Monday, April 30, 2012

Get it together.

Good morning,

This morning my devotional says, “The difficulties in life are caused by disharmony in the individual”. In other words, we can pray all we want but if we do not work on us, we will never be happy with our lives. I always feel if we exude happy then happy things will come. If we are a ball of negativity then we will manifest that in our lives. Never fear to fail. That fear will attach itself to all of our hopes and dreams slowly chipping away until there is nothing left. We can never fully enjoy our desires if we have negativity attached to it. GOD blesses us with life every day, so let’s use this time to enjoy each moment. Let the fears and negativity fall by the wayside. Whatever happens stay strong because we are favored. We have always been taken care of so why would we feel that one day we won’t? Working on the inside will prepare for great things on the outside.

Depend on you to make you happy. Everything else should be like icing on the cake for you to enjoy!

AND remember let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words, and your faith stronger than your feelings.



Friday, April 27, 2012

Let's do it again.....

Good morning,

I was thinking this morning (I know dangerous huh?) and I realized that I would rather do something and fail than doing nothing at all. At least I can say I tried. I also know that I can accomplish it if I correct the error that caused me to come short of reaching my goal. There will be no regrets or thoughts of what could have been because I did give it a try. Life is full of opportunities to have a wonderful life but if we never try to take advantage of those opportunities then we can’t complain when life sucks. Don’t just sit and complain about things in your life. Complain with a purpose. Rehash the situation to figure where the misstep happened so that it can be corrected. Then go out and make it happen. Life is about the choices we make. We can choose to try and become great or we can choose to stay still for too long and allow life to pass us by. So what are you going to do?

Take some time to figure out what you want in life and then go after it.  

AND remember if you want to reach things nobody else is reaching, you must do things nobody else is doing.



Thursday, April 26, 2012

Great minds think alike!

I love it when an article co-signs my very thoughts...... ENJOY!!!!!
How to be happy in life!
I am reminded of an incident from my childhood and I think it makes sense to include it in this article. Whenever I used to get ill, my mom used to give me so much care and attention that I got a little spoiled. I started taking advantage of the situation, and sometimes just pretended to have a headache or fever. I loved it when I was the center of attraction and getting anything I wanted. And, it is true that many of us also apply this trick, whenever we can, to gather sympathy and care from the others.
This game that we have learned as a child is one main reason why we choose to be sad and miserable instead of happy. We have been conditioned in such a way that if we are miserable then people will feel sorry, show sympathy, and be attentive to us. This certainly boosts our ego and makes us feel important. On the contrary, when a child is perfectly fit and healthy, nobody pays any attention. Thus, we love to cling onto our miseries.
The second important factor is that when people see others happy, they tend to get jealous -- because it reminds them of their own inner misery. Thus, we cannot display our joyfulness fully. We cannot laugh freely—because it invites jealousy among friends. And even if you laugh, you cannot laugh wholeheartedly, otherwise there is a great risk that your friends might become inimical of you. When we live in such a society where we have to repress our laughter, how can we be happy in life?
However, when we are feeling sad or something bad has happened to us, lots of our friends console us with their words of comfort. This outer display of sympathy is most of the time not genuine and just an act of hypocrisy because they are in fact, happy inside. This has become a human nature; it's such a pity.
So, how can we overcome this and be happy in life?
Let me offer you the following list of my suggestions and please do not mistake them as preaching:
The first strategy is not to compare - neither your joys nor your sufferings with others. Comparison never helps. It gives birth to stupid competition.
Secondly, put your ego aside, be alert, and seek the source of your unhappiness. If you become aware that misery is your own choice, then you will see the result.
Thirdly, accept responsibility for your miseries, and don’t simply blame it upon others. Acceptance is a great courage in itself. Be courageous.
Fourthly, don’t befool yourself thinking that you can learn to become happy from books or from those so-called gurus who promise false hopes of happiness. It is such a sham. Just remember one thing, happiness cannot be taught. Happiness is simply happiness, and misery is nothing but a choice of yours. This is the only one vital key that needs to be understood.
Understand Happiness
Happiness exists within you. It comes from nowhere. For instance: Why do you become happy when you see a blooming flower, a singing bird, or a blue sky? You do not have to search for happiness. The very idea -- pursuit of happiness is senseless. It is not something that needs to be pursued. Happiness is not something that you can find in the market, buy it, and bring it home.Otherwise, everyone in this world would be happy. It is right here, with you right now at this very moment. In fact, it has always been with you. You just have to be a little conscious and aware. Your eyes have been blinded with your own ego. Toss your egoistic mind away and watch, there is bliss everywhere. Happiness is entirely your choice in life.
My friends sometimes tell me that they are sad. I ask for the cause and they do not know why? If you can be sad without any reason then you can be happy without any reason as well. One might argue that we need a reason to be happy. I would ask, Why? You do not need to win a lottery or pass your interview to be happy; you should try to be happy, then things will happen on its own. Happiness does not need any cause. Being happy is just a choice. But, the irony is we choose to remain miserable because we have become so accustomed to it. Nobody is responsible for our miseries, but we keep on blaming others. That way we are escaping from our responsibilities. That’s the trickery of the mind and the game of ego. And, we let ourselves fall into the ego trap. We have made ourselves a prisoner of our own ego. Now, ego has become the master and we act according to it; we should have been the master, but we have become the slave!
Just like a person who wears a green pair of glasses will see green everywhere, a happy person finds happiness and a miserable person finds miseries everywhere. Remember the famous saying: “Laugh and the whole world will laugh with you and cry, the whole world will cry with you.”
Life is short, so decide now. At least, try being happy and soon you will feel the difference.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Saved not blocked......

