actual good friends that for one reason or another you lost touch with over the years. In a great book titled Dormant Ties: The Value of Reconnecting, the authors argue that getting back in touch with people is the most overlooked and underutilized source of building social capital.

AND remember you get out what you put in!



My favorite things........

Good morning, good morning, good morning…….

I am so in love with the movie, “The Sound of Music”. I have been singing “My favorite things” all morning. That song just puts me in a good headspace.  I needed to sing this yesterday. I was not right at all…… I was trying so hard to get back to happy. It seemed like every time I would get close to happy something else would rain down on my head.  I found myself thinking about too many negative things at one time. Then it spread like wildfire into a blazing inferno and I felt like poo. By the time I got home, I was worn completely down. Thank you to all that called and inquired…..I apologize for not being more forthcoming I just need to strip down so that I could build back up. I was listening and I heard all that you said. I appreciate each of you. This morning I woke up with the determination to focus on getting back to happy. (I’m almost there!) What are my favorite things? Of course, that’s when the song popped into my head. So, as I type this I am listening to the song and smiling. I am going to sing, dance, laugh, and tell jokes because these are a few of my favorite things. I wore a cardigan today because GOD, bacon, bread, shoes, and cardigans make everything better! I am not going to worry myself with things I cannot change at this moment. There will be an opportunity to make things better and I just have to wait for it. When it does present itself then I will jump on it and things will be good again. Right now, I’m going to pretend as if I am sitting at a red light enjoying the a/c and my favorite music. Eventually that light will change and I will be able to move forward. My life is soooooo far from perfect but it’s still a wonderful life because I stay on my job making sure that it stays that way.

What are your favorite things? Are you thinking about them? Are you actually doing the things that you like? Let’s get on it! I hope that all of you have a wonderful morning!!!!!!!

AND remember that an idle mind is the devil’s playground… don’t get caught slippin’!



Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happy..... The How to......

Great morning,

Here I go again reading and of course seeing the words “How to be happy” you know I stopped to read it. So, since sharing is caring here you go!

Modern Day Matchmaker: How to Be Happier With or Without a Relationship

You are responsible for your own happiness.

That’s what our marriage counselor told my wife and me a few days before we jumped the broom. At the time, I didn’t get it. I thought that, as a couple, we were supposed to complete each other, and therefore make each other happy. It didn’t fully register until a few years into our marriage that no matter how well intentioned my wife or I were, we could not “change” each other. Therefore our ability to “make” each other happy was futile. Sure, I could tell a joke and make her laugh or she could surprise me with tickets to the game and light up my face with a smile but ultimately those things were not happiness, they were kind acts with kind responses.

If you are struggling with your own happiness, whether or not you’re in a relationship, the following are 14 things you must know.
Buy More Experiences And Fewer Material Goods

This means more putt-putt golf and vacations. Fewer cars and new TV’s. In a survey from the Journal of Consumer Psychology, people were asked which of two purchases made them happier, fully 57% of respondents reported that they had derived greater happiness from their experiential purchase, while only 34% reported greater happiness from their material purchase.

Know the Ingredients of Happiness

There are three keys to happiness. You must have all: 1) Pleasure (stuff that feels good in the moment – go anywhere you want with that statement…lol), 2) Meaning (belief/religion/philosophy), 3) Engagement (interaction with family & friends.)

Know that Rich People Are Not Happier

Don’t think Diddy is truly any happier than you. Well, on second thought, Diddy might be, but know the super-wealthy aren’t that much happier than the average person. Studies show once you make 75K a year, more money doesn’t make you all that much happier.

Visit The Double G (Gold’s Gym & God’s House)

Exercise and religion both make us happy and it’s because they provide small boosts to well-being on a regular basis. Although, I did once workout at my church and it was a miserable experience.

Spend More Time With Friends

Happiness expert Daniel Gilbert, who wrote the book Stumbling on Happiness, in an interview I once saw him do stated ”We are happy when we have family, we are happy when we have friends and almost all the other things we think make us happy are actually just ways of getting more family and friends."

