Friday, September 28, 2012

YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good morning,

Lately when I something upsets me I say, "You can’t have it”. Earlier in the week, a woman almost hit me with her car. I got upset and just as quick as I got upset I went back to my happy place. She didn’t hit me so really there was no need to be upset so I told her, “You can’t have it”. Someone at my job plucked a nerve and I told them, “You can’t have it”. I’m so real about this. MY HAPPY BELONGS TO ME AND YOU CAN’T HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I worked very hard to get to this place and if the devil, the evil, or negativity thinks for one minute that I am going to allow them to have they are sadly mistaken. It belongs to me! Oh and how they do try to make it hard for me to live. They attempt to put seeds of doubt into my mind but I’m not having it. This especially happens when life is in transition or when something is about to move in your life. When things are looking like a mess and nothing seems to be coming together is when it sneaks in. That is when you need to be the strongest. That’s when you need to stand up and check yourself. If you want your happy then go get it! Stop looking for it…it’s right there! Tell (aloud) the negative things in your life that they can’t have it! You want to bring the drama? Well save that for your momma because you can’t have it. People on your job trippin’ well smile and tell them you can’t have it. Your own mind trying to play tricks on you? Check’em! Until there is undisputable proof then don’t worry about it. Things in your life are not playing out fast enough….chill. Those situations can’t have your JOY! There are too many other things happening in your life that are a blessing. Too many other things in your life bring you JOY. Focus on those until the other things can be worked out. When things look funky to me, I think about Ruth. She lost her husband and two sons…. AND on top of that, she was in a famine. I mean really is your life that bad? I doubt it. Anywhoo, she was just scratching and surviving, Boaz saw her (someone is always watching out for you), and a series of events lead her to a better situation (in short). The point is that where you are RIGHT NOW is where you are supposed to be. Things will change and you need the circumstances of where you are right now so that you will be prepared for your future. SOOOOOOO with that being said, you need to be happy. Your current situation should not be in control of your happy. IT CAN’T HAVE IT!!!!!! It’s your happy. The thing is that when you do finally get to happy then all that bad is forgotten sooooo let’s get a head start. Let’s have a pre-celebration that never ends. Celebrate during the storm because you want to come out on the other side experience what extra happy feels like. This week has been super awesome for me. I have opened my eyes every morning with a layer of “extra happy” on. Nothing has happened. I just woke up happy. I am so grateful for this feeling. I think about where I have come from and I’m excited about where this life may lead me. I know that doubt and fear HATE me this week. They tried but I think they have moved on for the week. My shine has been too much for them. Oh well. I don’t know where life is going to lead but I tell you what…… I’m going to be SUPER HAPPY when I get there…. You can’t have my happy! It belongs to me!

AND remember you have a wonderful life….. It’s better to realize it sooner than later.



Thursday, September 20, 2012

It always happens in 3's................