Good morning,

*Puts on glasses and steps on soapbox*

Do you know that while we are looking at all of the things that we think we are missing in our lives that GOD just may be protecting us from worse things that could be happening. When life seems like it’s at a standstill it could be that we are being protected and when things have calmed down then life can and will continue to move. That is why patience is key. We have to be smarter and remind ourselves often of these things. We get so wrapped up in our feelings that we are not able to see the end of our noses. There is a plan and sometimes it may take a minute to implement all of the things needed to make the plan work. I mean what if GOD gave us what we wanted right now even though it wasn’t time? Things would probably fall apart. Patience is hard but we must find some way to achieve it. Most of us say that we trust GOD…. I mean it even says it on the money that we carry but yet we doubt that the things that we desire will ever happen. Let’s chill out and keep the Faith. Everything will happen when it’s supposed to happen. Be easy.

Today distress your mind and relax. Take some deep breaths and smile. It’s a wonderful day!

AND remember GOD has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and it takes a lot of Faith bit it’s worth the wait.

*Steps off soapbox*



Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Give it up, Turn it loose.....Happy is waiting for you

Awesome morning!

*singing* “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands”…..

I am in a super mood. I love the days when I wake up and there is already a smile on my face. It makes me even happier that nothing has happened to make me feel this way. I enjoy positive things happening in my life but when nothing is happening that means that this is my life. This means that potentially I will be happy every day. Now that just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. I believe that I feel this way because I know that trouble doesn’t last always. I know that events, storms, and situations are just moments in my life. It’s not my entire life. I know that I have more blessings coming my way. Blessings are like Christmas gifts but you don’t know where, when, or how you are going to get them. All I know at this moment is that I am happy. I tell you all the time that a happy life begins with you. Happy starts from the inside and then it projects to all the situations on the outside. I have things in my life that I desire but I refuse to sit around and mope about it. The reason is that meditating in negative will only manifest negativity. Get up and get into something else while waiting for future blessings. I know it’s said that patience is a virtue but when something is rushed it never comes out right anyway. Take time to enjoy life as it is right now. I am constantly telling myself, “God never gives blessings to people that are not able to handle them” and trust, sitting in a pool of negativity is not getting prepared. Let go of the negativity and open up to happy. Most of us have so much but yet we are still so unhappy. There will always be someone that has less and we should all keep that in mind. It’s up to you how you want to live your life. I can talk until I’m blue in the face but the decision is still yours.

