Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Performance Review Time.......

Super Awesome Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This morning I read, “One poor tool, working all the time, but doing bad work, is of small value compared with the sharp, keen, perfect instrument, used only a short time but which turns out perfect work.” In other words, if you are not in a good space in your life then your work will be in vain. Every day is an opportunity for growth. That is how you become a sharp and keen instrument. Sitting around thinking about negative things is just meditating in fear and ultimately manifesting those thoughts in your life. Instead, think about things that make you happy. Create some happy situations in your life. Get active! An idle mind is the devil’s playground and he is always ready to play. You have to be the first to believe. When you believe, you open your eyes to the Happy that’s been there all along. I personally feel that I’m a great person! I’m not perfect and I am constantly changing for the better but I am awesome. I will have unhappy moments but I KNOW that it’s just a moment. My happy is right there saying, “I got you boo!” Negativity has no place here. I make it extremely uncomfortable and it’s quick to leave and go and attach itself to someone else. *Doing my happy dance*

The thing about negative thoughts and situations is you are only upset because you want them to change. Well sometimes, that’s not going to happen. No need to be upset you just have to keep moving. You have to keep growing. Appreciate the situation for what it was and become a better person. Keep asking yourself if you would continue with that situation just as it is….. If the answer is no then why are you sad? You are wasting time……Don’t be the JOY STEALER in your life. JOY is like a boomerang. The more JOY you spread the more comes back to you.

Depression, fear, and sadness come in your life with the intention of staying. They bring luggage and invite friends over. You have to be the one to kick them out of your life. They are going to resist but you have stand your ground and let them know that you are in control. Let them know that Happy is on its way and you need the room. Do you know that commercial that has the mucus moving in and Mucinex comes in and forces them out? Well, depression, fear, and sadness are the mucus and Happy is the Mucinex. Allow the Happy to wash over you, cleansing you from the negative feelings. Trust me negative is temporary…. HAPPY is forever!

Today, work on becoming a better you.  Tell your negative to kick rocks! You have to be better to get better…….

AND remember HAPPY is a choice. You can become a prisoner of bitterness and depression OR you can decide to let things go and be happy. The choice is yours…………



Tuesday, February 28, 2012

8 Ways to Create Positive Relationships

by Lisa H. on January 13, 2011

I am in the supermarket. I hope that she doesn’t see me, but she does. It is not that I don’t like her; I just don’t feel like dealing with her negativity today.
I have a lot on my mind and cannot deal with what is on hers at this moment. It is like her whole identity is wrapped up in what is wrong with her and her life. I can only listen to it for so long before it begins to drain me.

She comes over to greet me and silently I hope that she will have something positive to say—she doesn’t—it’s her hip that is bothering her this time. She is a kind and giving person, but her negativity keeps me from wanting anything other than an acquaintance relationship with her. She is a nice person; I just cannot take the constant complaints.

The energy of the relationships you have can make a huge difference in how you feel. If you are constantly surrounded by negativity, doom and gloom, that is eventually what you will feel; surround yourself with positive relationships and the opposite will be true.

Let’s look at some ways to create a positive relationship.

Bring Positivity
Positive relationships are a two way street. If you find yourself in a continuously negative relationship, ask yourself what is your part in it. Has one or both of you got into the habit of moaning every time you see each other? Everyone needs to let off steam now and then, but if its becoming a regular habit, it may be time to re-evaluate the relationship and see what changes could be made.

See the Good
See the good in others. You will usually find what you look for in relationships. If you are always expecting the worst, that is generally what you will find. Look for the positive in people and lift them up rather than putting them down.

Be Interested
Be genuinely interested in other people and their lives. Ask questions and find common ground. Step outside your own life and learn about the people around you.

Don’t Jump To Conclusions
Try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Many relationships have been damaged by people jumping to conclusions and thinking the worst about the other person. If a situation arises with someone else, be direct and give the other person the chance to set the record straight or explain their side of the story. We appreciate it when others do the same for us after all.

Be Giving
Be inspiring and fun to be around. Be there for others when they need you. People will enjoy being with you and naturally gravitate to you.

Like Attracts Like
If you have realized that many of your relationships are negative, maybe its time for a change. Seek out positive relationships with like minded individuals. You could try a new hobby or volunteer. Find places where you are likely to meet the kind of people you like to hang out with.

A sincere compliment goes along way. Notice the good in other people and what they do and let them know.

Really Listen
In our busy world, the art of true listening is a rare but simple gift that we can give others. Practice being a good listener and really being there for others. Really listening to others, whether it is our partner, work colleague, child or a stranger has the power to truly transform our lives and the lives of those around us.



Rushing to failure......

Easy Breezy Morning……

Question of the day….

How can more be expected when there is no appreciation for what has already been given?

Ok I know that I have addressed this subject many times before but it has come back up again and I want to talk about it.