Givers Are the Happiest

It’s the first of the month, you just got paid, and you’re thinking making it rain on yourself is the quickest route to happiness. WRONG! Several studies show that those that give or what’s called buy “pro-socially” (ex: day-to-day activities that include friends and family) are happier than those that simply spend on personal items

Drop the Mean Muggers In Your Crew

Research by Nicholas Christakis, a social scientist and internist at Harvard, states “the reality is straightforward: our friends strongly shape our behavior. We imagine ourselves as individuals, responsible for our own choices and emotions, but that sense of independence is a romantic myth. There is no wall between people.” So this means happier friends, happier you!

Set Ambitious Goals

People who set conservative goals have a harder time achieving satisfaction than those who set ambitious goals. This is according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research.

Happiness Can Come In A Few Seconds

Thinking about the absence of a positive event from your life allows you to better appreciate the presence of that positive event in your life. Try it.

Do This Gratitude Exercise

Take a few minutes to write down five things you’re grateful for each week. Do this for 10 weeks. Studies show those that follow this simple exercise exhibit higher levels of happiness.

Tell Someone Thank You

“Thank you” is one of the most powerful word combinations. Use it often but use it genuinely. The result is a sense of overwhelming gratitude.
Don't Move to Russia
I found this to be fascinating, here are the happiest and least happy places in the world:
Take Vacations
Jamaica, on the beach, Red Stripe in one hand, favorite book in the other. Not much else needed to explain here.
Think Faster
The Psychology of Science reports that we experience an independent increase in positive mood when we think fast rather than slow. Therefore, I’m going to need everyone to read this entire blog post again, but do it in 30 seconds.

AND remember you hold the key to your happiness!



Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Forget about it..... (in my best Goodfellas voice)

AWESOME MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know why today is awesome????? Today is AWESOME because it’s a new day. Any troubles, sadness, guilt, storms, and failures are behind me. I have the opportunity to move forward into the newness. I am going to streak into my future. I have to tear away residual negativity. I do not have room for old baggage. I am making room for the newness. Seriously, if we keep dragging old baggage along happy will never come to us. GOD makes a new day for us so that we start with a clean slate. It is we that decide to hold on to the past. Then we want help to make things better. Well……… first, you have to let go of the old to be able to receive the new. This concept seems very easy but we make it sooooo hard. I was reading my devotional and it says that if you climbed a mountain and reached the highest peak you would not sit and ponder over every rock, stumble, faint, and failure…. You focus on the accomplishment. So, we need to focus on the goal instead of the path it takes to get there. We are not perfect and the thing about it is that we are not expected to be perfect. We are required to keep attempting to be better than we were yesterday. Let’s stop talking about what shoulda, coulda, woulda and go get what it is!

Today smile and enjoy life……

AND remember you have to forget what’s gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to what’s coming next!



Friday, May 25, 2012

If it ain't "Happy".... I ain't trying to hear it.......

Good morning,

My aunt is always saying, “Never let them steal your joy!” and I totally agree. Do you know that most of the time when someone upsets you that they usually sleep well while you are still upset? While we are holding on to the negative situation, they have moved on with their life. That’s why letting go is really important. When we sit in the negativity of any situation, we are actually giving away our happy.  In order to make room for the negative you must get rid of the happy. WHY???? It’s because we want to understand why the situation is happening. Well, there are going to be some things in life you will not be able to change. We cannot change people. They are going to be who they are. So, that means they will never think they like you do nor do things in the same way you would do them. LET GO! I do not have time to attempt to figure out why people do the things they do. I have a certain amount of time that I will give to negative situations and then I’m moving on. I’m not saying that I will not attempt to rectify any situation. What I am saying is that I do not respond well to foolishness. Let’s work it out and get back to happy. My happiness does not live in any negative situation so please believe I will not be hanging around for long. I have made up my mind that Happy is what I want. When I’m not happy, I will be on the ball trying to find my happy again. Right now, I am feeling stupid happy. I know that the “Joy Stealers” are out there but they are not going to stop no show. This happy train will always be moving forward. The feeling of happiness is just too good to give up. Now if someone needs assistance finding their happy I am more than willing to help. J Learn from all situations and focus on making you a better person. You have the ability to change you and you only so stop wasting your time attempting to change someone else. GOD gave us the ability to “choose” soooooooo choose to be better. Happiness is a decision and JOY is the result of that decision.

Today go get that happy!

AND remember dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power.



Wednesday, May 23, 2012

So what you gon' do?