Today put on some feel good music and appreciate just being ALIVE! Smile and know that if you keep going you can’t fail! I hope that today opens your eyes to how wonderful life is right now.

AND remember never forget yesterday, but always live for today….because we never know what tomorrow will bring or what it will take away.



Monday, April 23, 2012

"Easy Button Love"

Good morning,

I was thinking about loving someone and I decided I have to have “Easy button Love”. I have always felt this way. Easy button love involves two people that love each other freely. There is no guessing what the other wants because they are free to say out-loud what they need and the other is available to listen and work on making that happen. This seems easy but it’s not. People either do not listen, expect the other person to know what they want, are too afraid to ask, or just don’t want to do it. This type of Love requires a certain level of vulnerability. This is where the problem lies. Most people (including myself at times) do not want to be hurt or made to look like a fool. They are afraid to take a chance in love. I usually push through this and make myself take the risk anyway. I mean what could it hurt? I have been hurt before and I have healed nicely….lol. I think that if there were communication and honesty then why wouldn’t you want to take that chance? I see very happy couples and I think how do they know that the other loves them as much as they love? Well, it comes from communication and follow through. I honestly think some people hold back because they are waiting for the other shoe to drop. Maybe they need a certain amount of drama in their life. Some people do not take the time to actually see what the other person has to offer. In order to get to Easy button Love you must do the research and put in the time. You must also enjoy the moment. I love hanging out with a man and it’s easy. We go out to have a good time right? So, why not enjoy the moment? Every moment I spend with a man (or friends and family), I want it to be easy and fun because that’s how life is with me. I have some tense moments but my good definitely outweighs my bad. I am grateful and blessed. All of the love that I have in my life at the moment is easy button love. It’s relaxed and non demanding. I will give so that others feel comfortable giving it back to me. I have lots of love so I don’t mind going first….lol

Today free your love. It can come in many variations. Love can be a sweet hug, kiss, phone call, text, or e-mail. Make someone’s day!

AND remember love doesn’t grow by you holding on to it. The more love you send out the more you get back!



Friday, April 20, 2012

This or that?

Good morning,

I want to first apologize for not sending an e-mail yesterday. I had a migraine that I have now named “Blind Fury”. I don’t know what I did but that migraine was mad at me. I wanted to send an e-mail but I couldn’t even look at the screen and focus. Today I feel much better. I believe I just needed the rest.


Today, I want to touch on what I “was” going to talk about yesterday. This may seem a little preachy but I was moved by it. Two days ago, I received my daily devotional and there was a question, “Love: Is it a feeling or a choice?” and I sat back and thought about it. Then I went to a bible study and the teacher as the same question almost word for word. I instantly perked up because I just read that devotional that morning!

Love is a choice. Most think it’s a feeling but it’s not. Feelings are attached to everything we do. If you won a million dollars, it can create a feeling very similar to what you can feel with a person in a relationship. That is just happiness. Love is a decision you make. I LOVE my family. I may not like everything they do but I choose to love them anyway. They are my family. I believe when it comes to relationships we will go strictly based off emotion. It’s almost like a chess game. We feel and then we react. No real information needed. We are special. When a relationship ends, someone has chosen to remove their love. The feelings may still be strong for that person but for one reason or another, they have chosen to remove all love from the situation. You know the saying, “If you love someone let them go, if it was yours then they will come back, if not then they were never yours to begin with”. That is a hard pill to swallow but it’s true. Love is all about choice. When someone chooses to stay and confess their feelings it makes the other person feel like gold! When someone chooses to leave that can make someone feel not so great. Sometimes having to choose to leave hurts. At some point, we have to realize that everyone has a choice and it may not always be what you want. COMMUNICATION is so important. How one CHOOSES to communicate their actions will have an effect on how the other person will feel and the choices made from that point on. GOD created choice when he put the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden. HE had so much love that he gave them the power to choose hoping that they would choose him and knowing that they wouldn’t. HE is so gangsta to me….. Holding on to someone too long or too tight doesn’t mean that love will grow. You have to open up and allow them to choose you. That is how you know that love is there. If a situation has to end and no one is willing to stop the person from leaving, well we have to be gangsta enough to accept that. Just like you chose to love them, they have the choice not to invest their love. This is where feelings come in. Thoughts of why come to mind and mixed with hurt feelings can create some not so awesome choices. Now things can change and maybe they will come back but then you have the choice to accept that or not. The one thing I do know is that we should always have the mindset to CHOOSE forward movement. Do not stop waiting for someone to come back to you. If it’s yours, it will come back whether you are moving or not. Let’s choose love of life, friends, and family. Enjoying love in these places will help us choose better with whom we want to invest our love.

