Wednesday, November 5, 2014

It's more than a feeling............

Good morning,

I am sitting here thinking about when I was going through my storm I was so sad but I knew that it wouldn’t always be this way. It was hard not to go with what I was feeling. It was so intense that I couldn’t even focus at times. I literally had to set up reminders that it was just a feeling not my life. There is a difference in what you feel and what you know to be true. It’s like when someone steps on your foot. It hurts but you know that you can still use it and that eventually the pain will fade. Life is not a toe but the same theory applies. I knew that my life had not always been this way. I knew that I was in a tough situation but it would eventually clear up. I knew that grief and the grieving process doesn’t last forever. I knew that I was ok and just needed to keep moving forward. I focused as much as I could on what I believed. One day I woke up and I was felt different. The heaviness that I was feeling was not there. I immediately felt happy because I didn’t feel sad. I know that sounds crazy but just the relief of heartache was enough to send me over the moon with happiness. I knew that it would come because I believe in the promise for an abundant life. If you do not believe then you will always be grasping at any solution trying to fix it yourself. Sometimes what you are going through is needed. The old has to be washed away so that the new can flourish. Let go and let it happen. Drown yourself in the love and comfort that GOD has created for you. All you need is a mustard seed size of faith to keep you moving forward and you will eventually come out of your storm. When you do make it to the other side and you are in a better place be a blessing for someone else. Sooooo many people were encouraging me and praying for me during my time of need. Now that I’m in a better place I just want to be that support that I had for someone else. It’s ok to have feelings but you have to remind yourself that it’s just a reaction to the situation(s) that are happening in your life.  IT IS NOT YOUR LIFE. The promise is an abundant life with GOD having your back every step of the way. You have to believe that anything that happens you are built to handle. KNOW that happiness is still there and when the negative fades you will be able to enjoy this gift of life!

I know these things to be true because I’m on the other side. It was a rough road getting here but I’m back and grateful!

We will always have feelings but we cannot allow them to determine our future. BELIEVE that it’s just a moment and keep pushing forward!

AND remember if you can’t move by running it’s ok to move using baby steps.



Monday, October 27, 2014


Good afternoon,

Sooooooooo I was watching Iyanla “Fix my life” yesterday and she said something that I just cannot stop thinking about. She said, “When you are broken it’s like having a crack and the broken people you allow in your life become an infection in that crack. Do you blame the crack or the infection?” Most times we blame the infection. We are quick to talk about how that person our pain. Rarely do we take ownership in the part that we played in this pain. You can’t have an infection if there is no crack. She went on to talk about “Forgiveness” and how when you forgive yourself and others then and only then can you begin to heal. I thought about who I need to forgive. First I focused on me. I forgave myself for the times that I didn’t think highly of myself and felt that I wasn’t enough. I forgave me for not separating myself from unhealthy relationships sooner than later.  I forgave me for not making the greatest decisions because of my baggage. I then moved on to my parents. I had to dig deep for my mother because she is lightweight perfect in my eyes….lol. I forgave her for not believing she was enough and the difficulty she had in believing she was a good parent. Thinking of things to forgive my father for was much easier…. Right now everything with him is still fresh.  I forgave him for not being who I needed him to be when it came to being a father and a friend. I understand that he was just not capable of that type of commitment. Once I realized that we actually were able to have a closer relationship. I forgave him for not showing me the love he had for me which in turn has me always wanting to prove my love and that I’m deserving enough of someone else’s love. I actually have forgiven most of these things already but I have never said it out loud. I take ownership of all the decisions I’ve made and because of that I can let a lot of things go. People cannot do any more than what their past experiences allow. The more you hold on to those negative experiences the more “stuff” you have to carry. Some things that happen to us are not our fault but when we hold on to that “stuff” or we don’t take ownership of our part in the situation we project that negativity on to the next person. In order to have a healthy relationship of any kind we have to forgive and let go. Forgiving is not saying you are cool with what happened it’s saying that it happened, it’s over, and in order to heal you have to let it go. Letting go is a freeing feeling. It allows you to receive any happiness that comes your way. It also keeps you from doing what was done to you. The things that people hate they actually do to others. *yeah go ahead and think about it* How does the saying go “Hurt people, hurt people” all of the things that you are afraid of or can’t stand you mostly have done or are doing to someone else. You can’t expect a different life if you are operating through past hurts that doesn’t exist anymore. Take ownership of your own “stuff”, forgive, and let go…..