Great morning!

This morning I was reading and it said, “We are not burdened by the big things in life. It’s the accumulation of the little things that have been building up that makes us unhappy”. I thought this was very interesting. I have often heard people say, “I’m not where I want to be in life because I don’t have this, this, and that”. They never realize that if they handle “This” then the other “this and that” will come. We must tackle the little problems then the burden will become lighter and lighter. Most of the time it’s that one issue and it’s just throwing shade on everything else going on in our lives. We must find the problem and correct it and everything else should start running smoothly. Let’s not let life gets us down. Be a technician and locate the root of the setback. It may only take a small correction in your life to allow everything else to get back on track. Only you can keep you from having an awesome life. I have an awesome life because I keep my emotions in check. When sadness attempts to creep in I IMMEDIATELY focus on my blessings because they always outweigh the not so great things. I basically charge myself up. Usually after that, I begin to smile because there is no reason to be sad. I’m in a good position to do what Erica wants and needs to do. Later things will change and I will be ready for that. We are human so we will have moments but that’s all they should be…..MOMENTS. Do not create a lifestyle of sadness and negativity. It’s not cute and people will not want to be around you. I have said before that we are created for greatness and we should act as such. The choice is ours. Don’t be surprised when negativity keeps you hostage. Let the sunshine of happiness rain down on your face.

Save yourself from despair by taking charge and making things happen!

And remember a positive mind finds a way to get it done; a negative mind looks for a way not to do it…..



Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Random thoughts:

We have a tendency not to move forward because we are always waiting for the other shoe to drop. We want the happiness of certain things but will only focus on the negatives that can happen if we reach for it. How can we ever be happy if we never try? I know that I have tried many things and some of them have not worked out. Do I have regrets? Nope. Will I try again? Yep. I never know what life will show me and I will not stifle myself because I’m scared that things may not work out. I don’t want to look back and say, “Dang it if I would have tried…..things might be different”. I will already know. We know that I do not care to fly. I feel trapped and unsafe. It is not a great experience for me BUT since I have a very strong desire to travel and see new things I fly. On the way back from Miami, I thought I was going to purge the evil and I swear the pilot was drunk…… He hit the ground so hard I thought one of the wheels came off….. But I’m alive and I had an awesome time in Miami! I will continue to fly and push past my fear because the reward on the other end is worth it!

Don’t let fear hold you back from greatness! If you decide to let fear drive, you don’t complain about it. Be about it!

And remember don’t be afraid to take an unfamiliar path, sometimes they’re the ones that take you to the best places.



Monday, May 21, 2012

Talk that talk.........

Good morning!!!!!!!!!!

I know that I missed some days of morning e-mails. I went on vacation in Miami and I decided to I needed to enjoy the moment. BOY DID I ENJOY THE MOMENT! We had a great time and I’m happy that I took the time.

So, this morning I was reflecting on the trip and I was thinking when you have people that all have like minds communication flows so easily. I mean there were no life decisions being made but if something needed to be accomplished, changed, or planned it was quick. Everyone understood and the good times just kept rolling.

I often speak about communication because for me it’s very important. I do not like to assume because it drives me crazy. I know the saying, “Don’t ask if you really don’t want to hear the answer”. I live on a need to know basis. I can make better decisions if I know what’s going on. This is why I will ask if I want to know (which is about 98% of the time). I am so much more flexible when you just come out and tell me things. I would hate for someone to want to know something but be too afraid to ask me. I will give you an answer and we can discuss it so no one leaves feeling too emotional. J Great communication between people can open up so many doors to happiness. It can clarify a situation so that your feelings can be validated and you can continue to move forward. Even if what you have to hear is not so great, at least you know and can make the appropriate changes in your life. Let’s not let the fear rejection keep up from knowing the truth…. As they say, “The truth will set you free!”

I hope all of you take some time to communicate and have some breakthrough moments in your life.

AND remember communication is like stretching your mind… the more you do it the easier it will be to express yourself.



Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Good morning,

It doesn’t have to be as good as it is now………

This is something that we must realize. We have a good life and there is nothing wrong with wanting more but we must appreciate what we already have right now. With all that’s going on, I am very happy with my life. I want to enjoy every minute because I know that it doesn’t have to be as good as it is right now. Heck there have been times that it hasn’t been as good as it is right now. Let’s be thankful. We should smile more, laugh more, and have more positive thoughts. Let’s do positive things and spread JOY to others. We only have a certain amount of time on this earth so let’s celebrate! I know that if I keep doing my part God will do HIS part so I am going to enjoy life! You want a sign that you are enjoying your life? If you can find the JOY in your sorrows then you have a great appreciation for life. So, even when we are having not so great days seeing the good helps us get through the not so good.

Today I’m going to enjoy my tea and delight in knowing that I’m highly favored and always covered.

Have a wonderful day!

AND remember sometimes you joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your Joy.



Monday, May 14, 2012

The show will go on!!!!!!!

Great morning,

Can you guess what I’m going to talk about today? If you said “Happy”, Ding, ding, ding……. you would be correct!

Soooooooooo this weekend was tough. I was not in a good space. It rained all night Friday and I got some great sleep! I fell asleep on the couch while watching a movie and it was just nice and relaxing. I woke up about 4am to use the bathroom and stepped in a puddle of water on my carpet. O_O! Instantly the relaxed Erica disappeared. I spent the next hour attempting to find out where this puddle came from since none of the carpet surrounding the puddle was wet. I couldn’t find it. I sat thinking what to do. I worked on moving all of the cords and power surge from sitting in the water to higher ground. By then it was time to get dress and go get my haircut. After the haircut ran errands until the office opened and I called telling them what happened. They said they would send someone out (which never happened). When I got home, I called the emergency maintenance (because now there is an odor) and finally someone comes. He tells me that Monday someone will come. I say no that’s not going to work. So, he says the carpet people will come in the morning. They don’t come in the morning but the afternoon instead (after my many calls to the front office). I was nice each time I called but between every call, I cried. My thoughts are just running rampant and emotions are all over the place. I was at my breaking point. It wasn’t just the carpet. That was like the tip of the iceberg. Betty actually just held me because I couldn’t stop crying. (So thankful for her being in my life) I felt guilty for breaking down because I know that GOD always has my back and crying is like doubting that HE will come through. I don’t have doubts when it comes to GOD. The human side of me just needed to release. I feel that crying is weakness leaving the body so that you can continue the journey with a clear head. Then out of the blue Anquionett called me saying, “Hey I just wanted to call to say that you are loved”. I almost broke down again because to me it was like a sign that said, “It’s ok. You are covered”. (Thankful for her also) It’s not as she knew what was going on. In fact, it has probably been a couple of weeks since I spoke with her. I know that I can handle the carpet alone but I feel empowered knowing that I’m not alone. Anywhoo….. Hopefully, the carpet will be finished tomorrow and everything will be fine. If not they will have to work on it until it’s right. This morning when I spoke with GOD on the way in I didn’t pray just gave THANKS for every detail I could think of. My happy was instantly restored.

The point of me telling you all of this is that there will always be something that happens and you may feel like it’s too much. You have to just keep moving forward. You may even have to take a moment to cry and release some of the pressure but keep moving forward. I’M JUST LIKE YOU. There are people that believe that I never have bad days. I do but I may not say anything or it didn’t last long enough to mention. I’d rather share my happy but I wanted to share this particular storm because to me it was big. The reason that people fail is because they stop moving. I know that GOD wants to see me happy. HE sent all of these wonderful people to reinforce what I already know to be true and for that, I’m eternally grateful! The storm may have rained on me but it wasn’t prepared for me to dance in it….

Today, dance in any storm that may be happening right now. Let your problems and issues know that they don’t stop no show!


AND remember happy are they who enjoy life day after day, complain very little, and are thankful for the little things that life offer.



Friday, May 11, 2012

It's the happy in me!

Happy Friday!!!!!!!!