I mean like, we will complain about what we don’t have at the drop of a dime. I can look on twitter, Facebook, e-mail, even TV. and there are people asking for prayer for something they want. I rarely hear or read someone saying, “I just want to say Thank you for what I already have”. Not working on patience is a clear sign that the Faith tank is low. Do you not trust that there is something better for you? Do you think it will be too late for you to receive your blessings? How do you know? I know one thing if the Lord is the same cat in Old Testament you are NEVER going to get that blessing. He simply told those people that they have doubted him too many times and for that, they will never get what he promised. It makes me think are we not where we want to be in life because we’ve had doubts too many times? Maybe HE is just waiting on us to chill out so that he can do what he promised. There is no point in giving us something when we are not in a position to receive it. It is during this “Chill out time” that we should be thankful for what we already have. Focus on the blessings you have already received.

This week due to miscommunication, my feelings were crushed. As I cried, this flood of negative thoughts washed over my mind. The “why’s” expanded to the point where I began to think, the things that I want will never happen. It wasn’t until I got home that I began to think, “ok that’s enough of the pity party”. This was just a moment and not how it was always going to be. I also thought that nothing has happened that couldn’t be corrected. I was just hurt at that moment. I began to run my favorite quote through my head: “For We Walk By Faith and Not By Sight”.  The crying stopped and I began to give thanks for the things I do have in my life right now. The thing is that at this very moment I have an abundance of positive things happening. It amazes me how one negative thing can overshadow all of the positive things. This is when you have to check yourself. I am human so I will have weak moments but I am not trying to make those moments a lifestyle. I will get what I’m supposed to have when I’m supposed to have it. Right now, I need to work on enjoying what I have, creating a better me, and spreading joy.

Don’t miss your blessing by trying to control something that you really have no control over. You have to do your part. Concentrate on that…. YOUR PART. You cannot control other people. If that job, man, house, woman, child, car…etc is meant for you then you will have it so chill out.

Think about this…………. If you are not prepared to handle the blessing then you will mess it up and end up back in square one anyway……SOOOOOOO CHILL OUT!

I hope that today you take some time to verbally give thanks……. A thankful heart is so much more attractive than a thirsty heart.

AND remember to go to bed every night smiling even when you have a bad day. Be thankful that GOD allowed you to get through it.



Monday, February 27, 2012

A little something positive............

Positive Relationships
By Michelle Gielan
Created Sep 23 2010 - 6:56pm

An important relationship in my life just ended... and I'll admit it, I didn't really see it coming.  That event has sparked a lot of thinking about relationships in general, and why I value them as much as I do (I am happy I do!).  Having healthy, productive relationships with my family and friends is the most important thing to me in life. What I have come to more fully understand recently are the reasons why positive connections with others matter so much to me.
Positive, productive relationships demand the best of us. For a friendship or marriage to allow both people to flourish, each person is an active participant in helping create the other one's positive future. Whether we are a friend, lover, daughter, or grandparent, each relationship gives us a chance to invest our energy in making another person's reality better. Each of us needs to fully show up, be present, listen, express ourselves, and care for the other, and that requires time and attention.  When it all works out well, and we can see the happiness on the other's face, that creates, at least for me, the best feeling of satisfaction in the world.
Relationships teach us about ourselves. Sometimes, for good or bad, the person standing in front of us can be a mirror showing us who we really are. If we don't like something in them, there are chances we don't like it in ourselves. Friendships also give us a chance to watch ourselves in action. We can, on a moment-to-moment basis, pay attention to what we are thinking, feeling, or doing in response to what is happening externally. We can plug into our life story anytime, and learn from it.
Best of all, we get a chance everyday to practice acting from love. This goes beyond doing something nice for someone. Acting from love requires us to recognize the times when fear arises within us, and work to overcome it so we don't choose a course of action from a fearful place. That takes awareness, hard work, and courage, but in those moments, when we choose love, we grow as human beings.
For me, keeping these things in mind has been incredibly powerful. It has propelled me to reconnect on an even deeper level with some of the people I am closest with in this world. I have been filled with gratitude every step of the way, and my heart is open as I move forward.
What do you value most in your relationships with people in your life?  What do you do to make these relationships the strongest they can be?

MAKE IT GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!


A Change is Gonna to Come........

Quiet morning………..

So reading the bible this morning and it is wearing me out…… So much to remember.  There is still no manual available. So did everyone just go to Moses and ask him a hundred questions? Maybe they just had these awesome memories and didn’t need a manual. I don’t know…..

Anywhoooooo…… One thing I did get is that if you keep doing what you are doing then you will keep getting what you are getting. There are many rules but if you decide to disobey them, you will keep being punished.  We all have bad habits that we are not really trying to break and because of that, we will continue to get the same outcome.

 Einstein said, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.

I am constantly in a state of growth. If I can find a better way to do something, I will try to give it a chance because I always want to be better. I think life is hard because we are not flexible. Pride, Fear, and Ego usually keep us from stepping out and trying something new. We don’t want to be perceived as weak, vulnerable, or stupid for trying. That’s fine but has it gotten you were you really want to be in life? Maybe it’s the fear of being hurt. Well we have been hurt before and we are still here so I guess you can rid yourself of that excuse. Plus, how do we know that there will be hurt? When we go into it thinking like that, you are already speaking death into the situation. When that happens, we are really saying that we don’t deserve the things that want. We might as well go ahead and kiss those dreams goodbye because we are killing them before the start.