Good afternoon,

Yesterday’s life lesson was about the “Evil Three”. The “3” showed up in Life Studies, at the end of my workday, and then last night…. The lesson appeared 3 times. If you know me, I’m all about the “3”. If I hear something three times then it has my full attention. Anywhoooo, the evil three are doubt, anxiety, and fear. We battle with them every day. I talk about them all the time. The harder we work on building a positive life the harder they work at throwing a monkey wrench in that plan. I was thinking about the three and how they affect us. Doubt affects the mind. It has you manifesting things that haven’t even happened yet. Because we almost never “assume” in the positive we create the worst-case scenarios when it comes to situations. The thing that is crazy is that most of the time there is no indication that things are not going to go in the positive direction. Doubt knows that when we have to be patient that is the best time to attack. So, doubt sends a “maybe” and has you thinking things have changed when in actuality nothing has changed. Yesterday you were not thinking about the situation and now today it’s about to fall apart. Once doubt has embedded itself in your mind, it then summons its homie anxiety. Anxiety attacks the body and has you not sleeping well, having bad dreams, uneven breathing, and sometimes a panic attack. Now your world is falling apart. Your situation is the same but you physically are falling apart. Now that doubt and anxiety are tag teaming, they bring in the closer……fear. Fear is bigger than a mind thing. Fear implants itself in your soul. Think about it when you fear something your whole being reacts to it. Again, here goes the “3’s”…. Mind, Body, and soul. The enemy is not unorganized. There is a clear plan. DESTRUCTION of your happiness is the only desire. They say for every good there is a bad. That’s why we have to stay focused. We have to find something to take our mind off the situation. Find some affirmations, groups, or hobbies to get into while we are waiting on the situation to wrap itself up. If you have done all that you were supposed to do and that’s left is to wait then I strongly suggest that you find something to occupy that time. The good is always there but the “bad” will always try to distract us from it. The “evil three” has to get it in where it fits in because no one consciously makes room for them. I know I don’t. I make every attempt to focus on the “GOOD three”.  When doubt creeps up on me, (doubt never lets you know that it’s coming) I turn my mind to the “Father”. When I focus on GOD, I am able to find the positive. If you believe in GOD then you know that HE wants what’s best for you. It’s a support system. When you are going through something and you need to vent you turn to your support system because you know that they have you best interest in mind. Well it’s the same with GOD and that’s where I go. Once my mind is on GOD I remind myself that the “Son” died for me so I’m covered. I can relax my body because my mind is not trippin’ out. It reinforces what I already know to be true. Knowing that I’m covered by GOD totally I can totally live in HIS “Holy Spirit”.  It runs all through me allowing me to stay focused and to keep moving forward. I end up being in a calm relaxing place. This may sound a little preachy but you know what it’s how I live my “BEST” life. I want to be spiritually in tune with the “GOOD Three” because I know that they will always have my back when it comes to the storms of life. Life will never stop so we must always be prepared for whatever comes our way. Doing these steps doesn’t make the storm go away but it does make you better prepared to make it through. Let go of the negative and let’s go get this better life. No more complaining…. That’s that “evil three” living. Don’t wait to hear this message two more times…… Get on it now.

AND remember the things that you pay attention to will tell you who you really are……



Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Good afternoon,

I’m sitting here and I’m thinking about fear. Fear comes from not having an understanding of a situation. When we don’t know either we shy away or act like a bull in a china shop. We all do it. I use to shy away from speaking about GOD. I knew some things and although I have faith, there were so many things I didn’t understand. I have been able to ask all of my questions without someone giving me the serious side eye and now I am so much more comfortable in a spiritual conversation. With better understanding, I am able to get through the storms of life. It’s not that the storms are easier…..I’m just stronger. The reason that I titled this post “Crackhead” is because we are human and we have to take life one day at a time in order not to be strung out.  The drug is fear and when we are living in fear, it will cause destruction. Fear will have you lying stealing, and cheating people. You are afraid of getting in trouble so you lie and blame someone else. You are acting shifty because you are stealing and afraid that someone may catch you. You don’t address issues because you are afraid of what it may say about you. You are afraid that you will fail so you make irrational decisions, which just cause the storm to get bigger. The thing about storms is that they always pass. Even the worse storms have come and gone. What we must do is not jump too fast in the storm. We must get into a Faith program and take it one day at a time. I have learned that when the storm is giving me the business I need to just stop. I must stop all movements and get prayed up. Focus on GOD. It’s not that I feel like I’m going to get the answer right at that moment. I just need to be centered so that when I do make a plan I will not be all over the place. When the storm comes, our initial reaction is some form of fear. We cannot let that fear drive us. Allowing fear to guide you is like letting Stevie Wonder’s evil twin take you to the store. Nothing good will come from it. Get focused on being calm and centered and then move. When GOD brought the Israelites out of Egypt, it was not so they could run around like chickens with their heads cut off. HE wanted something better for them. Now all they needed was to have Faith and stay the course. Well I am telling us….focus and stay the course. The storm will pass but will you have enough Faith to endure the journey?

And remember they say that weeping may endure for a night but JOY comes in the morning…….



Friday, September 14, 2012


Good morning,

Every day I pray that we all get to a place in life that we are at peace. I know that it becomes difficult because we are human and there will always be worry. We just have to stand strong and battle through anything that comes our way. I was speaking with my Life studies group yesterday about how with understanding comes a sense of peace. People will always shy away from what they don’t understand. That is why I pray for understanding. I have a strong desire to be at peace. When I am at peace, I can handle the storms that may come my way. The storms of life are not so detrimental. With peace, I understand that I’m so much stronger than I give myself credit. I have come so far and I understand that all that I have gone through is not just for me. GOD could have used any situation to build me into the person that he wanted me to be. He used what was necessary so that I could help others that would be in need. I didn’t understand at the time but later it all made sense. I just needed to pay attention. The answers to whom we are and what we are supposed to do are all around us. Every situation is a clue and if you do not pay attention, you will miss it. The good thing is that if you miss it the clue will come back. Tune in to your talents. What is it that you are really good at? I mean what is something that comes so simple? That is the core of who you are. Once you can figure that out then you can develop that into something that you like to do. I love to talk, advise, and help their get to their happy. Your talent was given to you for a reason. In the bible when GOD wanted his temple built, he gave certain people specific talents. Well that still holds true. There are certain things that come easy for some and not so much for others. Use your talent. The happiest times in your life come from doing something that you love. That is where your peace is at…….tune in.