Every day you wake up is a gift from GOD….. don’t let your past ruin your present.

AND remember don’t let others’ actions dictate your reactions………..



Friday, October 17, 2014

Be Fearless!

Good afternoon,

Soooooooooooooooooooooo what I feel is another vulnerable post…….

Soon I’m going to be clear…….

I was thinking about how I was holding on to things and it was due to fear. I allowed myself to sit in fear because I didn’t want to be lonely. Well ends up I felt that way anyway because I was trying to build on things that weren’t for me.  I consider myself a pretty strong woman but I’m still human. Other than when I was married I did not have a lot of lonely moments. Maybe because I’m an only child…..I’m not sure. Anywhoo…. I’ve had more than my fair share of lonely moments this year.  GOD didn’t create us to be lonely. GOD gifted us with the power of choice so that we would choose HIM and we would never be lonely. Sounds easy right? Well because we are human the fear of loneliness does creep in. We want certain things but because of past experiences we allow them to hold us back from greatness. Lack of patience is another reason that fear is able to find its way into our lives.  Then on top of that we get a hold of something looks good but it doesn’t really make you happy. Somewhere in our warped minds we decide that it’s better than having nothing. What sense does that make? That’s one of the reasons I admire kids. No baggage. They are free to try anything that feels good to them. We have to understand that loneliness is an emotion and fear elevates it. Then toss in a couple of kicks in the head in a year and you will really freak out. All along you are not doing what you are supposed to be doing….. and that’s trusting GOD. If it’s not for you “it” will let you know. It’s like tight pants….after while it becomes uncomfortable. If you don’t make moves then those pants begin to hurt. Stop hurting yourself trying to keep it. Step out on Faith and trust that GOD has your back. Think about it this way….. we all hold on to things that hurt and hold us back. You have survived but it doesn’t really bring you any joy. Why not let go and try something new? What do you really have to lose? The promise is JOY…… let go.

Wishing you a fearless life….. Let go of pain and let in love…………….

AND remember everything you want is on the other side of fear.



Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Silver lining

Good afternoon,

Do you really know what “Happy in the midst of it all” really means?

It’s like…… the day that it rains but you see a rainbow in the sky. It’s like looking at the hot sun but the face you make when you squint looks like a smile. It’s is being thankful for life even when you are hurting. That little bit of “Happy” is all you need to keep you going. It’s hope, faith, and trust that it won’t always be this way. Just thinking about it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. GOD doesn’t expect us to be perfect. When you feel like you are failing HIM….you’re not. As long as you look to HIM and keep moving HE will keep laying down your path. Trust me on this. 2014 has flippin’ sucked but yet I still look forward to better days. With each blow and every tear there is still hope. *smile* October is never really a great month for me. This is the month that my mother moved in with GOD. It’s never easy but I always make it through. I’m very thankful to have a GOD that cares enough to comfort me through my trying times. HE has provided me with great friends and family and when they are not available GOD sends whatever is necessary to aide me in this journey of life. How can I not be happy about that? Life has not always been this way and I know that it won’t stay this way. I have that little piece of “Happy” that keeps me going. I think back to when I was happy every single day. Good Times…… I know that feeling will come again. Does that mean that I won’t ever have a bad day or a day when I have a longing? No. I just means that I have to tap into that little bit of “Happy” and wait for GOD to direct my steps. Whatever has happened I am in the process of releasing because if I want those old days back I have to be free. Hands, heart, and mind open to the blessings with my name on it. Right now I’m totally happy in the midst of it all and it’s a wonderful feeling.

I’m wishing the same for you.

AND remember happiness starts with you.



Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Smackdown..............