Today let’s think about the choices we make. Are we really making choices based off the reality/facts of the situation or are we making them based off our feelings?

AND remember the choices we make in life are made according to our sense of our own worth.



Wednesday, April 18, 2012

That feeling......

Good morning,


Everyone wants it but most are afraid of it. I notice that people talk about being in love, how they want it, and how it should make them feel. When it comes time to love, they don’t give their all because they want to make sure that the other person is giving just as much. The fear of being hurt always trumps the desires that they had to love. This is not how love works. God doesn’t look at us and say, “Well if Erica does this, this, and that I will show her some love”. No, He loves me exactly as I am. When I’m good or not so great, he still loves me the same. That’s how I love. I have that “Thelma and Louise” love. When I get to that point of love, I want to give all to get all. I desire to be as close to Agape love as possible. There are always chances to be hurt. Heck you can walk outside and be hurt but that doesn’t stop you from loving life. If you are investing love into the right person, the return will be great. I believe there should already be a level of trust. There are people in my life that I trust and I show them all the love that I have to give. I am vulnerable with them and it’s soooooo freeing. This is how it has to be in my relationship.  Love is like anything else. If you put in little work, you will receive little results. I know there are people that do not agree with me and that’s fine because I know me and I love to love and receive love. I’m not going to miss an opportunity to feel one of the best feelings in the world. Pain doesn’t last always. Believe or not the body has amazing healing powers. Think about all of the things that you have been through in life. There is a great chance that you have healed from all of it. Now I’m telling you to jump off the cliff in love but if you get the chance to experience true love don’t hold back…..

Open your heart a little and release some joy into the world.

AND remember do not love someone just because they love you…. Love them because what you two share has given meaning to the word Love.



Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuned in?

Good morning,

Yesterday I used the quote “Learn to appreciate what you have, before time makes you appreciate what you had” and I am so feeling this quote. Wasting time will have you missing out on great things. Sometimes we take things for granted especially if we’ve had something for a long time. Instead of checking in to make sure that everything is on the up and up, we tend to base it off how we are feeling or if they don’t say anything then things must be fine. Take an active role in the situations in your life because things can (and will eventually) change. These things can change without a moments’ notice and that’s when the feelings of regret have the opportunity to make a home within you. I don’t just tell you these things for you. I also say these things to remind myself. I was talking with GOD this morning and I was thanking him for sending his only son to die for our sins because we will never be perfect. Perfection is just not obtainable but it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t work hard to be better. I’m better every day because I have an appreciation for waking up. I appreciate that any troubles that I may have won’t last forever and just knowing that allows me to smile. We have to constantly find the happy in life and then take some time to enjoy it. Time waits for no one so you can mess around and miss out if you want to….

Today feel the love for life. Appreciate what you have and all future things to come.

AND remember appreciate those who love you. Help those who need you. Forgive those who hurt you. Forget those who leave you…….



Monday, April 16, 2012

What do you value?