We have to take charge. Stand strong in our decisions. If you later find that, you no longer want to do what you have decided then STOP. There is nothing wrong with making a decision and later finding out that it’s not what you really wanted. Things change and when you get more info, the better decisions you can make. You may also find that what you thought was all good in the beginning you no longer are happy with in your life. Now in this case I say work at it first. Put in the work to get things back on track because there are times that you will have something that’s worth the work. Have you tried new things? There are always new ways to approach problems. We are so quick to send each other articles on negative things that men and women do but there is not too much on how to save anything. The hard part about this is that if you are working at it and get absolutely nothing in return you may have to let it go. Here come the questions of “When” and “How”.  When do you let go? You let go when you have had enough. No one can tell you when to do this because you have free will to make your own decisions. You can get all of the advice in the world but it’s still up to you. This also goes for the “How”. My suggestion is to spend time filling yourself up with positive thoughts and information. The end of something is not a horrible thing it just means that situation was not for you. Have you ever watched a child put together a puzzle? They will attempt to make a piece go in by any means necessary. It doesn’t mean that the puzzle is ruined it just means that’s not where it belongs. The child takes the piece and keeps trying until they find the fit and they are excited when it happens. That’s why the Einstein was a genius. We keep attempting to fit pieces together that don’t fit and sometimes we give up because we think we are never going to find the right fit. That’s why I keep telling us to work on ourselves. When we do it creates a “New” version. A new you will have you doing things a little differently and thus resulting in a different outcome.

This just makes sense to me.

Today, do some research on how to achieve the goals you want in your life. Find a different way because your way obviously not working. Take time to grow into greatness.

AND remember you change for two reasons. Either you learn enough that you want to or you’ve been hurt enough that you have to…… *MESSAGE*



Friday, February 24, 2012


Easy button Friday……

It amazes me how music can express exactly how you are feeling. I have been playing this Mary J Blige song called “Stronger” for 2 days now. I can only assume that it was on the soundtrack for the “More than a game” movie. I love this song because I feel likes it’s addressing my faith. It’s telling my personal story. I have been through a lot and it only made me stronger because I had Faith that everything would be ok. I didn’t start with a lot of Faith either. I didn’t grow up in the church. So, my relationship with GOD was just ok. I knew he was there but there were times I felt like maybe I was being punished because we didn’t have a relationship. I know now that he was trying to build me up and I was blocking the path. When I needed him the most not only did he show up, he showed out! Getting through my mom passing, made me realize that if I could get through that then I could get through anything. I decided then and there that I was in the Faith building business. I know that I have said this before but I’m going to say it again…. The bible says in Luke 17:6, He replied, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you.”  You just need to believe just a little bit and things will begin to happen. This is how you build faith. It’s like credit, you just need a little and then you build the rest. Every time you get through a storm, it builds your confidence and the next storm doesn’t seem as big. Imagine what you could do if your Faith was as big as that mulberry tree….. Now you know I’m no bible thumpin’ type of female. I just tell you my experiences and hope that it inspires you to do something positive for yourself.

I only desire for you to realize that we are stronger than we realize. You may tell yourself that you can’t but you really don’t know until you are in the situation. I use to say, if my mom ever passed that you might as well lock me up because I will lose my mind. I thought I couldn’t live without her. She was my everything. When the time had come, I was practically crushed with love. My family and friends’ love held me up through it all. I was going through hell but for some reason I wasn’t feeling the heat. My HOMIE provided me with everything I need to make it through that storm. Even now when I’m having a “Karen” moment, my phone always rings. That’s why my blog is called “Happy in the Midst of it All”. You can be in the midst of a storm but just knowing that things will change should offer some peace of mind. Then you just have to hang on. Look on the brighter side and think you will make the best of anything that happens. You might as well smile because you are going to get through it and THAT is definitely a reason to smile. Just talking about things with you, I feel stronger because I can look back to see how far I have come. I can see the positive changes in me. I see how each storm has made me stronger. I use my past as motivation to keep moving and be better in my future. Life is like school. You are to learn from the experiences and to grow. If you don’t get the lesson, like school, you may have to repeat. I don’t attempt to hold on to the negative because it’s not applicable to anything in my future. I will be taking the love, laughter, and happy because you can never have too much of that in your life. I’m stronger because I have made it through some storms. I’m stronger because I’m loved. I’m stronger because I decided not to be scared anymore. I will continue to be strong because I have Faith.

Make some decisions today on how strong you will be in your life.

And remember life will provide you with stones every day. What you build is up to you.



Thursday, February 23, 2012

I ain't never scared...................

Grand Morning!!!!

I’m so tired this morning. I had a cake order last night and I finally laid down at almost 2am. It’s days like this that I wish I made t-shirts…

This morning I was thinking about how most of the time after I finish a cake this instant fear comes over me and I live in this state until I no longer have to see the cake. That made me think about living in fear. Fear can sometimes be like a low-grade fever. You are uncomfortable but you are not sick to the point where you can’t go on. Is there something that you know you can do but fear keeps you from developing your talent? For me it’s a couple of things. I love to bake. It makes me happy and makes my house smell good. When I think about expanding this talent into a business my fear comes and snuggles up next to me. I have cried, cussed, and even had anxiety attacks behind cakes. So I take a step back. The last two weeks I have been baking like nobody’s business and it felt good. No one wanted anything I just felt like baking and I already had all of the materials to get it done. Then there was the one that was due today. I can fear that low-grade fever…..but I have to say that I don’t think I will ever stop baking. I love it too much. I have made some changes like one cake a month and saying “NO” instead of stressing myself out trying to fit cakes in.

