Friday, September 28, 2012

YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good morning,

Lately when I something upsets me I say, "You can’t have it”. Earlier in the week, a woman almost hit me with her car. I got upset and just as quick as I got upset I went back to my happy place. She didn’t hit me so really there was no need to be upset so I told her, “You can’t have it”. Someone at my job plucked a nerve and I told them, “You can’t have it”. I’m so real about this. MY HAPPY BELONGS TO ME AND YOU CAN’T HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I worked very hard to get to this place and if the devil, the evil, or negativity thinks for one minute that I am going to allow them to have they are sadly mistaken. It belongs to me! Oh and how they do try to make it hard for me to live. They attempt to put seeds of doubt into my mind but I’m not having it. This especially happens when life is in transition or when something is about to move in your life. When things are looking like a mess and nothing seems to be coming together is when it sneaks in. That is when you need to be the strongest. That’s when you need to stand up and check yourself. If you want your happy then go get it! Stop looking for it…it’s right there! Tell (aloud) the negative things in your life that they can’t have it! You want to bring the drama? Well save that for your momma because you can’t have it. People on your job trippin’ well smile and tell them you can’t have it. Your own mind trying to play tricks on you? Check’em! Until there is undisputable proof then don’t worry about it. Things in your life are not playing out fast enough….chill. Those situations can’t have your JOY! There are too many other things happening in your life that are a blessing. Too many other things in your life bring you JOY. Focus on those until the other things can be worked out. When things look funky to me, I think about Ruth. She lost her husband and two sons…. AND on top of that, she was in a famine. I mean really is your life that bad? I doubt it. Anywhoo, she was just scratching and surviving, Boaz saw her (someone is always watching out for you), and a series of events lead her to a better situation (in short). The point is that where you are RIGHT NOW is where you are supposed to be. Things will change and you need the circumstances of where you are right now so that you will be prepared for your future. SOOOOOOO with that being said, you need to be happy. Your current situation should not be in control of your happy. IT CAN’T HAVE IT!!!!!! It’s your happy. The thing is that when you do finally get to happy then all that bad is forgotten sooooo let’s get a head start. Let’s have a pre-celebration that never ends. Celebrate during the storm because you want to come out on the other side experience what extra happy feels like. This week has been super awesome for me. I have opened my eyes every morning with a layer of “extra happy” on. Nothing has happened. I just woke up happy. I am so grateful for this feeling. I think about where I have come from and I’m excited about where this life may lead me. I know that doubt and fear HATE me this week. They tried but I think they have moved on for the week. My shine has been too much for them. Oh well. I don’t know where life is going to lead but I tell you what…… I’m going to be SUPER HAPPY when I get there…. You can’t have my happy! It belongs to me!

AND remember you have a wonderful life….. It’s better to realize it sooner than later.



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