Easy breezy morning,

You ever notice how it's always easier to believe the negative in life. Everything can be going great. We can have fabulous jobs, families, friends, and trips yet when that one small glitch happens we make it the priority in our lives. I've noticed that even when we need to vent there is never a happy ending. I mean there is nothing wrong with getting things off our chests but we should always end our vent with something positive. How can we truly be grateful if we never acknowledge our blessings? Why does “The bad” have more of an impact than “THE GOOD”? It’s not as if not so great things don’t happen all the time. It amazes me how unhappy is sometimes more powerful than happy. I told someone recently told someone that I was making my way back to 150% happy and I thought wow…. I have a great life but I’m “working” my way back to happy. That is just plain crazy…..I refuse to let my lying eyes deceive me into believing that life is not great. The mind is powerful and we have to be in control at all times. We are the masters of our own destiny.

Today let’s be grateful for the blessings. Let’s celebrate our own blessings. Let’s encourage and inspire others to do the same.

AND remember learn to appreciate what you have, before time makes you appreciate what you had…..



Friday, April 13, 2012


Happy Friday!

We have made it through another week. No matter what has taken place something good will happen today. Will we recognize it? Will we appreciate it when it happens or will we ignore it and hold on to the past? Today let’s smile that we made it through the week. Appreciate all that has happen and use it to become a better person. Pay attention to the signs that are going off around you all the time. Sometimes the signs are subtle but when we open ourselves up to more than our own feelings, we will be able to see them. I pray for clarity so that I may be able to see beyond my own nose. I want to make better decisions because I deserve a better life. I don’t want to be the reason that doesn’t happen. I have to let go. Whatever is supposed to happen will happen and I’m going to be open enough to receive every blessing that comes my way. I can’t tell you what to do with your life. I am only able to be me and that’s where my focus will be. If someone desires to join #teamhappy, we are still accepting new members….. No application required.

Do not wait until it’s too late to enjoy the life you have.

AND remember if you want to be happy……… then just do it.



Thursday, April 12, 2012

Riding the storm......

Good morning,

So speaking with someone last night they were under the impression that because I keep it moving that I do not miss what I have lost. This is not true. I’ve had two recent losses and my heart is bruised. What am I to do? Am I supposed to sit around and pout about what I can’t have? I really don’t have time for that. I can keep moving. I can still think about them and miss them but I have to continue life. They will never be forgotten but it is what it is. My Faith is stronger than any sadness and I KNOW that I will be ok. This is why I call this blog “Happy in the Midst of it all”. You can be going through it and still be happy that you are in the game. I’m still living and for that, I’m happy. There may be things that knock me down but I’m going to keep getting back up because I was created to be great!

So today let your happy outweigh your sad…….

AND remember to laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can’t change. Life is too short to be anything other than HAPPY!



Tuesday, April 10, 2012

They ain't about that life!

Good morning,

Don’t make someone a priority when they only make you an option. I know that it may be hard to let go of someone that you like but sometimes it has to happen……. Of course I was doing some reading and I found this article…..

Even though this is about men it can go for women also. Never want to let my men hanging….. J

If He Blows Hot and Cold
If you are in love with a man that blows hot and cold, girl I feel for you. We have all been there. You have this chemistry with a man, it feels returned. Some days are just amazing. Others you don't even know if he will call or not. Worse, you wonder if you don't call him, would you even hear from him or not? It's a emotional roller coaster that is for sure.

Why do men blow hot and cold? Is he moody? Is it that he loves you but he just hasn't realized it yet. This is what I see a lot. Women staying with this up and down man hoping he will realize that one day he loves her and begins to stop the nonsense back and forth stuff. Many women even attempt to talk to their man about it. Oh this is only going to make it worse, don't talk about it. Men respond to distance, not words.

If you find yourself saying "but it was so great last time we were together, how can he just shut me out like that" you have one of those men that go from cold to hot. If you find yourself saying "but I love him", you have even bigger troubles. A man that changes temperatures is not a man in love. A man in love would not dream of putting you through that emotional push pull. If he is falling in love, you won't be left wondering why he disappeared.