The point of all of this is that I can’t let my fear control my life. God has given me talents and I need to use them. I believe that by not using my talents not only am I doing a disservice to GOD but also to myself. You never know where your talents may take you if you keep them locked up.  I have to be the one that controls how and when I use my talent. It’s not the cakes stressing me out. It’s me! I allow my fear to put all of these negative thoughts in my mind. No matter that people are constantly praising and encouraging me, it never speaks louder than my fear. The more I think about it, I not only do this for cakes. I am working on some writing projects. I get apprehensive and all the research I have done is so negative. I just keep writing. I know that I’m strong enough to conquer any fear. I just have to stay focused and when those negative thoughts creep in I have to say, “You are not real! I am awesome!” I know my fear and doubt hate me because I fight them tooth and nail because I know that they are haters and never want to see me succeed. Oh well, I know that I was created for greatness so just keeping that in mind keeps me moving forward.

As you are finding out Erica is not perfect (I know you thought I was….sorry). I work VERY hard to fight against the norms of stupidity. I want to be AWESOME at everything I do. I want to think outside of the box. I desire to be the best communicator. I will always love with all of my heart. I will put effort in anything my hands and mind touch. There will times that I may stumble and fall but I will just keep getting up.

The fact is you can live your life or live in fear which is not really living at all……..

And remember when you cheat on your fear with happy, you marry your dreams.



Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Did you see that shadow?

Super duper morning!

Have you ever seen the movie “Groundhog’s Day”? It’s about a guy that wakes up every day and it’s the same day. Not to give everything away but there is one part where he attempts to change something that cannot be changed. No matter what he does they outcome is the same. He had to accept that not everything can be changed and that he tried his best to make it work. Certain things in our lives have a Groundhog’s Day effect. We sit and wonder repeatedly, what could I have done differently? Sometimes there is nothing you can do because that is how it was supposed to happen. There is something happening on the other side that is out of your control. All you can do is learn from it and move on.

My dad once said to me that he wished that he had helped my mother with her sickness. I sorta got upset because I my first thought was he is not allowed to talk about her. My second thought was “Well why didn’t you?” but I said nothing because at that point it really didn’t matter she was gone. That would be his Groundhog’s Day. Later I thought, even if he would have helped would it have changed the outcome. I seriously doubt it.

My personal belief is that everything happens for a reason. It has a time and a season. Appreciate your life. Value the ups and the downs because it is through these experiences that you are shaped. I mean look at me…. Most of the time divorce has a negative effect and creates bitter sheltered people. My divorce changed me into a happier person. I’m just happier about life in general. There are times that before my mother passed or I left my marriage that I thought without that situation I would not be able to go on. That is how much I made those situations my life. They say what doesn’t break you makes you stronger and right now, I am titanium. So after that I was like I can get through anything. I will never forget but my pain has faded. I have no Groundhog's Day because I have grown from my past experiences. You have a choice on how you want to live so why not choose happy? 

Stop having a Groundhog’s day about something you can’t change. Take the lesson and apply it to your life.

AND remember life is like a rollercoaster enjoy the ride!



Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Great morning!!!!!!

So, every morning one of the things that I pray for is continued help with my finances. I am not the most financial savvy person but I am so much better than where I have been. So yesterday, I met with my financial advisors and I found myself tugging at my coat and twisting and turning in my chair. When it comes to my finances, I would just rather keep that information to myself. I felt naked and venerable. It felt as if I was walking naked and barefoot down the I-10 highway. Like I went home and laid down fully clothed for a while until I felt like I was dressed again. Very uncomfortable situation. I think being judged about an area that I know I’m weak in is just too much. Now, we know that I have trust issues when it comes to people in general but I’m actually very comfortable with these two people. I have prayed for the help and now here it is so I have to give up the info to get the help.

I think sometimes we pray for things but we are not always ready to do what it takes to get to what you are asking for. I was thinking GOD and I could go over my budget, he could twinkle his nose, and things would be better. It never dawned on me that HE would send someone to help and I would have to financially strip for these people. I guess I should have been more specific and said “GOD I WANT YOU TO FIX MY BUDGET”…… So now, I have to man up because I have been praying for a better understanding of my finances and here it is in front of me. I desire a way to be more financially comfortable and free. Thus far, what they have explained and broken down for me makes sense and it seems like something I can actually do! I’m actually a little excited. What I am not excited about is having to disclose all of my business.

Now I have had other people look into parts of my finances and they tell me all the time that my situation is nothing compared to others but it’s a lot to me. Past experiences have guarded me away from sharing and thus making me make myself financially cripple. Like I said, I have come a long way. All of my bills are paid but now I have to make my money work for me and not be working for the check. In order to get the new you have to strip yourself of the old. You cannot take old baggage into a new life. Growing up with no financial education can no longer be my excuse because the tools are there and now there is someone to explain it to me with making me feel not so great for not knowing in the first place.  They are not asking for anything other than my information and they do not have access to anything so it’s really all up to me.

