Good morning,
This morning I noticed that I’ve had a trying week. I say trying because with each situation that took place my initial reaction may have been negative but like I said before my JOY belongs to me. They can’t have it! Well last night was the kicker. I mean I was woke up out of my sleep for what I thought would be a pleasant situation but it was not. By the time it was all over, I was hurt and exhausted. This morning although I was no longer in extreme pain I was still bothered. On the drive to work, I was thinking, “What is going on here?” All week my emotions have been under attacked. Just when I let something go here comes something else. Letting of things is not an easy task. I would very hard keeping myself on the happy/joyful side of life. Since I have been putting in the work, I can say that there are times when I’m Joyful for no reason at all…..but please believe me it was a tough to get to this point. I had to let go of things that didn’t matter anymore. Heck I still have to do it now. I’m no longer in those situations so why do I need to hold on to it? I create my own future now so none of that other stuff matters. Things happen to us but we create who we are. We make the decisions now. So why would I add those negative things to create me? About half way to work, I said aloud “YOU CAN'T HAVE IT! MY JOY BELONGS TO ME.” If someone doesn’t like the fact that I have changed then that’s their problem not mine. I didn’t decide to be happy and see the silver lining to upset anyone. I did it for me. Plain and simple. I was tired of being sad. I was tired of everything always being negative. I have my own rocks to get out of my heart. I will not sow your negativity in my garden of life. IT’S MY GARDEN!!! Now I will be more than happy to help anyone. I will encourage and support anyone that wants to have a joy-filled life. What’s not going to happen is anyone coming and dumping their crap in my garden. No weeds, No rocks, no trash…… not in my garden. My garden will be a breeding ground for seeds of JOY so that they will sprout into a positive future. I will nurture my garden with happy words, faith, words of wisdom, and peace. I will continue to dig out any unnecessary things that are unproductive to my growth. I heard the other night, “whatever you feed will grow”. If you plant negativity then every negative word that comes out of your mouth will feed that garden. Look at your garden. What are you growing? Don’t get to the point where you can’t see the garden at all due to the weeds. Some people can’t see that they are in a different situation because the hurt of the past is blinding them. I can’t do anything about that. Your life is your life. I am only a cheerleader for anyone that may need one. I can’t live it for you. Things that hurt me in the past I had to work on letting go. It was keeping me in a negative place that I no longer desired to be. My father and I had this conversation not too long ago. I told him what’s in the past is in the past. We can’t change it but we can do is be better moving forward. I can’t sit and continue to think about what we didn’t have…. IT’S OVER! We have today so let’s not mess it up. We know better so let’s do better. Don’t let other people plant crap in your garden. Seeds of doubt, fear, pain, and anger will never be productive in your life journey. Lashing out with all of your built up hurt is not going to get you to your Joy either. Word vomit happens because you are full not because you are purging to let go. You are not changed from it. You have to make a conscious decision to make a difference in your life. No one else can do it for you. I was told that I would not be able to take everyone on the happy train with me and it hurt. I want everyone to have Joy but I am not in control of anyone but me. This week was a great example of that. I will not stop encouraging. I will not stop being a cheerleader for happy. I will not stop attempting to change every negative into a positive. I will have some not great days but please believe they will no longer outweigh my good days. This is who I am. If for some reason you are not able to handle it then step away……. I’ll be here when you return.
Your garden of life is a gift and when you clutter it with trash and weeds, it’s disrespectful to who gave it to you. LET IT GO!
AND remember do not stress over the things you cannot change because we create our tomorrow by what we do today.
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