Wednesday, March 7, 2012

So Why Ask?

Special Morning.

I have so many things on my mind this morning. I did not want to be preachy but everything that I have thought about this morning leads me back to this one thought.

Why do we ask and pray for help but do what we want to do anyway?

I mean if we are not going to wait, why ask? It’s not just us. The Old Testament is straight up gangsta. God tells them what to do and then they do what they want. God makes promises but because they are impatient, they complain and do something else. Then when GOD puts the smack down, they get scared…. For a minute anyway. They only call out to GOD so that HE can fix the mess they made. No wonder he is angry. They constantly pluck HIS last nerve.

On the cool, we should all stop what we are doing and say “Thank you” for GOD sending Jesus to die for our sins. If it weren’t for that, GOD would have shook and erased us like an Etch A Sketch. It is inevitable that will sin. That is why HE gave all of those directions on what to do to get back on the right track. They still couldn’t get it together. It’s like your mom saying, “If you ask me one more time you are not going to get it” and they didn’t.

Today, instead of focusing on the bumps on my road I am thinking about the scenery. Appreciating the bigger picture is what it’s all about in my life. How can I make things better? I stay prayed up and I find that once I let go of it and focus on something else the answer appears in my life. Waiting is hard but there are so many other things that you could be doing. We have a tendency to want to find a way to make the waiting time shorter. Just because you turn, the temperature up on that cake doesn’t mean that it’s going to cook any faster. What’s going to happen is the outside will cook really fast but the inside will not. You are going to mess it up. There is a wait time so that things will be done correctly and the final product will be exactly what you desire.

Don’t ask for things that you are not willing to wait for. Do your part, keep an eye on it, and then wait! It’s said that anything worth having is worth waiting for….. Repeat that to yourself when waiting becomes difficult.

And remember if you pray about it don’t worry about it. If you’re going to worry about it don’t pray about it…….



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