Excuses are the offspring of fear. You always have something ready to say when a subject comes up that you are comfortable with discussing. Let go and you will find that you can be so much better. Stop saying that you can’t have more money because you don’t make more money. Discontinue the thoughts that you will never love again because you have been hurt. Put an end to the notion that getting outside counseling will not help. Strip yourself of all the negative thoughts that are holding you back from your greatness. It’s these very ideas that have us in the situations that we are currently in. If we only tried just imagine how great we could be. Take a chance on you because you are worth it. The most successful people took a chance because they believed in their dreams and goals. Now don’t get down to your last penny but make a plan and act on it. I am blessed (once again) that GOD has placed these two people in my life. I am willing to give up all the info because I believe in the plan. Plus, it worked for them so why can’t it work for me. I am going to be better. If GOD keeps opening the doors then I’m going to keep walking through them.

Today I hope that you take advantage of the things that are placed in your life. They are there to make you better.

AND remember stripping the past makes room for a better future.



Monday, February 20, 2012

It's there.... Can you see it?

Awesome morning!!!!!!!

Last night I was watching another “Remembering Whitney Houston” tribute show. This time it was the Oprah interview and then Oprah did some side commentary. The thing that blew me away was at the end Oprah quoted “The greatest love of all is inside of you”

I could not stop thinking about that one little line. I talk about self-love all the time. It’s that love that makes everything around you ok. When you are filled with love for self, the external love is so easy to accept. You can literally suck a person dry attempting to fill yourself with their love. You have nothing to give back because you are so busy trying to fill yourself up that no wonder they leave. You are not only taking but you are not giving anything back in return. I always say that you are the CAKE and all external love is the icing. It just makes your life sweeter. If you are missing some ingredients and attempt to replace them with the external icing you will ruin yourself. That is not what a foundation is built on. You have to be whole before you can appreciate outside love. How can you ever form you mouth to say that you love when you don’t even love you? When you have any self-love you really don’t know, what love is. Everyone has a different way to love so if you don’t have your own then you don’t really know. If you don’t love, trust, or appreciate yourself then you will find yourself working triple time attempting to show love to someone else. Love is supposed to be comfortable. I like to think that love is a like an all white bedding set. Love is lying in a whip cream dream or Charmin in the commercial that will be so good to your tush. Love doesn’t come in material things. Love is just being comfortable with just being. (Hope that makes sense) The material things are that external love icing. I am by no means perfect but I love me without any doubt in my mind. I make mistakes but I attempt to learn from every one and strive to be better the next time. That is why this song makes so much sense to me. The greatest love is happening to me every day. I am uberly happy with the woman God and my parents have created. I’m pleased with the person that my family has shaped and experiences molded me to be. I can be the most consistently inconsistent person but my love always stays the same because my foundation is solid. When I have weak moments I think of all that I have been through and all the love that I have been blessed with and I find myself back on the right path. I have provided the words to the song below……

I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I'll live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all

I tell you all the time make a decision. Believe that you are awesome! You are better than most but if you don’t believe it then no one else will either. Don’t let you past dictate your future because each morning that you wake up you have the opportunity to create something better. Think about all that you have been through already. You don’t even know your own strength because you are not paying attention. You are more than a conqueror! Every morning when you wake up smile, put on your confidence, and go into the world knowing that you are loved. You were not built broken so stop acting as if you could fall apart at any minute. Your self-love is there so embrace it and build you an awesome life.

Valentine’s Day should be an everyday celebration and every February 14th you should show up and show out for love. Don’t wait on anyone else you can love right now. You can love today so what are you waiting for?

I hope that today you love yourself a little more.

And remember if you aren’t good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you’ll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren’t even giving to yourself.



Friday, February 17, 2012

The elevator is out of order..... Use the stairs.

Happy Friday!!!!!!!

So I have really been trying to understand all of this instruction in the bible….. I really feel like how does one remember all this. They want to please GOD but I have not heard about any scrolls or handbook that will assist me in remembering all that I am supposed to do. CLAWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This morning I was thinking about the “Bigger Picture”. We desire to have things in life but sometimes overlook the basic instructions that need to be executed in order to make that BIG thing happen. We do it our way attempting to make some shortcuts because we don’t want to wait. What usually happens is that you find that it’s not really what you want or it doesn’t work out because not enough time was invested. In anything that you do, you must first complete the basic steps to insure success of your goals. I know at times this may seem tedious but in the long run, it will be all worth it. In the reading, I found that by performing the basic steps to get prepared for their blessing they learned a lot about themselves along the way. People found that they were already being blessing with certain skills to help them along the way. So, when you feel that something is not worth your time you don’t know how you may need that skill later on in life. The basic steps toward any goal builds the person you need to be in order to successful. Everything happens for a reason.

Today, understand that you are already on a step and to learn from this moment. Life experiences are there to teach you but if you never learn life will continue to teach you over and over again.

Have an awesome day.

AND remember learn things from those around you, enjoy life with those beside you. Don’t underestimate those below you.



Thursday, February 16, 2012

You can't talk to me like that!

Serene Morning,

There are so many things I want to say but I’m having trouble completing the thought. Grrrrrr……lol

I believe the common thing in all of these thoughts is communication. The use of communication is very essential in our everyday life. Customer Service, Interviewing, and relationships (all kinds) are just a few situations were communication is important.