Good afternoon,


There is this story in the bible where GOD gave directions to Moses and Aaron and the Israelites were to follow them. Well they were frustrated because they were promised a wonderful life and it was clearly taking too long for them. They wanted to do it their way and be in charge. Well they kept pressing the issue and making their own plans. GOD got so frustrated with their behavior that HE decided to open up the ground and swallow them. The point of me telling you this is that GOD has a plan for us and if we don’t let go and follow HIS direction GOD will snatch it from you and you will be swallowed up by life. I feel like I have been talking about this subject a lot lately. I guess it’s because I have been letting a lot of things go. I do not want to be in the position where I’m holding on to something that GOD wants me to let go and HE has to make the situation so bad that I have to let go because it hurts so much (although the more I think about it….hmmmm…) I also do not want to stand in HIS way making life much harder for myself. Letting go of it all means that I have to sit in the “Unknown” and wait. No one likes the unknown…. especially having to wait for something that you have no idea about. When the unknown happens we instantly react with some half of a plan. When it doesn’t work we feel frazzled and at times hopeless. Well if we were not so hard headed and just followed we would be in a much better position. Sometimes you just have to be still. Wait on instructions on what to do next. It will be presented to you in a way that you will notice….. that’s if you are focused on GOD. We are not perfect so there will be times that we stray from the path. You just have to get back on track. Let go of the familiar….because it may not be what you need. If it’s really for you then it will come back to you. Let it go and trust GOD. Honestly at this point what do you have to lose? What I have realized is that pain doesn’t last forever. Step out on Faith. You can be hard headed if you want….. it will be just a matter of time before GOD etch a sketch’s your life and you have to start over anyway….


Let go and live free.


And REMEMBER a hard head makes a soft behind…..





Friday, October 3, 2014

Blanket Blues........

Good afternoon,
Soooooo I have been in a state of grief for a hot minute now. It got so intense that I thought, “I need to see someone for some help” I attempted to call a professional few times never being able to get through. *Sign* All along every message that was sent to me was saying, “Hold on, Hang in there, Trust the process”. Apparently I am just supposed to be still and let it happen. It’s a process. I have been told to let go and focus on GOD. The problem was that I didn’t want to let go because the fear of the unknown. Not that the things I was holding onto were positive. Actually holding on was adding to the pain but letting go would leave me vulnerable. I had been trying to work on that focus but the fear and hurt was weighing heavy on my heart. Fear that I was losing and would be without. Hurt from all of the things that had happened this year. Finally I let go of everything and just sat there in my pain. Oh how it hurt. Thankfully GOD has set me up with an awesome team, daily email reminders, and even a Secret Sister to encourage me during this process. All I have to do is let go and focus on HIM. Why is it so hard to do that? That’s all that HE is asking of me. I pray for comfort and I receive it why am I still getting in my own way? Yesterday was one of those “Getting in my own way” type of days. All of the comforts just couldn’t get close enough because I was wrapped in my hurt. This year I have learned that I have to be vulnerable and open if I want to feel and be loved during my storm (and not in a storm)…… lately being vulnerable has me feeling like I’m standing in the middle of I-10 naked during 5:00 rush hour traffic. O_O The crazy thing is that the more I let go (or talk) the less pressure (hurt) I feel. Yesterday I was open and vulnerable and received nothing but love. That was very comforting. This morning I woke up happy and open. I prayed for clarity and guidance. I get to work and all my messages from GOD were to “TRUST HIM”. The first email I read was Proverbs 3:5-6, which btw is my favorite scripture. Don’t go by what you think. Trust GOD and he will guide you. The next thing I read is my second favorite scripture “For We Walk By Faith and Not by Sight”. Again…..don’t go by what you see. Trust HIM. While I’m reading I receive a text that say to be patient. HE always is on time….just not my time. Trust HIM. The last thing I read this morning tells me to be calm and assured. When that happens I will be able to endure the rest of this process. Trust HIM. Now this doesn’t say that I will not have another not so great day it just means that GOD is there and I need to trust HIM. Just hold on…it’s ok. I say all of this to you because I want you to know that we can’t get all tangled up in our feelings to the point where we miss all of the comforts sent to aid us in the process. The journey may be hard at times but we are built for it. There is a promise of a great life but we have to trust GOD. We will have what’s planned for us but we have to be open in order to receive. Grief happens and there is nothing we can do about it. There is a process in place to handle that. Let go of what doesn’t support you. Take comfort in the messages and people that are sent to assist you through the process. Be still, be open, be comforted, and be restored.
Wishing you all the happiness your heart can hold.
AND remember an uncluttered mind is a happy mind. Free yourself.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Clean your glasses.......