I’m in an awesome mood. I feel tense but relaxed all at once. I have some things coming up and they are swishing around in my head…. I haven’t had a chance to write this morning thoughts out. I overslept this morning but I can’t lie…. IT FELT SO GOOD! I think it was due to the rain last night. Anywhoo, what makes me smile is that I know that this tension that I feel is temporary but the relaxed happy state is forever! I remember when I use to see happy people and think, “That will never be me because of this and that”. Oh how wrong I was. Once I decided that I wanted to be happy things started to change. Now God did not make it rain money, gold, or jewels but HE did open my eyes to what was happening around me. It’s not things that make me happy; the fact that I’m still standing that brings me JOY. There were plenty of opportunities for me to give up. In most of them people would have co-signed to it considering the circumstances. There is something in me that requires me to keep pushing forward. Even in my darkest hours, there was something that wouldn’t let me give up. When I released “Polly Positive”, she was like “FINALLY” and she began to beast it out! When Erica is weak, Polly grabs my elbow saying, “I got you boo, keep walking!” and I do just that. So for all that want to know why I’m always happy it’s simply because I want to and I can! It’s not hard you have to make your mind that’s what you want and then start to make it happen. Don’t wait on someone or something…. Come into the game already feeling that way. Everything that happens to me will be extra. Extra can always be appreciated when we are already full.

I hope that you have a wonderful day!

AND remember happiness is a choice. Circumstances can affect it, but you are still the one who decides your happiness.



Thursday, May 10, 2012

Come on in.... this blessing was made just for you!

Good morning,

Why are people afraid of their blessings? We ask for things and step out on Faith and when the blessing manifests in our lives we get to shaking in our boots. Now granted new things can have you a little nervous. That’s fine. A few butterflies will keep you on your toes but it shouldn’t have you in a state of panic. Recognize it as a blessing and just submerge yourself in it. Before we speak of fear and doubt let’s first give “THANKS”. There are so many people that would love to be where you are so know that you are favored. YOU ARE QUALIFIED! Walk into the blessing knowing that you are prepared. It doesn’t matter what the blessing is…. Waking up, Paying off a bill, Getting Married, New Job, or even life after divorce…. be thankful. Yolanda Adams says in one of her songs, “It doesn’t have to be as good as it is right now” and we shouldn’t wait until things fall apart before we realize how good we had it. ALSO, let’s not acknowledge our blessings after we see someone else having so much trouble with their lives. Let’s wake up happy and thankful for what we have at that very moment! I use to want to be more encouraging when it comes to relationships, but I honestly feel that if we are not right with ourselves then how will we be able to handle the blessing of a relationship? We need to be able to walk confident in our small blessings so that we can be a beast in our big blessings!

Today hold your head up high. Be thankful for all that you have and all that’s about to come your way!

AND remember don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.



Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Go get it......IT'S YOUR TIME!!!!!

Good morning,

Yesterday I was speaking with one of my aunts and we were talking about mentors and encouraging. We both agreed that sometimes what you say to encourage sometimes breaks that person instead. It’s just that the message hit home and sometimes that person is not at the strength to understand it will be ok. I’m a straight shooter so there are times that it’s difficult for me to curve my bluntness. Never be afraid to hear things that may hurt your feelings. It may sting but it’s needed. I say this because whatever it may be can be changed. We have all made mistakes but it’s never too late to change. It’s the mistakes that make you better not press you down. I don’t really have a problem talking about my past because it doesn’t control me. I have made mistakes and I have grown from them. I’m not going to sit here and say I won’t make any more mistakes but I will not let knock me down. I just get back up and use it as a stepping-stone to be better next time. I need that bluntness even if I don’t like or agree with it. I look at it like this if we know what the problem is right away we can fix it faster. I would never tell someone something that may hurt if I didn’t have some suggestions on how to fix it right away. I’m not in the business of breaking I’m all about building.

This morning my message was clear. Mary Mary’s new song “Go Get It” was playing. It made me think, I’m no better than you are I just know that if I want to be better I have to go get it that blessing!  Sometimes God sends someone like me to help you to the other side. He wants us to have greatness but we are living in our feelings and allowing what we see overshadow our Faith. We have to take that first step. That’s what “Step out on Faith” means. You may not know what’s going to happen but you are going to go forward anyway. Let’s not talk about it, cry about it, or hope for it….. Pray about it and GO GET IT!

We need to walk by FAITH and not by sight. The world is quick to show us all of the negative things in life. We spread it around and get off the path of greatness. FAITH is KNOWING that there is something better even when your world says it’s not. I don’t claim to know the bible backwards and forwards but I do know that GOD sent his people into battle and told them “Go on, I got you” and please know that hasn’t changed. We have everything we need to start making moves. We have already been through battles. YOU ARE STRONG ENOUGH! Once you start to believe that, you will be invincible. Don’t let anyone or anything make you feel less than AMAZING! We are created in the image of greatness so role of pitiful will not work. LET’S MAKE THINGS HAPPEN!!!!!!!!