Yesterday I needed to vent and when I was done speaking to the person I felt worse because I really didn’t want to have to defend my thoughts and feelings. I just wanted to get some things off my chest. That led me back to my thought that I shouldn’t share. I should just work it out myself and that be that. I realized that would not be a great idea because some things you just need to release. When you don’t release, it just builds up on the inside. I wrote it out but it just wasn’t enough. I prayed about it but I just couldn’t let it go. I’m human. I believe the real problem is that I did not effectively communicate the problem to the person that I was in the vent. Now I’m wondering if it’s too late to address it again. I mean you don’t want to keep bringing things up repeatedly. For me I like to talk about it, work it out, and move on. I do not desire to waste any time thinking about and wondering. I have a great life that deserves my full attention.

Do you know that silence is a form of communication? Silence says so many things because it’s left up to the other person to figure what you may be thinking. Now the other person has two options. They can assume and create in their mind what you might be thinking OR they can just ask. Most of the time people will assume. L It makes sense to ask but pride always seems to get in the way. So then you assume something and it’s never positive because who thinks in the positive? Then you end up angrier than before because of YOU! The other person has said nothing but you have created this monster. Now you must calm down. You can project this monster that you have created on to this other person especially when you want to address the situation. Stay calm and address the first thing that happened. Ask for clarification. Then allow them to talk. Say nothing until they are finished. If you have any questions then feel free to ask. Once the conversation is done let it go.

The last thing I want to address is TONE and DELIVERY. There are times that what you are saying is fine it’s just your tone that makes the other person get defensive. If I’m feeling some sort of way I attempt to take a deep breath before I speak to release some of that pressure. Bring it down and octave before speaking. When a person puts up their wall to defend themselves you might as well just shut it down. You are going to get nothing. The calmer you are the more willing the other person will be.

Delivery….. I have research this so many times. Delivery can be like coming after a person with a knife or a hug.

Knife: Most of the time starts with “YOU”. EX: You use to buy me flowers and now you don’t.
Hug: EX: When you send me flowers, it makes me feel special that you are thinking about me.

Obviously, the other person knows that have not been sending flowers so there is no need to tell them that. Tell them how it made you feel and it will encourage the other person to want to do it again.

Communication is super essential to your life. You should constantly work on being a better communicator. You never know what will happen when you do.

Thank you for allowing me to vent and be random with you….. J

I hope that you have a wonderful day!

AND remember communication works best for those that work at it.



Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lasic Eye Surgery

Easy Breezy morning.

This morning my head is all over the place. The bible is getting very gross right now. I am so happy that all of the instructions on slaughtering animals for sacrifice are done by men. Thank you men. Just reading it makes me appreciate the people that handle the meat and present it to me neatly wrapped. By the way, if I were an animal I would have run away. Didn’t you see what happened to your cousin last week? I’m just saying……

Anywhoo…..every morning I pray for clarity. I want to make sure that I’m not creating things that are not really there. We tend to make excuses for things to make them tolerable. We are doing a disservice to ourselves by doing this. Why tolerate the foolishness? I feel that your first attempt should always be to rectify the situation. Miscommunication is the death of many situations. Miscommunications brother is stubbornness. Coupled they will wreak havoc in your life. Stop. Be better even if the situation is not attempting to be better. I know someone that hates to give up on things too soon and I agree to a certain extent. If you have tried everything and you are still getting the same results then maybe you are not realizing the lesson in this situation. Take a step back and analyze. Make a list of the pros and cons. I want GOD to make things clear as soon as possible, so that I am able to make better decisions about my life. Every morning when I wake up, I want to be better than I was yesterday. Asking for clarity will help me with this. Clarity will also aid in seeing the blessings that are already present. I believe that everything happens for a reason and clarification will help you sort through the mess. You will know what to keep and what to discard. Sometimes we hold on to things because of the little bit of good that you received not noticing that the not so good is outweighing the actual good. You are making it bigger than what it really is. Clarification will assist you in realizing that your eyes are tricking you.

This is the thing when you work on you whatever is around you will adjust. It’s like losing weight. After a while, your clothes will no longer fit and you will have to make changes. You will have to get new clothes. The better you look to you the better you feel. Change is not always bad. Goodbye can be a great thing. That’s why the work “GOOD” is in it. Let go of your old out of shape self and embrace the new changes. Keep the lessons and move on into greatness.

Today I hope that your eyes are wiped clean and you are able to see things they way they really are.

AND remember it’s lack of clarity that causes chaos and frustration. They are poison to your future.



Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What's wrong with a little love?

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!!!!

You know I love any holiday that creates love, smiles, and laughter. This year I was feeling good about Valentine’s Day until people just started being so negative. I mean I know that there are some people that do not care for this day and that’s fine. I’m not saying that you should love everything I love. The problem I have is when that hate is used to steal other people’s joy. The “JOY STEALERS” really have no rhyme or reason for the hate that they are spreading. For me Valentine’s Day is a day to love in unity. Be nicer to people. Speak to people you don’t know. Spread they joy that you normally do not do on a daily basis. Take this opportunity to receive happy from someone else.