Perception is a mutha………

I have literally been in constant thought all year. Now that may not sound like a big deal but I feel that too much thinking can drive you crazy especially if you are not able to make sense out of anything. Why are these things happening to me? What am I missing? How can I fix it? These are just some of the thoughts that I’ve had this year. It’s like a flushing toilet…..round and round and round.  Although I’m still feeling a little lost it seems that my perception is changing. It finally dawned on me that my anxiety is high because in my mind I’m “losing” and there is nothing I can do about it. I lost another parent. I lost a job. I lost a love. What’s so crazy is that the year is not even over…… So my perception is that from my experiences this year I am going to lose and I need to battle it. Fix it. Make it right. I was listening to a sermon last week and the pastor said, “You’re fighting a battle that is not yours because your past has shaped how you see your present”. This is true because I was in a state of losing or so I thought. Right now even though the past still stings I am looking at things a little differently. Yes, I lost my father but it wasn’t like I was daddy’s little girl. I love him. I always will but we did not have the closest relationship. I tried really hard to build a closer relationship but we were only able to work with what we had at the time. So what did I really lose? It’s the perception of having parents to share my life celebrations. For those that may be a little lost a life celebration (to me) are things like graduations, weddings, babies, success in your career, awards, etc….. Well that is gone. Honestly after my mom passed it was gone. I have never shared a life celebration with my dad. We have spent time together and I have positive memories but no life celebrations. Now as for this job…… they just kicked me to the curb literally a week after I returned from my father’s funeral. It hurt because I was faithful and worked hard. I also have never been fired, let go, or laid off from a job.  Now that I look back what did I lose? I never really had the job. I was a contractor. It was never mine to begin with. I just had hopes that since I had been faithful to them they would be to me. WRONG. Oh well….. Then I lost a love……. Well that was my perception. In actuality I’m still in love. (Yes I said it) It’s just that it’s an unrequited love. (And yes I said that) Sooooo again what did I lose? Oh….I lost the perception that there could be something more. Like I said in the beginning, “Perception is a mutha”. What I have to remind myself is what is for me will be for me and what is not for me will be taken away. It doesn’t mean that it’s a bad thing it just may be that there is something else that has my name on it. I won’t have to fight and battle for it either. I will always do my part but it won’t feel like it’s just me. I have to be able to let go of what’s not mine and that’s the hard part. I believe that if I work at it then it will be for me but that’s that square peg in the round hole way of thinking. Today’s post it note on the computer will say, “You are not losing. You are just making room for the things that belong to you”. Like I have always said, “Life is not easy but it will always be worth living.” I hope that all of you are always able to find the positive in every storm and celebrate this gift called “Life”.

AND remember we can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.



Friday, September 19, 2014

Are you gon' eat yo cornbread?

Good morning,

I’m sitting here thinking that the other day I had three full conversations about “For better or for worse”. If you know me then you know after 3 times of hearing, seeing, or talking about something that gerbil starts running. Even though I am divorced I still believe in these vows.  It was my decision to leave but that was only after I was told that he didn’t want the responsibility of being married. After that there was nothing left to work on. The thing about this particular vow is that both parties have to apply those words to their life.  I do my part to love, communicate and compromise and he has to do the same. Without it then the relationship will fall apart. With me I always want to communicate so that we are both clear and on the same page.  I’m not mad or coming for him I just need clarity so that I don’t have those feelings. Not everyone feels this way and I’m I know that this is one of the main reasons that I’m divorced. There was no communication when I was married. Now don’t get me wrong we were friends and could clown around about anything but when it came to important things I got nothing. If I needed to know something or wanted him to hear something I had to say we had to go to our counselor to make that happen. He even told me that there were things that he would never tell me. Who does that? How can you be with someone who keeps secrets or won’t let you in? Through all of this I still worked on it because in my mind it was “For better or for worse” and at that time it was worse. It would get to the better side right? Well….. it fell apart. Sooooooo……… thinking about these conversations I found that “Communication” was the common element. There will be rough times in every relationship but with communication it can help makes things better. No communication killed my marriage, lack of communication is breaking a marriage down as we speak, and healthy communication saved a failing marriage. Powerful. I can say this…..I won’t be in a relationship without communication. I’m super cool on that. If he gives me nothing then I can’t invest and will fall back. I’m not looking for the best communicator I desire someone that will put forth the effort to communicate. The worse thing in a relationship is to assume. We never assume in the positive if there are no rainbows, glitter, or ESPN chime. (lol) Might as well be single and alone than in a situation lonely and lost. I’ve been there, done that, and bought the blank t-shirt…….

I will always be a cheerleader for a healthy relationship. Everyone wants to be and feel loved and it takes effective communication to make that happen. So get to talking.

AND remember a closed mouth don’t get fed…. Don’t starve yourself.

