Super Awesome Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This morning I read, “One poor tool, working all the time, but doing bad work, is of small value compared with the sharp, keen, perfect instrument, used only a short time but which turns out perfect work.” In other words, if you are not in a good space in your life then your work will be in vain. Every day is an opportunity for growth. That is how you become a sharp and keen instrument. Sitting around thinking about negative things is just meditating in fear and ultimately manifesting those thoughts in your life. Instead, think about things that make you happy. Create some happy situations in your life. Get active! An idle mind is the devil’s playground and he is always ready to play. You have to be the first to believe. When you believe, you open your eyes to the Happy that’s been there all along. I personally feel that I’m a great person! I’m not perfect and I am constantly changing for the better but I am awesome. I will have unhappy moments but I KNOW that it’s just a moment. My happy is right there saying, “I got you boo!” Negativity has no place here. I make it extremely uncomfortable and it’s quick to leave and go and attach itself to someone else. *Doing my happy dance*
The thing about negative thoughts and situations is you are only upset because you want them to change. Well sometimes, that’s not going to happen. No need to be upset you just have to keep moving. You have to keep growing. Appreciate the situation for what it was and become a better person. Keep asking yourself if you would continue with that situation just as it is….. If the answer is no then why are you sad? You are wasting time……Don’t be the JOY STEALER in your life. JOY is like a boomerang. The more JOY you spread the more comes back to you.
Depression, fear, and sadness come in your life with the intention of staying. They bring luggage and invite friends over. You have to be the one to kick them out of your life. They are going to resist but you have stand your ground and let them know that you are in control. Let them know that Happy is on its way and you need the room. Do you know that commercial that has the mucus moving in and Mucinex comes in and forces them out? Well, depression, fear, and sadness are the mucus and Happy is the Mucinex. Allow the Happy to wash over you, cleansing you from the negative feelings. Trust me negative is temporary…. HAPPY is forever!
Today, work on becoming a better you. Tell your negative to kick rocks! You have to be better to get better…….
AND remember HAPPY is a choice. You can become a prisoner of bitterness and depression OR you can decide to let things go and be happy. The choice is yours…………