Friday, April 20, 2012

This or that?

Good morning,

I want to first apologize for not sending an e-mail yesterday. I had a migraine that I have now named “Blind Fury”. I don’t know what I did but that migraine was mad at me. I wanted to send an e-mail but I couldn’t even look at the screen and focus. Today I feel much better. I believe I just needed the rest.


Today, I want to touch on what I “was” going to talk about yesterday. This may seem a little preachy but I was moved by it. Two days ago, I received my daily devotional and there was a question, “Love: Is it a feeling or a choice?” and I sat back and thought about it. Then I went to a bible study and the teacher as the same question almost word for word. I instantly perked up because I just read that devotional that morning!

Love is a choice. Most think it’s a feeling but it’s not. Feelings are attached to everything we do. If you won a million dollars, it can create a feeling very similar to what you can feel with a person in a relationship. That is just happiness. Love is a decision you make. I LOVE my family. I may not like everything they do but I choose to love them anyway. They are my family. I believe when it comes to relationships we will go strictly based off emotion. It’s almost like a chess game. We feel and then we react. No real information needed. We are special. When a relationship ends, someone has chosen to remove their love. The feelings may still be strong for that person but for one reason or another, they have chosen to remove all love from the situation. You know the saying, “If you love someone let them go, if it was yours then they will come back, if not then they were never yours to begin with”. That is a hard pill to swallow but it’s true. Love is all about choice. When someone chooses to stay and confess their feelings it makes the other person feel like gold! When someone chooses to leave that can make someone feel not so great. Sometimes having to choose to leave hurts. At some point, we have to realize that everyone has a choice and it may not always be what you want. COMMUNICATION is so important. How one CHOOSES to communicate their actions will have an effect on how the other person will feel and the choices made from that point on. GOD created choice when he put the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden. HE had so much love that he gave them the power to choose hoping that they would choose him and knowing that they wouldn’t. HE is so gangsta to me….. Holding on to someone too long or too tight doesn’t mean that love will grow. You have to open up and allow them to choose you. That is how you know that love is there. If a situation has to end and no one is willing to stop the person from leaving, well we have to be gangsta enough to accept that. Just like you chose to love them, they have the choice not to invest their love. This is where feelings come in. Thoughts of why come to mind and mixed with hurt feelings can create some not so awesome choices. Now things can change and maybe they will come back but then you have the choice to accept that or not. The one thing I do know is that we should always have the mindset to CHOOSE forward movement. Do not stop waiting for someone to come back to you. If it’s yours, it will come back whether you are moving or not. Let’s choose love of life, friends, and family. Enjoying love in these places will help us choose better with whom we want to invest our love.

Today let’s think about the choices we make. Are we really making choices based off the reality/facts of the situation or are we making them based off our feelings?

AND remember the choices we make in life are made according to our sense of our own worth.



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