Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Give us Free!!!!

Soooooooooooooooooooooo, I was scrolling through the Crackbook this morning while waiting on my vehicle to be serviced. A lady posted that she was so happy that it is scaring her. It made me think that we don’t submerge ourselves enough into the “Happy” of our lives. We are used to the struggle and hardships. We go through life not fully appreciating each and every day. It’s only when love, work, and family are on point that we are “Happy”. Then when your life is extremely good for an extended period of time you begin to feel a little paranoid. Like this is too good….. I’m too happy….. Things are too perfect. You end up lightweight ruining the happy because instead of drowning in it, you’re waiting on the other shoe drop. Maaaaannnnnnnn listen to me when I tell you feeling happy should be how you feel all the time! Being able to wake up, doing things for yourself, having a place to stay, work to go to, and people that love you should make you feel all warm and fuzzy. I am always saying that your life is a gift from GOD. Gifts are something that is supposed to make you happy. Free yourself from the chains of doubt, fear, and negativity. You deserve it! Hell your happy belongs to you! We can’t wait for something to happen in order for the happy to be activated when it’s with you all along. You have to be the person to recognize that your life is happiness! Happiness is the umbrella and all other emotions are things that fall and roll off of it. Again, I’m not saying that times won’t get rough. What I’m saying is that even at your lowest you have something to smile about. SMILE and enjoy the life you have been given. Keep moving forward and notice every “happy” along the way!

Remember happiness is not out there, it’s in you!

Have a great day!


Monday, November 27, 2017

No Regerts...............

So there is this Milky Way commercial where a tattoo artist misspells the word “Regrets” on a man’s arm. I caught myself giggling a little bit because we have all made decisions that that we later had regerts about. We all know that GOD has given us the gift of choice but not the gift of perfection. There is no way to guarantee that your choice will not end up hurting you…..BUT at the end of the day most mistakes you will recover from. Soooooooo, some of you know that I was in a relationship that lasted about a minute and half. Hell Kim Kardashian’s blink of the eye marriage lasted longer than my relationship……lol. It was a mistake on my part but not one that I regret. I do not regret giving a relationship a try. I do not regret stepping out of my box. I do not regret leaving. Sometimes things have to happen in order for us to get to where we need to be or to learn the lesson we are supposed to learn. What I learned is to always listen to me. I usually do listen. I always go with my gut. When my Spidey senses tingle I back up. This time I didn’t. That was my mistake. Luckily my mistake was not like the misspelled tattoo. I was able to get out unscarred. The point of all of this is to say that we are going to make some decisions that don’t work out. There is nothing to be ashamed of or have regrets about. It’s ok. We are not perfect nor are we being asked to be perfect. The only time we should have regrets is when you stop living life because of the mistake. Learn from your mistakes and be better next time.
And remember in the end, the only regrets are the decisions you didn’t make and the chances you never take.
Have a great day!

Monday, November 13, 2017

What about me?????

What I have realized about most women is that with a man and/or kids they will deplete themselves to make sure that everyone else is ok and then get mad because no one is thinking about their wellbeing. Now in a perfect world your man would say, “Baby you are amazing and you need to get out and do something for you” and you do it. In this world the man either doesn’t say it or you don’t do it when he says it. In my mind you can’t get mad because you have to do things for you! If you are always waiting on someone else to supply your need that need will never be met. It’s ok to be a little selfish. I’m sure your man and/or the kids think about themselves and what they want. Why can’t you do it? Is it because you will feel guilty? Now that’s just silly. Pull out paper and pen and write down all of the things that you do and all of the things that you love ones do for themselves. All of the extracurricular activities. All of the boys nights. All of the play dates, birthday parties, dance practice, and troop meetings that you make time for. All of fantasy football and NFL Sundays at the sports bar that your loved one attends. Now tell me why you feel guilty for ANYTHING! Make a spa appointment, go to the movies ALONE, have lunch or dinner with girlfriends, painting with a twist, or even just sitting at Starbuck’s to people watch. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having some me time. Actually having “Me” time will make you a better wife and/or Mommy. It’s like you have recharged yourself and ready to go back into being Super again. You are wonderful but if you don’t take care of you….. you will break. Be good to you so that you can be good to others.

And remember Karma also comes back to you for the way that you treat yourself.

Have a great day!


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Frogin' it!

Trust in HIM, Trust in HIM! That’s all I keep seeing. It may come in different wording but the message is always the same, “Trust in HIM!”
Obviously GOD knows that he created a batch of crazy people. He has given us the gift of choice knowing that we wouldn’t always choose him. He leaves us to our known devices knowing that we will freak out first. There is nothing wrong with life throwing something at you and you freaking out about it. That is a natural first reaction. Your next reaction is where it really matters. Most likely you are churning those brain cells trying to figure out how to handle the situation all along stressing about it. Once you consider all possibilities this is the time to hand it over.
Fully Rely On GOD……..
I simply treat HIM like HE is my best friend and I go to HIM. I talk, pray, cry, and at times even beg for HIS guidance. I know that my peace will come when I go to HIM. I know that everything will work itself out when I stay near Him and his word. When times get hard or cloudy I know that all I need is a mustard seed of Faith to get to HIM in order to begin my journey to a peace of mind.
I was speaking to someone this weekend that had a lot on his mind. It wasn’t even a bad situation…. It was just a lot of grey area. Nothing had even happened….. He was just thinking of all of the changes that would need to be made if this situation popped off. Just straight up worried himself into a sour mood. We talked it through and before we ended the call he sounded better than when he initially started talking.
Later he called me back and sounded like his cheerful self. I couldn’t resist asking what happened….
And he said to me, “What did you tell me Frog meant?”
I responded, “Fully Rely On GOD”
To which he replied, “Exactly!”
I just laughed because we both realized that at the end of the day it’s GOD’s will and we just need to be able to move and shake when HE moves and shakes.
He said he is “Frogin’ it!” and I agree!
Remember when you sow a seed for harvest be prepared for rain……