Friday, March 2, 2012

Back on track..............

Awesome Morning!

I am in the best mood this morning. I just woke up happy and as I took a moment to appreciate the fact that I was happy, I just got happier. Considering that, I was battling with my emotions this week makes today even sweeter! I got all jazzed up to make my outside look like my inside. *SPRINKLE*

This week I was off task and was focused on how I was feeling instead of paying attention to what was happening around me. I really had to get my mind right. I wrote, prayed, and verbally listed the blessings in my life. I told myself that this is only for a minute. I got active in some things, addressed some things, and created some new things in my life. I made some plans. I did anything I could do to get my mind right. I will not allow pity parties because they are unproductive. I am better than that and I told myself that. We are human and we will have storms in life but it’s not the storm that dictates how your life will be. It’s how you handle the storms that will mold your life. Whether it’s a storm or a rainbow if you are not able to handle things properly then you will never be happy. We all know that rain never lasts forever but when the storm comes, we act as if it’s never going to end. How many times do we need things to happen before we get it?

Stop handing your life over to the negative. It’s yours but you are handing it over to fear and doubt as if they are in the business of making things better.  YOU need to get into the business of being better. GOD has given us free will but we will gladly give our happiness away. Now that just doesn’t make sense……..AND THEN we have the audacity to ask for more happiness. Really? Really? Keep some happy and it will be easier to get back to 100%.

Start with being grateful for today.

AND remember never get frustrated that you can’t see the flowers if you haven’t planted the seeds…..



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