AND remember when you unclutter your mind you will be able to find a peace of mind….


FYI….. I just want to inform you that I may not be able to send the good morning e-mails every day. I have been working on this book project and it’s getting difficult for me to have something inspiring to say while my mind is focused on this book. I am going to try to send them as often as possible but I really want to make this book a reality.  I hope you all understand. Have a wonderful day!


Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Good afternoon,

I was thinking about my circle of friends and I smiled. I am so blessed to have these people in my life. I know that when my life is turned upside down I can count on them to have my back. When I say that they have my back, I do not mean they get me out of trouble (although they would) I mean emotionally they will be there for me. I am able to express myself and not feel like I’m standing butt naked in the middle of I-10. We all know that I have problems with feeling vulnerable. Anywhoo, it made me think about the saying, “Weddings, babies, and funerals will show you who your real friends are”. It is during these times that your true friends will put how they feel aside and help you through whatever you are going through. It makes you appreciate those people so much more. As for the people that were not able to put your feelings first the relationship usually is fractured. It’s then that you have to decide what role that person will play in your life. I use to be of the mindset that if you are not able to support me then we no longer needed to be friends. I was so cut throat. I have adjusted and even though I may not cut a person totally out you will no longer have “inner circle” privileges.  There are some people in my life right now that do not know that they are no longer in the inner circle. I think it’s because they are not able to see pass their own wants and needs to notice that I’m not there. I truly believe that some people are in our lives for a season or a reason. It may not be meant for them to stay in your life. I was once told that your trials/storms are not always meant for you. They are a lesson that you are supposed to learn so that you can help someone else later. I feel that same way about people. Someone may be put in your life to help you continue on your journey. I have been able to give support to people because I have already been through it and I’m still standing. There was a woman that had come in for an interview and while she was waiting, I was just talking to her. Somehow, I got on the subject of “Happy” and I couldn’t stop talking. I apologized for my mouth vomit and she told me that she needed to hear that. We are not friends but she was sent to my job to hear something that would help her on her journey. The point of all of this is that we shouldn’t allow ourselves to get upset when your so-called “Friends” upset you and do not have your back. It may just be that the reason they are in your life has already been fulfilled. You cannot change people but you can change how you deal with them. Once again, the season is changing so let go of all unnecessary baggage. If you have any amount of Faith then you know that you will always be taken care of…….so let go and enjoy your wonderful life.

AND remember each time you meet a person, it occurs at a time when it will have the greatest impact in our lives……



Monday, September 10, 2012

Keeping my head on straight..​.....

Good morning,

Yesterday we had Sunday Salon, my aunt was talking about how life is forever changing, and we must adapt to the changes. Even when it does change, we must understand that it’s changing for a reason. There will be something that follows that will make your life better. In the moment, it may seem that nothing is going right but if you give it a minute, the sunshine will always return. I am so proud of myself because when I am happy about something and it seems to take a turn for the not so great instead of getting upset I breathe and think, “Let go….. If it’s for you then things will work out. If it’s not for me then there must be something else better.” There is a “big picture” look that we want for our lives but while waiting for that whole picture to come together we must enjoy the details that will create the bigger picture. I’m going to enjoy life day by day. When my thoughts have me trying to predict too many unknowns I have to stop and focus on today. Today I am happy. I will focus on my posted quotes or scriptures to keep me on track. I walk by FAITH and not by the unknowns of life.  It’s those unknowns that tend to drive us crazy. I mean sitting and running scenarios through your mind and then attempting to predict which one will actually happen will have you in a tizzy. We have all done it. Well I have to catch myself. I just work on letting it all go. I want to have empty hands so that I can catch all of the blessings coming my way. I have told myself that I will not stress over things that I am not able to control. That’s not my job. My job is to be happy and enjoy the life that has been given to me. I am supposed to take advantage of the opportunities that come my way. I am to learn from my mistakes and to keep reinforcing that if I keep getting up I will always be a winner. I can handle the change. Everything happens for a reason so I just need to chill and let it happen. I can and will do it!

