Monday, February 25, 2013

Whatcha gon' do when gas is too high?

Good Afternoon,

You know….. I often speak of finding a focus to keep you on track. Finding something that keeps you centered. Whether it’s quotes, Bible verses, music, or projects you need to be involved with something that keeps you from Thelma and Louise’in off the cliff. For a minute now, my tolerance for silly things has been pushed to the brink. It’s all good when it’s one, maybe two things but when it becomes 5+ at the same time it becomes harder to ignore or brush off. If you know me, then you know that I really enjoy driving. It’s relaxing and I am able to sort out my thoughts while listening to music. This has been a little harder to do with gas being so expensive. Well, I went home this weekend and the ride home started off good for me. Then all of a sudden, things changed. What usually takes me 2- 2/12 hours took me a little over 4 hours. There was a major accident and I was stuck. (Still praying that everyone involved made it through) I turned the truck off after a while and I was left with my thoughts. Watching the emergency crews, I realized that I was giving too much of me to things that doesn’t really matter. I was allowing people and situations to steal my Joy. I told myself to step back, refocus, and get back to the important things. Life will always toss you a few obstacles but it should never weigh you down. I do not give up easily and if I do end anything, it just means that I am going to go at it from another angle.  You can’t change people but you can change your reaction to their actions. All of this crap was beginning to alter my disposition. That is just not acceptable. I am not going to lose any sleep over spilt milk. Clean it up and move on. I have taken a step back. Now back to my daily routine of keeping the Joy intact. You have to find what works for you. If foolishness comes, it is to be ignored and I am to refocus on my personal mission of internal Joy. It’s my life and I am going to be happy. If someone (men or women) would like to join me on the Joyful train then by all means come on! The drive home reminded me that life could be taken or altered at any moment. Enjoy every single moment and don’t worry about the rest.  Count it all Joy!

I hope you have a super awesome day.

AND remember the best way to be happy is to let go of the things that make you unhappy.



Thursday, February 21, 2013

I got the fever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good morning,

Last night I was watching Unsung. They were profiling Disco. Of course I love Disco because it was all about dancing, being free, and just plain ole having fun! I mean even the sad songs were inspiration. All of the songs were encouraging you to be happy. Don’t let the rough times get you down just shake it all off and have some fun. On the show, they said there were many people that didn’t like disco because they were not able to dance. The thing about disco is that it didn’t seem to care. Disco invited you out anyway because it was more concerned about the feeling of happiness. To me, this is how life should be! Life should be inviting and makes you want to come and enjoy it. Now there will be times when the music skips or stops altogether but you should keep dancing because the DJ will have it straightened out shortly.

This morning my “DJ” told me that I should be dancing. Do not worry about the end of the night. Just keep groovin’ in the moment. When I worry, I miss steps and it makes it easy for the “Hater” to knock me off my feet.  I need to keep my mind stayed on my “DJ” and the music that HE is feeding my soul. HE has my back. I do not need to worry about the people that are having a hard time catching the groove. I just need enjoy the experience HE is providing in my life. When there is no disturbance in my soul is when I am able to absorb the true message of HIS music. My “DJ” has it all planned and I just have to follow. When you think about it you never go out and think, “Oh my gosh what will the DJ play?” No, you sit back and enjoy the music. I am going to do my part by making sure I get to the party with a clear mind and soul. I know my “DJ” will take care of me.

I hope you have chosen to enjoy your life. If not, then you may want to get out of your own way. The path is straight in front of you. Don’t make it harder on yourself by looking to your left or your right. Just ease on down, ease on down that road. No need to going around searching…..Like Wizard of Oz, Joy, Happiness, and freedom are already inside of you!

If you are not sure how to get your disco life started…. Listen to Chic’s “Good Times”. It tells you exactly what to do.

For those of you that already have the boogie fever for life come and shake something with me to The Trammps “Disco Inferno”. Let your boogie explode!

AND remember it’s your party so make sure that you enjoy it!



Monday, February 18, 2013

Reap what you sow......

Great morning!

Have you ever seen the movie “Under the Tuscan Sun”?

It’s story about a woman that went through a horrible divorce. Her friends are concern that she will never recover and end up depressed and alone. They send her on a trip where she ups and buys a villa in Tuscany. At first, she feels as if she has made a mistake because she is not able to visualize all of her wants and needs happening in Tuscany. As she begins to settle into her new life, she finds that everything she wanted had been happening all along.