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Hard Way

Good afternoon,
Have you ever listened to a song but never let the words absorb into you mind. I mean you know all of the words but the just never quite hit you? Well it’s happen to me. I love this song “Hard Way” by Miguel. The chorus always moved me but it hit me like a ton of bricks the other day.

You know the saying, “A hard head makes a soft a$$”. That’s what this song is about. I think that this saying was made for me. I am loyal to things and people when I shouldn’t be. At some point I know that things are wrong but I keep pushing…. thinking if I love more, work harder, ask the right questions, be a better communicator, don’t get frustrated, be vulnerable, and be patient things will work out. Seems like a good plan right? Well the problem lies when I’m planning for something that is not for me. So…GOD sends me hints. I hear them but I’m hoping that it works out for me. I grind harder. At some point do get to a place where I see that nothing is working. I start to do something else but I come back to it because I begin to think that maybe I gave up too soon or it would be easier for me to work on this than to start over. I truly believe there will be a reward for me in the end. GOD then sends me another round of hints that this is not it. I can’t lie I probably ignore those…..smh because I have a plan! I am determined to make this square peg fit into this round hole. Finally GOD makes it hurt. HE pushes me out of the situation and I am devastated because I just knew that I could make it work. No I can’t. That is not GOD’s plan. I’m always praying for guidance and for GOD to keep showing me the way. I obviously make it hard for HIM because I’m always off doing my own thing. Just hard headed. Now how do I expect to receive my blessings when I’m not at the place to receive them? If I would have just done what HE said in the first place I could have saved myself a lot of heartache. I can’t even blame people for being who they are…..They continuously showed me who they were and I ignored it thinking that I could handle it. Well I can’t and GOD knows this because it wasn’t mine in the first place. I don’t know what GOD’s plan is right now but I have to let go so that I will be open and receptive to what HE wants for me. My little heart has taken a licking this year and a lot of it is due to my own decision making……BUT it’s ok. I got it now. This heartache too shall pass. I’ll learn from this year and be better with each passing day.


Just hate that I always have to learn the hard way…….



Thursday, September 11, 2014

Fill out top portion only...........

Hang in there!
Sometimes these words do not provide much comfort when you are going through it. What you really want is a solution. You want an answer to your prayers. Oh and not just an answer but a detailed solution. Most times it’s not that you are not trying to make things better it’s just things are not changing. You feel lost and your issue is plucking at your self-esteem. So really what does it mean to hang in there? I’m here to tell you it means just that…..Hang in there. I always want to fix whatever it is and keep it moving but there are times that I just have to wait. It’s not easy. We want things to happen in the time that we want it and that’s not how it works. So you do your part and then GOD does HIS part. Easy right? I was watching a sermon and the bishop said, “The hardest thing in the world is to figure out what’s my responsibility and what’s GOD’s responsibility”. Oh how true…… Hanging in there means do your part and then stand strong knowing that GOD will do HIS part. We can’t do both. If we have faith that means that we trust so we have to hang in there.  Do what you can and then stand back and let it go. How do you let it go? (I know I heard you ask that….or maybe it was me) Letting it go is just that. Stop trying to find other solutions. Stop wondering about this and that. Every time something pops in your head tell yourself, “NO” and remind yourself that GOD is working and HE doesn’t need your help for HIS part. Plus, I have never seen any random burning bushes so how will you know when GOD is trying to show you something if you are busy trying to fix your life by yourself? I know that I have personally run GOD a little cray cray this year because I was trying to fix it. I would pray for help and then not accept what HE would send my way because I was too busy trying to do it myself or it didn’t look how I envisioned it to look. Well what’s the point in asking?…..smh. Even now I have to fall back because I don’t want to force things that may now be what I need. I will never give up doing my part I just have to not be so invested that I miss what is being presented to me.
Sooooooo hang in there! You are doing what you can. While you are waiting stay prayed up, spend time with friends and family. Get in to a hobby. Do things that somewhat will take your mind off of your troubles. Be open to that answer……
And remember life wouldn’t be so hard if you let GOD hold your elbow.
(Thanks Athena)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Rat Race

