Thursday, July 19, 2012

Make a difference.........

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!!!!!!


How often do you reach out to put a smile on someone’s face? Not on some “I’m trying to holla at you” type stuff but just the desire bring joy to someone’s day. I find an abundant amount of joy in making someone else smile. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. I will send hand written notes (If I have your address), text messages, e-mails, or I may just call just to say something nice to a person. It times like this that can change a person’s day thus changing their energy. That one act of kindness will spark a positive light inside of them and it will attract other positives. You never know how you can add to someone’s happiness. PLUS when you send out happy, it comes back to you. Usually when you tell someone, “Have a great day” they will say it back to you. I know that when I tell my family how much I love them they waste no time telling me the same.  I grew up sharing love so it’s a no brainer for me to want to share it outside of my family unit. I know how happy feels and I so want everyone to get some of it. I’m convinced that once you get that first taste of happy you will want it more and more. I know I do. I’m always saying, “Happy is as Happy does….so what are you doing?” and I know for me I am always trying new things to keep the happy going. Happiness comes from within. It’s cool if you have something to trigger it but it’s up to you to maintain it. When you make up your mind to be happy anything positive that comes your way is icing on the cake!

Soooooooo, reach out today and sprinkle some happy on someone and yourself!

AND remember a JOY shared is a JOY doubled!



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