He could be a commitment phobic, he could be emotionally unavailable, but the fact remains, he is what he is, not present in your life like you wished he would be. It's the hot times that keep you holding on. You think if he could just be like this all the time. If he could just see how much I love him, if this, if that.

The fact of the matter is being in love with a man like this is emotionally exhausting. You hold onto how it was in the beginning and ignore how it is now. Fairy dust will not just sprinkle from the sky and transform the hot and cold man into a great partner. Nothing will transform these men into great partners. You are in love with his potential and focused on what could or should be and not what is.

If he was going to become a great partner, he would have already done so. Men don't just wake up one day more interested in you or all of a sudden in love. Men to fall in love have to think about you. A hot and cold man doesn't spend a lot of time thinking about you. Here is a hard truth about these men. His attraction for you is not that strong.

More times than not, men that blow hot and cold may not see you as his dream girl. A man would never blow hot and cold to his dream girl. He might lose her. If he blows hot and cold, you could be just an option for now until someone else comes along. A man who is a good partner would not do this to a woman he truly cares about. He would not lead her on and then disappear for days. He wouldn't call some days and go silent for others.

Some hot and cold men stay around for a long time before they disappear. I have seen men blow hot and cold for one woman and turn around and blow hot all the time for another woman. Are you the fall girl here or his dream girl?

Article Source:

And remember sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.



Monday, April 9, 2012


Good afternoon,

Men/women should be a luxury not a necessity. A luxury is like don't have to have it but it's good when you do..... a necessity is like toilet paper and if your standards are low and you don't have any Charmin you will use newspaper......

Make yourself the necessity in your life.  Live life to the fullest and things will fall into place. The more we focus on one particular thing the more blessings we miss out on.

Today do something nice for you!

AND remember you can change yesterday but you can make today great!



Friday, April 6, 2012


Good morning

For me there is nothing like some face time! My love language is clearly “Quality Time” because after spending time with people that I care about I feel so warm and fuzzy on the inside.  It’s not that we did anything special or there was an event. We are just in the presence of one another talking. Just writing about spending time with loved ones brings a smile to my face. I honestly feel like the holidays wouldn’t be great if there was no one to spend it with. I spend a lot of time by myself and I love it but there is nothing like companionship and family. It recharges me and I love it. I am very blessed to have the people that love me in my life. I can only hope that you have the same. Let’s not waste a moment of love that people have for us. I hope that you have a wonderful holiday!

Today take some time to reach out to someone and let them know how you feel. J

AND remember love is a journey…..enjoy the ride!



Thursday, April 5, 2012

Why wait?

Good morning!

This morning someone said, “Well I’m not going to do it right now because of blah, blah, blah”…. I obviously stopped listening because I feel like life should never be put on hold for something that may not happen in the near future. Live life to the fullest and when things change (because they always do) then we just need to change with it. As we know, I tend to have a hard time with change in certain areas of my life but I have found that when I let go things just fall into place. This also tells me that holding on to things will put a hold on future blessings. It’s like keeping yourself prisoner.  We will talk about all of the great things we want but will not take off the shackles of “doubt”, “fear,” and “negativity”. Let go and take advantage of all of the great things in life. Projecting happy will only bring more happy.

 I hope that you have an awesome holiday! Open up and allow in all the happy your heart can hold!

AND remember letting go doesn’t mean you don’t care…. You are just making room for better!



Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"King Kong ain't got nothing on me!