Have you ever seen a mouse in a maze? They run around attempting to reach a goal. There are always a few walls and then an opening. When they hit all of the walls they eventually find the openings to continue on their journey. Sometimes it’s easy and sometimes not so much. That’s life…. right. We keep hitting the walls until we recognize the opening. Unfortunately, there are times when we attempt to make a way out of no way. We see the wall but still think that this is an option. We even pray for this wall to come down when we have a perfect view of the way out…..we think we know better. We get so wrapped up in something that is not for us that we overlook things that will make our lives easier. What’s so crazy is that even if that wall was to come down there is no guarantee that there is not another wall behind it. Then what? We end up going the way that we should have gone in the first place. Life is not always easy and there will be times when we feel lost but just take a moment…..Be still…. The answer is there and when we let go of what we “know” or what we “think” we make ourselves available to what it really is.
*Raises water bottle* Here is to being open-minded!
AND remember we are not perfect but we can always work on being better than we were yesterday.

Love you all.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Keep it up if you want to........​

Good afternoon,


You know…. I have a saying, “Don’t poke the bear”.


Eventually that bear will react and it won’t be in a way that you’ll like. I was raised to treat people the way that you want to be treated. So it amazes me how some people can treat others in a way that they would not allow themselves to be treated…… oh but it’s ok because if they keep poking that bear it will all flip on them. Maybe because the bear is not up on its hind legs and growling that people forget it’s still a bear. I had this experience this year. In general I don’t entertain drama because it takes so much out of you. It is really draining and that’s not how I live my life. With that being said with the passing of my father all of these random people began to poke me. I have never done anything to them and actually a majority of them have never even seen me angry. I attempted to ignore it and just get through the whole situation. Well I woke up at my aunts’ house and I told her that I was tired….. tired of crying, tired of the voicemails, tired of the hate, and tired of people trying to take advantage of me. She gave me some words of encouragement, a hug, and sent me on my way. Well unbeknownst to me some people were waiting on me with their pokers and when they poked me I snapped. I smooth went off and cursed a man out. I didn’t even know him but since “they” decided to send him in as the representative he got it. I didn’t bother to hold back. I had been holding it long enough. After our interaction I went back to my aunts’ house and cried like I’ve never had before…… I felt defeated. I felt like I had failed because I allowed them to take me to a place that I didn’t want to be. I felt like I’m better and should never stoop down to meet their negative behavior. I later realized that they had just pushed me to my limits. It doesn’t change how I live my life it was like a kettle that was at its boiling point. I didn’t have any more problems after I popped off. No more calls, voicemails, or Facebook messages. I am not in their lives and they are not in mine and that is how it has to be. I am still working with the Lord to break down the disdain I have for those people but I no longer have to deal with their negativity. It hurt because I assumed that they would care for me and what I was going through. I thought I meant something to them. I learned the difference between family and relatives. Like everything in life, that situation came to pass and for that I am grateful. My point in all of this is don’t do something to someone that you wouldn’t want to happen to you. People can only take so much before they move away from you. Even though I don’t always act like a bear doesn’t mean that I am not one. I am worthy of a happy life and intend on living that way by any means necessary.


I hope we are able to take a stand on the things that we deserve. Sometimes people are not able to see it and if their treatment does not meet with those requirements then we have to go. Simple as that.

Live your life like a cake.....sweet and bringing a smile to everyone's face!

And remember everyone has enough good qualities and is worthy of being treated well. Don’t poke the bear.



Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Can you see the trees?

Good morning,

Yesterday I was talking with my aunt about all of my newfound drama and how I was having a hard time handling it. She was encouraging me and she kept saying, “But I’m preaching to the choir because you know this. You are always telling people this same thing”. I agreed with her but I told her that now that I’m in the hole it’s hard to see the trees. That had me thinking and sparked a desire to write. It’s always easier to encourage someone when you are not in the midst of your own storm. You may even be able to be supportive when your storm is just sprinkling……BUT when you are in a hole and the rain is pouring you are not able to see anything.

So this morning I was speaking with a friend and I was telling him about last night’s conversation and I said, “I’m always describing the trees (encouraging) to people but now that I’m in the hole I’m not able to see the trees and it’s hard to remember what they look like. So now I need the people who care and love me to help me see the trees again”.

In other words, we all have to be reminded not to let the storms of life tear us down because we are GREAT and we have great lives. It’s a moment not a lifetime. I will not let what a few people have done to cause me grief overshadow all of the LOVE that I have received. I will instead wrap myself in their love and know that even though I’m hurting, my tears are pain leaving my body and all this love is waiting to fill me up again.

Let love fill you up.

Thank you again for loving me…….

“Happy in the midst of it all”