As far as the flowers, cards, and candy that is the icing on the cake. The JOY STEALERS want you to believe that if you do not get these things for your significant other that you will be in the doghouse. If that’s how you feel then you should be mad at you and not Valentine’s Day for dating the bum of a person. What really kills me about these people is that most of them are in relationships. I’m like really? Really? Then those that make their significant others feel bad for not doing anything is sad. Keep it up and you will be with us singles again…. It disappoints me when people in relationships are not setting the example on healthy relationships for singles. Trust me singles are looking at you.  I think whether it’s today, tomorrow, or next week you should always show your love. YES, do not wait until Valentine’s Day to express how you feel but it’s cool to say “And I love you again today”. You will pay for dates, travel, purses, and wedding rings but when it comes to Valentine’s Day, flowers are too expensive. Do you know how many flowers you can buy with the money used to buy a wedding ring? So miss me with that whole gifts are too expensive thing. Take this time to find out what your partners love language is. I mean if it’s gifts then flowers, cards, and candy are important. If it’s Quality time then they may just want a home cooked meal and cuddling with a movie. One of my friends just wants her husband a little extra help with the cleaning. Valentine’s Day should be another day of showing your love.

Then there are the singles….. Why are you complaining about Valentine’s Day? You complain but would still love to be in a relationship. Now that’s just stupid. You are going to bash someone else’s joy because you do not have your own…. Really? GET A CAT! You should be so in love with you that you will attract people to you. That’s how this love thing works. Valentine’s Day is about LOVE. Love your fellow men and women. Love your family and friends. There are so many options in love but you are focused on the one that you think you are missing. You see you can’t see your blessings because your hand is always out asking for more. You don’t even have enough self-love to love someone else. Use this day to smile more than you did yesterday. Be happy that you are alive to see another day. Appreciate that you have people that love you just the way you are right now.

Right now, I’m super in love. I’m in love with ME, my family, my friends, and my best friend the Big Homie...

I’m blessed that I can love and I want to show extra love on Valentine’s Day I will. I’m single and there are no gifts coming that I know about but I’m uberly happy because I am able to share my happiness with others. Everyone in my office will smile and laugh because they are all my Valentines. I stayed up late last night to make treats so that I could spread joy in my office. I had brunch this weekend with the girls and I brought cupcakes (that I didn’t bake) to say that I was thinking of them and that they are loved. I’m filled with so much happy and love that I could burst at any minute! I’m going to enjoy the day listening to love songs (Anita Baker on deck) and sipping on warm beverages. Love is like a boomerang, if you throw love out there it will come back to you.

I want to wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day. I hope that your day is filled with kindness, smiles, and laughter.

AND remember loneliness hurts, rejection hurts, losing someone hurts, but in reality LOVE is the only thing that heals all wounds and makes you whole again. Now don’t you want that?

Happy Valentine’s Day!



Monday, February 13, 2012

What are you thinking?

Peaceful morning,

I want you to start this morning by stopping whatever you are doing right now and close your eyes, empty your mind, and take a deep breath. Exhale slowly. If it felt good do it more than once. Clear your mind and heart and just focus on breathing.

This morning I was talking with a co-worker about mental health. I personally feel that your mind is the most powerful organ in your body. It dictates how you live, how you die, and how you feel. There are not many commercials that address this subject and the one that I have seen is a cartoon. Why is there no campaign for mental health? It’s not until we lose someone of significance that we even think about what they were thinking. After someone is gone, you hear “You never know what someone is going through”. Why don’t we know? Why is it that we are not constantly checking in with each other? Why are we not sharing so that others do not feel as if it’s just them? They say sharing is caring so is it that we really don’t care? Maybe it’s that sharing is showing a sign of weakness. We need to get over this and save our people. When I say “Our People”, I mean the human race. Touch base with your family and friends more often. Send text messages, FB notes, cards, or phone calls just to let someone know that they are loved and being thought about daily. I know that we will not be able to save everyone but that shouldn’t stop us from trying. There is someone that has been in your shoes and KNOWING that you are not alone can make a world of difference.

My aunt and I had a talk and I found that we have even more in common than I thought. We were not talking about anything earth shattering. It was refreshing opening up to her and her understanding how I felt. I know that I can tell my aunts anything but I tend to keep my business to myself. I hate feeling vulnerable. It makes me feel like I’m running completely naked down I-10 during rush hour. I don’t like it. I am trying to be more open and be ok with it but it’s still difficult. The thing is I’m comfortable with me. I can handle my happy and the not so great sides of me. I have learned how to solve most problems myself. What I’m not comfortable with is sharing. I can share things that have happened but my current feelings not so much. If I’m happy I will be quick to say it but if I’m in my feelings I will keep to myself. I feel like why burden you with my sad moment? I just man up and get through it.

Well I’m here to say SHARE!!!!!!! Get one person, a group, or go and see a professional. Get all the help you can. Your mental health is what guides your life. Whatever else you have going on your mind can make it better or worse. Think about it like this. There’s an older couple and the wife passes. The husband is so heartbroken that he deteriorates right in front of everyone and soon passes himself. Something in his mind decided that life couldn’t go on without that other person. This is why I tell you to focus on what you want because if your train your mind to do something then it will continue to do it on its own. I didn’t start out always happy. I struggled for a long time. One day I decided that I was going to be happy. I made this decision in the midst of a storm. I decided that I was always going to focus on the blessings. When I am faced with sad, I began to verbalize all that I do have. I want to hear me say it. It’s like recycling the thoughts. It confirms that I am trippin’ and everything will be fine. Reach out to help others and yourself.