Let’s do what Mary Mary is saying, “Go Get It, Go Get It…… Go get your blessing……It’s your time!!!!!!!!

AND remember stop talking about the problem and start talking about the solution………..start speaking into existence your VICTORY!



Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Head Games

Good morning,

So this morning I was thinking about why we worry. It comes down to the fear of uncertainty. What will happen? How will things change? Can I handle it? These fears will control our lives if we allow it. Worry puts the body in a fight or flight mode. This is good when there is a situation that calls for it (i.e. if you are being physically attacked) but when it’s an everyday situation the body will be worn down. The reason why I am always saying to write things out is because thoughts will swish around in your head until something happens. Well why wait. Write those thoughts out and free yourself from their control. Attempt to write down several scenarios of what could happen. Then when those thoughts creep back in to wreak havoc you can turn to your paper and read what you wrote. Now granted it will not change the situation but it will keep you from driving yourself crazy. Waiting for an answer is the worst. During that wait, we must keep busy and not lean towards the negative. When negative thoughts pop up challenge them with questions. What are the positives? Will worrying about what “could” happen help me with the now? What am I doing in the meantime if it does/doesn’t happen? We also have to REMIND ourselves about all of the trials we have already been through in life. Keep telling yourself that you are strong and always make a way out of no way. Life can be difficult but when we put our minds on the positive track, nothing can stop us.

I hope that today you are able to put some of your worries to rest and focus on the blessings.

AND remember worry is interest paid on trouble before it falls due



Monday, May 7, 2012

Why are you wearing negative?

Good morning,

So, this morning I was reading some feedback and it was suggested that I expand on how to get to happy. I really had to think about this. The thing is that we all have negative moments in life but we have to take the initiative to look at the positives instead. Let me give an example. I no longer have my mother in my life. This year it will be 10 years since she moved in with Jesus. I miss her dearly. There are times that I see my family and friends with their parents and it hurts a little. Now I could sit here and think about all of the moments in my life that I will not be able to share with her. Instead, I decide to man up. I begin to think would I want her to be here on earth and in pain. No. I know she is in the best hands and I am grateful for that. Then I begin to think I have five aunts and countless other women that love me just as much as they love their own kids. So, it’s not as if I am not receiving any love. I also think about the quality time that I spent with my mother. We were best friends. We were limited in the things we could do but we made the best out of what we could do.  Those memories are very important to me. Then there are the qualities and lessons that she has given me. All of this makes me smile. My thoughts then move on to look at all of the things that I am currently blessed with and the thoughts of missing my mom so much, decreases. I follow these positive thoughts by getting up and going to spend time with family or friends. It’s the connection that is missing so I just have to put myself in a situation that gives me what I need. I do not bring the depressive thoughts. I come in open so that I can absorb the positive that I am looking for. I will always love and miss her. She was my life but I cannot sit and be hurt about something I cannot change. What I can do is accept the love that is sitting in front of me. That’s what she would want me to do.

The whole point of this is that we have options in life. We can have a pity party or we can step up be happy with the blessings that we currently have in our lives right now. We all have blessings that we are ignoring at this very moment. For every negative think about a positive. That will help you keep your mind clear so that you can change that negative into a positive.

Take time looking at you life and all that you have going on right now. When you get you right then everything else will fall in place.

AND remember it doesn’t matter if the glass is half-empty or half full. Be thankful that you have a glass and grateful that there is something in it.



Friday, May 4, 2012

Rise and Shine!

Great morning!!!!!!!!!

How do you start your day? Do you wake up with sunny disposition?

I personally think that if the day is not started on a positive note then it’s really going to be hard to find that happy. I start my day with a smile. I WOKE UP. Since life is not promised waking up is like Christmas to me. It was especially good this morning because I saw “Hunger Games” last night so I was trying to save this girl from going to the Hunger Games….O_O So, when I woke up I was happy to see that it was just an infomercial about make-up J …. I then got up and did my morning Zumba. There is something about a shower after Zumba…… *smile* On the way to work had my morning discussion with GOD. Our discussions always leave me smiling. By the time that I get to work, I’m in the best mood. I have coffee, read my daily devotions, and then turn on my music. As I dance, I begin writing to you. It’s during this time that people stop by to say good morning. I’m in a great mood so they stop to get some happy….lol. I’m sure the rest of my day will go pretty smooth because I started on a high.

