Thursday, October 4, 2012

Get a shovel.......

Good afternoon,

I have so much on my mind today. Life Studies always has me thinking, thinking, thinking and today is no different. We discussed the parable of the sower. I found this scripture so power and sooooo deep. I mean we couldn’t move on because the discussion just kept going and going. We ended the conversation with the part of the parable about seeds being sowed in ground that has rocks in it. The seeds sprout but since they are not deeply rooted, the sun can come and scorch them. They were not able to get the nutrients they needed because the rocks were in the way. I thought that this was so beautiful. So a quick translation….. The seeds are the word of GOD. The ground is your heart. The rocks are things we hold on to (i.e. anger, shame, sadness, being a victim, unworthiness). The sun is any type of trial, storm, or experience. Now we are constantly getting the word of GOD. Just because it doesn’t have the word “GOD” in it doesn’t mean that it’s not a part of his word. Things like “Let it go”, “Piece be still”, and the truth shall set you free are all in the bible. I believe most people are intimidated by the bible (I know I was) and that’s why we tend to pull away from it. I have found with understanding it’s not any different from the life we are living right now. Yes,…we are not farmers but we still live by the saying, “What you put in is what you get out”.  Now…..we ALL have rocks in our heart. Some are pebbles and some are boulders. The whole point of this scripture is that we have to continue to work those stones out. Some will be easier to work out than others will but we should never give up. The more stones we work out the more open will be to the word and all positive things that come with it. That way when the “Sun” comes it will not scorch but continue to mold you into the person you are supposed to be. I have said that the storms of life are not there to destroy you. They are lessons that have to be learned and if GOD could just say, “Do this and this” and we did it then I think we wouldn’t have to go through that. Anywhoo, I put on my Facebook that when life gets funky it’s like having a rock in the groove of your shoe. We never just walk around uncomfortable talking about how you know there is a rock but you will not get it out. We immediately stop and work that rock out and then move on. I actually had a rock stuck in my tire tread (the treads are so deep J thanks Ike) and I could hear it. I pulled over and looked at every tire until I found it. Then I had to find some tools to work it out. When I got it out my truck ran so much smoother. That’s life. Continue to work on getting those negative things out of your life. It’s easier to accept the positive when there is nothing blocking it. I realized through the conversation that people tend to hold on to certain stones to remind them of how unworthy or that they should still be ashamed. The thing is that those things are gone. You are not in that same position. There is a 99% chance that you are the only person that even thinks about that situation. Stop punishing yourself for something that happened in the past. IT’S OVER AND YOU ARE STILL STANDING! It only lives because you allow it to live. Dig that stone out and place it on a shelf….. Use it as an example of how you dug it out and became better from it. You will get no trophies or awards from leaving it in your heart. Don’t be embarrassed. Let GOD use you to heal yourself and others. There is nothing like the feeling of using your victory from a past hurt to help someone else claim their victory. You are already an example of how something GREAT can come out of something not so great! LIVE IT!

We will always have to maintain our garden of life. Take care of you.

AND remember don’t let pass situations dictate future blessings


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