I hope today you focus on your happy. Your life depends on it.

AND remember just because you are not physically sick doesn’t mean that you are healthy.



Friday, February 10, 2012

I didn't know you could do that.......

Great morning!

I am sooooooo off task today. I mean I’m here and I’m working but I feel like I’m running behind. This is why GOD has chosen people that are allowed to talk to him (still reading Exodus). If he spoke to all of us, we would only work his last nerve. He has told Moses more than once that he will put the smack down on the people because they are rebellious.

ANYWHOOOOOO…… That’s not what I really wanted t talk about (see off task).

Have you ever been able to do something and you have never taken a class or read anything about that talent? You just know. I have a cousin that can take something apart, put it back together and it works the same and sometimes better than before. There were no classes. He didn’t purchase books to learn the trade it was just something inside of him that came naturally. Everyone has a talent that he or she has for no reason. While reading this morning the people were commanded by the God to do this and to do that. Certain people were given certain skills in order to get the tasks done. I believe that we are all given certain talents because they will be needed one day. It’s like you are being prepared without knowing that you are being prepared.

Most of the time you are given all of the things necessary to live a wonderful life. All that is required is that you put it into action. Get up and do something. Life will guide you. Those random talents will pop up and you will be able to cross that hurdle quickly. Those talents may even clear the path to what you really want to do. It’s all on you. I have said before that Faith without works is dead. You are given all of this raw talent and you desire to be successful but you have not leaped into action. What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for GOD to come and tell you to do such and such? I just told you that he doesn’t speak to everyone….lol.  You were chosen to do something else.  Don’t wait to use your talents. Get into the habit of practicing. You don’t want to be rusty when you are called.

Make today the first day of using your talents.  

AND remember talent is GOD’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to GOD.



Thursday, February 9, 2012

Give me a minute.

Excellent Morning!

So, in my reading this morning (still Exodus), Moses is still getting instruction from GOD and the people below are getting restless. They are really geekin’ out so Aaron makes a quick plan to pacify the crowd. Even though they have been given specific instructions and it seems are in no apparent danger they are still trippin’. GOD sees this and tells Moses, “Get yo people before I do!”

I learned a couple of things from this reading.

If you trust someone to lead you somewhere, why would you doubt him or her when they say hold on for a minute? I mean they got you this far. They have been a positive influence in your life. They are preparing something for you and it will be to your benefit. I mean really do you want partial instructions and end up failing in reaching your goals? Perfect example (at least I think so…lol) is Harriet Tubman. If she told you to hold on then you stopped because she was guiding you to freedom but that can’t happen if you are caught. She said stop so she could verify that it was safe to move to the next stop. There were no cell phones….there were no phones PERIOD so it may take a minute before you could go on. Be patient and I know that is hard to do at times. There is nothing wrong with getting an update but you have to be patient. Take this time to work on other things in your life. Your life doesn’t revolve around this one thing so get busy with something else. It amazes me how someone can do something you have been asking them to do and then you doubt them because they didn’t do the other hundred things you asked at the time that they finished that last task. Have you ever said well they did that but they didn’t do this, this, or this. I mean they are HUMAN so it may take a minute but if you see they are working on it give them a minute. They are getting the needed information to ensure that the goal will be reached.

When plans are being implemented and you are Moses’ right hand man then you need to hold it down while he’s gone. He gave specific instructions before he left and Aaron should have been enforcing those laws. If you are in a situation where you are in charge while the number one is gone then you need to act like it. You have been chosen. Moses didn’t just close his eyes, twirl around, throw a rock, and whomever it hit was in charge while he is gone. Unless I read it wrong…. So hold it down for your significant other. Be a support system. Stand up for them when others are in doubt. You know what they can do and what they have already done so be that strong back up. I tell you all the time that I believe in the Batman and Robin relationship. Robin can do everything that Batman can do but Batman is the leader. I feel that Robin is actually stronger because it takes a VERY strong person to let go and let someone lead them anywhere. Now if Batman is outnumbered or hurt then Robin swings into action. Aaron is Robin but he let the people of Gotham City to influence him from the master plan to save the people. (ok, ok, ok… I’m done) You are just as strong as the lead that’s why you are left in charge. Reinforce the goals. Personally, I think Aaron could have organized prayer sessions for Moses’ safety. That way everyone is unified in obtaining the goal. Just my thoughts on the matter.

Faith is believing in something or someone when it seems that there is no forward movement. Stand strong knowing that your best interest is being taken into account. Don’t always believe what your eyes are showing you because it’s what you can’t see happening that sometimes is the best for you. People and things will attempt to sway you from what you know is right because their faith is not as strong. When you listen to doubt you become rigid and attempt to implement a side plan. It’s when you let go of your rigid ways that you find that the world opens up to you. Let the calm wash over your body and KNOW that things will be ok. It may not happen the way that you think it should but it will happen the way that would best suite you.

Today do your part and let go. Check in but be easy. It will happen.

AND remember when you doubt your power; you give power to your doubt.