I suggest that you find the things that make you happy and begin your day with them. There is no need to hold on to yesterday because it’s gone. Have a plan for today and it will end up being a gift to you.

AND remember positive thinking is often mistaken for luck. The right attitude invites the right opportunities!



Thursday, May 3, 2012

Out with the old.....and in with the NEW!

Good morning,

We must kill the negative part of ourselves. This part is like a disease and it will spread if we allow. I mean what will it hurt if we just get rid of it? We won’t die. It’s really not even necessary to have it. Negativity breeds depression, which leads to the deterioration of life. Seriously, have you ever seen a happy person commit suicide? No, because they understand the value of life. It’s not perfect but definitely worth living. We must live in the “present”. That means that we are blessed with the day and we should treat it as a surprise. The day is not promised so when we wake up we should give thanks. If the negative is not helping us move forward then we need to get rid of it. In every negative is a positive and we need to focus on that. By doing this it will help us make better decisions. Let’s stop blaming others for how we feel, how we live, and our future decisions. We are grown! If we desire better then we have to go get it. No excuses. We have to stop giving our power to others. Trust me the person that hurt you is not losing any sleep. Stop worrying about why they did what they did. IT’S OVER! Learn from it and let’s go get this HAPPY!

Write down every negative thing you are obsessing about, and then tear it up. You don’t need it. Focus on the future and the happy that you have been ignoring.

AND remember if something doesn’t brighten your life, don’t take off your sunglasses, just turn around the sun may be behind you.



Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Where is your cape?

Good morning,

I was thinking this morning and I noticed that with every not so great thought I searched for the positive. There are times where this is really hard but I know the feeling of happy and that’s they only feeling I want.  I paused and thought, “We don’t realize how strong we have to be to hold on to negativity”. I mean you have to be a beast to hold on AND project that negativity out in the world. Negative situations are only able to grow in power because we feed into it. Holding on, talking about it, thinking about it, or plotting on it just gives power to the negativity. Why not use that same power to find the positive in the situation and feed into that? We have the power and we are able to use it anyway we want. I will never get tired of reminding us that we are in control. I may get a little aggressive at times to get my point across but I mean good. It’s like when we are constantly repeating things to children like, “You are so smart” after a while, they begin to believe it. That’s why I’m here, to remind us that we are better than any negative situation. Storms in our lives should make us go into the Batcave or phone booth and change into our superhero suits. Superheroes never run around in a state of panic. They stand up with their heads held high, make a plan, and then go in! So, we have to remind ourselves that we are not a product of negativity. Negativity is a product of how we think when we are not able to find the positive in life.

Decide if you are going to winner. It’s all up to you. I’m winning every day that I wake up!

AND remember winners have formed the habit of doing things losers don’t like to do……



Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Get down to the rooter tooter.......

Good morning,

“You can’t fix what you will not confront.”

We can change everything about us but if we do not address the issues we have in life, we are not really changing anything. Everything that we do is a result of something that has happened previously. Whether it’s good or not so great it all stems from our past. Life is forever changing and we must change with it. If we do not change, life will begin to feel like trying to put on clothes that you wore in the 3rd grade. It just won’t fit. Be flexible and communicate to keep things clear. Let us work on being better than we were yesterday. Take time to find out exactly what the issue is (we all have them) and begin to work on it. We want to be able to go into any situation with the least amount of baggage possible. No one is perfect but we can always be better. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You can lose focus of what’s important and never be able to move forward. Relax. Recognize what in your life needs to be fixed and then make a plan. Once the plan has been hatched, think only about that first step. Then move on to the next step. Before you know it, you will have accomplished your goal and then you can move on to the next issue. It’s not about being perfect, it’s the fact that you keep trying to be better.

Write out the issues that way you can have clear mind for the day. Enjoy a morning beverage and smile. Life is sweet and we must enjoy it.

AND remember we learn, grow, and are transformed not so much by what we do but why and how we do it.  Pay attention!