This all leads back to what I’ve been saying. If you prepare for your blessings, they will happen. You may not even realize that it’s happening. We all want it to happen in one big blessing like a lottery payout. That’s not how it will always be. When you take the steps towards being happy with yourself then the desires of your heart will manifest right before you. Ruth is a great example. She decided to keep moving forward even when times were at their worse. Now she wasn’t happy with her current conditions but she stayed faithful anyway. Going out to gather wheat that had been dropped on the ground by the reapers she was noticed by Boaz. He decided to be kind and take care of Ruth and her mother in law. He later married Ruth. She ended up getting what she wanted and then some. The point is that you never know what blessings are coming your way. Just keep preparing for the blessings and they will come. Positivity rarely comes to people that live in negativity and if does you ignore it because you are looking at it through negative eyes.  You want to be happy? Well you have to do some things that you have never done before. Smile when you are sad. Laugh when you want to cry. Turn up your Faith when the storms of life seem to be dumping water on your life. Finally, never give up. There will be times that your feelings get hurt, your heart will be damaged, and things seem like they will never happen for you but that’s the time to turn up your Faith. I have said you only need a little bit Faith to change things. Surround yourself with people that will support and cheer for you. Set up things to encourage yourself. It’s constant work but if you want internal Joy and happiness then you need to be prepared to fight for it! Start now!

AND remember 9 times out of 10 it’s you holding you back from awesomeness……



Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Love's in the air!

Good morning,

I had a conversation with a co-worker yesterday about Valentine’s Day. All that know me know that I love all holidays and Valentine’s Day is no different. It’s about love and happiness….why wouldn’t I like it? Now society will lead you to believe that if you do not have a significant other then you should be lonely, jealous, and bitter. It’s as if you can only celebrate if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend. Really? Then you have the people that feel that they show their love all year long so why should they have to go out of their way on Valentine’s day? I feel like Valentine’s Day is a day of love. Do you remember when you were in elementary school and you made Valentine’s Day boxes or bags? Then your parents bought those perforated Valentine’s Day cards. You shared you love/like with the whole class. Somewhere between the end of elementary and beginning Middle school the rules changed. Now you have to like someone in order to celebrate. We then carry this on for the rest of our lives. What about the people that have loved you all of your life..... Do they not deserve a “Love shout out” on Valentine’s Day? What about your friends that love and care about you? They have been there for you but they are never included in your Valentine’s Day thoughts…..

Don’t allow society to dictate how you live your life. Celebrate Valentine’s Day with everyone. Send out cards, texts, e-mails, e-cards, or go and purchase something. People want to feel special. We all want to feel loved. So, take this time to show them the love! This brings me to the people that feel like Valentine’s Day is commercial and since they show love all year they should take this day off….lol. If you showed it all year then it shouldn’t be hard to show it on Valentine’s Day. It should be like any other day. It you do something that your sweetheart finds extra special every day then just change the color… If your significant other hasn’t appreciated what you do all year then I can see you being a little salty about having to do something for Valentine’s Day. I get it…. but the real question is why are you with a person that doesn’t appreciate what you do all year? I’ll wait…….

Anywhoooooooo, you should show love everyday including Valentine’s Day.  Don’t make it so hard…… You should know what your lover likes sooooo…just upgrade that.  For me, I like quality time. If you buy me things but I get no time I don’t feel loved. Don’t get me wrong gifts are nice but if everything burned to the ground and I still have your love then I’m good. We can always grind and get the material things back. I know that sounds special but I didn’t grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth. My mom was sick but with her love, I never felt that I was missing out on much. Now that she is living with GOD, my family and friends shower me with love and I feel like the richest person in the world. Just this morning I got a text from a friend praying that I have a great day. That’s love. *Grateful*

Life is what you make it and if you view it in a negative way then it will not be appealing and you won’t be happy. I have chosen to see life as a gift that I get to open every day. I celebrate everything because if it makes people happy then it makes me happy. What am I doing for Valentine’s Day? I will be sending out love and baking to make people smile. I may even wear red. I will never be lonely and bitter for Valentine’s Day. I have all of this love surrounding me…… *Blessed*

Make every day the best day of your life. Share Joy, Happiness, and Love.

AND remember Loves cures people…. Both the ones who give it and the ones that receive it.



Thursday, February 7, 2013

AWESOME morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess who is super happy today??????



It’s said that if you want something you never had you gotta do something that you have never done….

Therefore, if you want to be Joyful and happy you better try to exhaust every possible option. Don’ wait for it to come to you go out and get it! Joy and Happiness never look at sad people and think, “Awwww She/He is unhappy let me go and cheer them up”…..That is not how it works. Joy and happiness see you looking for them and they say, “Hey you, I’m over here!!!!”. I am currently dating my Joy and when we are separated, I go find it.  I have been learning about “Networking” and one of the things said, was that you need to have a goal in mind. You know the kind of job you want to have. Makes sense.... Well I feel like finding JOY is the same thing. How do you want to live your life? Well when you have that figured out it will be easier to seek. Then one of the ladies said, “Ask for what you want”.  If you want Joy and happiness then you need to ask for it….even demand it. Joy is not unobtainable. It’s not expensive. There is no waiting list. It’s already in you. You just have to find it and use it. Get up and go get it! Expect greatness and be grateful that you are still in the midst of it all!

AND remember we are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.