I encourage you to free yourself. Enjoy the moment.

AND remember life is like a roller coaster….sometimes you have to let go and enjoy the ride.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thank you

Great morning,

This morning I am feeling so “Thankful”. I can remember when I use to stress about everything. I would stress about the future and all of the things that “Could” happen. I use to wear myself out. Now when those thoughts creep in (they never go away) I am able to shut them down. It’s just not important because nothing has happened. I remind myself that things are fine. I look to the word and calm myself down. In life, we will create a catastrophe without any evidence that trouble is heading that way. When assuming we almost never think in the positive. In order for that to happen, we must first see some evidence that it will work out. I am thankful that I’m learning how to assume in the positive. I know that life doesn’t even have to be as good as it is right now and because of this, I am “Thankful”. I could be stuck in past and clouding my future but I’m not. I could be bitter and sucking the happy out of other people. I could drive myself crazy holding on to the “coulda”, “woulda”, “shoulda”. For that, I am “Thankful”. I know that because I have let go, I’ve freed up space in my heart for more blessings. Oh and how the blessings have been poured in my life. You are not able to place a price on sanity. A clean heart and mind enable you to make better decisions. When I think that things are about to spiral out of control instead of jumping the gun I wait. I think of a plan and then I just wait it out. I have been working on my patience and I am here to tell you that in the end things have worked themselves out because I didn’t add any fuel to the fire.  A couple of years ago someone told me not to pray for patience. They told me to work on it on my own. When you ask GOD to help you with patience you never know what will be put in your life to “help” you with your patience. I am thankful for that advice.  I am thankful that I have been given another day to spread JOY. I wasn’t always this happy. I use to be miserable but I can appreciate my happy so much more because I’ve been unhappy. I am thankful. It’s easy to drop the negative when you have been living in the positive. I am thankful for new understandings. I know that I will always be a work in progress. Happy like marriage takes a lot of work but it’s worth it. I am thankful that storms do not last and GOD still blesses me during the storm. How can I not be “Thankful”? I have not always made the best decisions and I’m still standing and happy. I have been given the opportunity to live an awesome life and I am going to take full advantage. I am thankful for this gift of life. As long as I continue to wake up, I will be thankful. I will live in the positive and when that old negative attempts to creep in, I will pause and readjust. I will think about all that has been given to me and I will say, “Thank you”.

And remember happiness come when we stop complaining about our troubles and start saying thank you for the troubles we don’t have……



Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Good morning!

Good morning,

You know……. I have said many times that when you send out positivity it will always come back to you. I’m not feeling my best today and therefore, my mood is not at 100%. I don’t know what it is about being sick that just puts you in a sour mood. I think it’s because I’m just uncomfortable. I’m happy just not peppy. So, I was sitting here meditating and my phone lit up. I looked and there was a text message from someone that woke up happy and just wanted to pass the vibe to me. It instantly brought a smile to my face. I had already received an earlier message that got my day started. I love when my friends and family share their happiness with me. That’s one of the reason that send random Good morning texts to the contacts in my phone. You never know how the simple sharing of Joy can enhance someone’s day. We are always talking about how we wish there were more positive things in the world but the truth is that we have to be the change we want to see. It will take some time but it can be done. There were some people that doubted my happiness in the beginning. I mean they threw negativity at me when I told them about the change I was making in my life. I just stayed on the path and now I’m at the point where I’m not able to be sad….lol. People are not having it….and I’m cool with that. If life and death lie in the power of the tongue then we have to use that power to create the happy we want in our lives. “Haters” only bother you because they know that they can get under your skin. Once you are walking in positivity they will fall off because they can’t handle the happy. They are not ready to give the negative up so they will move on. You don’t even have to say anything to them. Negative words will just fuel the problem and like granny use to say, “Feed a cold, Starve a fever”.  Pump positivity in and get rid of the negative. The problem will go away. What you put out is what you will get back. I’m so thankful that I understand this because I can appreciate when someone takes the time to send me a good morning message. Thank you! I wish you nothing but the best today and in life!

AND remember happiness begins with you!