Friday, February 24, 2012


Easy button Friday……

It amazes me how music can express exactly how you are feeling. I have been playing this Mary J Blige song called “Stronger” for 2 days now. I can only assume that it was on the soundtrack for the “More than a game” movie. I love this song because I feel likes it’s addressing my faith. It’s telling my personal story. I have been through a lot and it only made me stronger because I had Faith that everything would be ok. I didn’t start with a lot of Faith either. I didn’t grow up in the church. So, my relationship with GOD was just ok. I knew he was there but there were times I felt like maybe I was being punished because we didn’t have a relationship. I know now that he was trying to build me up and I was blocking the path. When I needed him the most not only did he show up, he showed out! Getting through my mom passing, made me realize that if I could get through that then I could get through anything. I decided then and there that I was in the Faith building business. I know that I have said this before but I’m going to say it again…. The bible says in Luke 17:6, He replied, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you.”  You just need to believe just a little bit and things will begin to happen. This is how you build faith. It’s like credit, you just need a little and then you build the rest. Every time you get through a storm, it builds your confidence and the next storm doesn’t seem as big. Imagine what you could do if your Faith was as big as that mulberry tree….. Now you know I’m no bible thumpin’ type of female. I just tell you my experiences and hope that it inspires you to do something positive for yourself.

I only desire for you to realize that we are stronger than we realize. You may tell yourself that you can’t but you really don’t know until you are in the situation. I use to say, if my mom ever passed that you might as well lock me up because I will lose my mind. I thought I couldn’t live without her. She was my everything. When the time had come, I was practically crushed with love. My family and friends’ love held me up through it all. I was going through hell but for some reason I wasn’t feeling the heat. My HOMIE provided me with everything I need to make it through that storm. Even now when I’m having a “Karen” moment, my phone always rings. That’s why my blog is called “Happy in the Midst of it All”. You can be in the midst of a storm but just knowing that things will change should offer some peace of mind. Then you just have to hang on. Look on the brighter side and think you will make the best of anything that happens. You might as well smile because you are going to get through it and THAT is definitely a reason to smile. Just talking about things with you, I feel stronger because I can look back to see how far I have come. I can see the positive changes in me. I see how each storm has made me stronger. I use my past as motivation to keep moving and be better in my future. Life is like school. You are to learn from the experiences and to grow. If you don’t get the lesson, like school, you may have to repeat. I don’t attempt to hold on to the negative because it’s not applicable to anything in my future. I will be taking the love, laughter, and happy because you can never have too much of that in your life. I’m stronger because I have made it through some storms. I’m stronger because I’m loved. I’m stronger because I decided not to be scared anymore. I will continue to be strong because I have Faith.

Make some decisions today on how strong you will be in your life.

And remember life will provide you with stones every day. What you build is up to you.



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