Super morning,

I was talking to a friend who was feeling sad and they were telling me how much they admired the strength that I have. To which I promptly said, “I was not always like this”. What I have learned is that I’m stronger now because of those weak times. We have to go through things to make us wiser in the future. Now, some people do not view their not so great days as a lesson to be learned. They see it as their way of life. That is the way they feel will always be so they might as well be sad and complain about it. We must encourage ourselves and believe that when something not so great happens it’s just a moment and not a lifestyle. The strength is inside of us. Most of us just don’t recognize it. I find myself saying look at all we have already been through in life thus far. If we didn’t have inner strength, we wouldn’t have made it. How many times do we have to be shown that we can get through anything? Stop letting our lying eyes show us things that are not really happening. Perception is everything. If we perceive things as not so great then our actions will follow that negative curve. We have to get our minds on the right track. Our faith will drive our perception and that in turn will drive our actions. “For We Walk by Faith and Not by Sight” is not just a quote it should be the standard of living. No one that is successful has ever been perfect. They have stumbled. They have made some mistakes but there is something inside of them that tells them to continue on their journey. I guess I will call them “Gangsta Believers”. They don’t care what anyone says they are going to believe that it will happen and it does. Not everyone will understand this thought process but they don’t have to believe because this is your life not theirs. My happy definitely outweighs my not so great days. When I began this journey, people were giving me the serious side eye but I didn’t care. “Who can be this happy all the time?” I didn’t know but I wanted to be happy and after all, that I had been through I was like there is no reason that I can’t be. Here I am almost 4 years later still happy. The people that didn’t believe now believe. They don’t have a choice. My record of accomplishment shows that I’m happy a majority of the time. Even my bad days don’t last that long. I don’t have much room for that anymore. Any fall that may happen will only make me stronger the next time. We have to be the change that we want in our lives.

Look back on your past to view the lessons that you have learned and smile knowing that you are so much stronger now!

AND remember being in tune with your weaknesses puts you in greater tune with your strengths.

MAKE IT GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Relax, Relate, Release.......

Good morning,

I really attempt to live a stress-free life. Getting upset over things that I cannot change will drive me batty. I have to remind myself of all of the things I have been through and how much strength it took to get me through those things. I am so much stronger than I know. Times when I feel so weak, something builds up in me and I have learned not to stop that feeling. That is when my strength shows up and shows out! We are not built to dwell in our missteps. We are created to be and do amazing things. Let’s not get upset over things that we don’t have control over. It’s like when driving on the highway and something appears in the middle of the freeway. We are not able to control what happens on that freeway BUT we can control how we will react to the situation. An instant plan to go around the object formulates in the mind. No one had to give instructions it’s just a natural reaction to protect ones’ self. So, there is no reason to wig out on the little things…. Your natural reaction will always protect you. Concentrate on finding and maintaining the happy in life. We can do it!

Smile today even if you don’t have a reason to….. it’s the first step to happiness.

AND remember strength isn’t about how much you can handle before you break, it’s about how much you can handle AFTER you break……..



Monday, April 2, 2012

It's ok to be happy.

Awe-inspiring Morning to you!

I am so happy this morning I can just scream! It is during times like this I do most breathing. I like to deeply inhale and exhale because it feels so refreshing. Nothing has happened to cause this feeling other than being grateful for just being here. Be happy!

Some people believe that the happier you are the harder you fall. We have to stop this type of thinking. Think positive and positive things will happen. I believe the more unhappy you are the further you will fall into negativity. My Faith contract doesn’t allow for pity parties or for me to be sad for too long. I have too much to do and GOD is waiting on me to do my part so that HE can do his. The plan is for a happy life and that is what I’m going to have. My good outweighs my bad so I’m counting it all JOY! What we must realize is that there is a plan for us. The plan never changes we do. We change our minds. We change how we feel. It’s not until we get refocused that things begin to happen in our lives. That’s why if I get frustrated I pull back. I smile and say nothing else. I KNOW what I want and I KNOW that it will happen when it’s supposed to happen. So, I am able to focus on my happy. Things will adjust and people will come and go. I’m not going to be upset because I’m not the one missing out on greatness and when one door closes, another one always opens….Let us all take comfort in knowing that we are created for greatness. Stay the course and enjoy the ride!

I hope today we all understand that life is not a sprint it’s marathon…. Enjoy every minute!

AND remember expect the best in life, plan for the worse, and prepare to be surprised by your greatness!